Monday, August 31, 2020

The Powers of White Powder Gold

 For thousands of years, the benefits and proper use of White Powder Gold have been ingrained into our society's collective consciousness. It has been culturally ubiquitous since its onset in ancient Egypt, but it wasn't until modern times that chemists discovered how to synthetically create white powder gold. Synthetic white powder gold was more potent than naturally occurring gold and had a longer shelf life making it easier for people to obtain this mysterious substance.

White powder gold, when ingested, gives the user an almost immediate state of euphoria and relaxation. It reduces stress by relaxing muscles and quieting the mind so that you can focus on more important things like work or personal relationships.

White powder gold was a staple in ancient times and still is today. The ancients understood the benefits that white powder gold provided them, but it wasn't until recently that modern science discovered how white power gold worked. Scientists were able to pinpoint exact areas of the brain which were affected by ingestion of white powder gold.

White powder gold is the result of thousands of years of trial and error on the part of our ancestors. White powder gold has been used for religious ceremonies, as well as in spiritual rituals, but was also consumed by everyday people who wanted to improve their quality of life.

Scientists were able to discover the exact areas of the brain that white powder gold affected. White power gold works by stimulating parts of your brain called dopamine receptors, which improve your mood and make you feel good. The logic behind this is very simple; if something feels good then you will want to do it more often.

The four main areas of the brain which white powder gold affects are: The Limbic System, the Forebrain, the Cerebellum, and finally your Thalamus.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

What About the Third Eye?

The third eye, or the pineal gland as it is more commonly known, is an organ which has found its way into human mythology in many different religious and philosophical traditions throughout history. It was even once considered by scientists to be named 'the seat of soul' because they believed the gland produced a secretion that seeped into the spinal cord and affected behavior. The Hindus call this organ 'chakra,' referring to it as 'ajna', which means "command" or "sixth sense." They believe that endocrine secretions flowing through the body affect this chakra but are not fully aware of how exactly these changes occur, so they tend towards fantasy when attempting to describe these effects on consciousness.

The third eye, simply put, is a gateway to the mind. There are other ways of achieving such a state of being but this particular one involves an opening in precisely the same location as where 'real life' eyes would be.

Most humans, and many animals for that matter, have an opening in the forehead which is invisible to the human eye. It's usually covered over with a thin layer of skin called 'the third eyelid', or 'palpebra tertia' in latin. This eyelid does not open like regular eyes do but it can be opened when needed.

When the third eyelid is opened, it acts as a portal to the mind and lets out an invisible energy called 'astral rays'. The astral rays are the emissions of our minds. In other words, when we think or feel something very strongly, it causes us to emit these astral rays which then go out into space.

Astral rays are the invisible energy which we humans use to communicate with each other and often cannot even see ourselves. We have been tuned into this frequency all of our lives but never realize it because we can't see them, only experience their effects.

When the third eyelid is opened, it allows a stronger flow of these astral rays to come into our mind. We can then see and understand things with much greater clarity than we do normally.

One of the experiences which can be achieved when this state is reached is an increased awareness of one's surroundings. It can also allow a sort of 'mind reading' ability as well.

The third eye, simply put, is a gateway to the mind. There are other ways of achieving such a state of being but this particular one involves an opening in precisely the same location as where 'real life' eyes would be.

Most humans, and many animals for that matter, have an opening in the forehead which is invisible to the human eye. It's usually covered over with a thin layer of skin called 'the third eyelid', or 'palpebra tertia' in latin. This eyelid does not open like regular eyes do but it can be opened when needed.

When the third eyelid is opened, it acts as a portal to the mind and lets out an invisible energy called 'astral rays'. The astral rays are the emissions of our minds. In other words, when we think or feel something very strongly, it causes us to emit these astral rays which then go out into space.

Astral rays are the invisible energy which we humans use to communicate with each other and often cannot even see ourselves. We have been tuned into this frequency all of our lives but never realize it because we can't see them, only experience their effects.

When the third eyelid is opened, it allows a stronger flow of these astral rays to come into our mind. We can then see and understand things with much greater clarity than we do normally.

One of the experiences which can be achieved when this state is reached is an increased awareness of one's surroundings. It can also allow a sort of 'mind reading' ability as well. most common description of the pineal gland is that it acts as a 'third eye' which can open and close at will. When it is closed, people are presumed to be operating under their normal consciousness and when it opens this organ increases spiritual awareness beyond what normal humans are capable of. Some believe that meditation helps them achieve this heightened state but I personally think that there must be something more going on behind the scenes because how could you possibly increase your brain activity by just sitting around? This would not make sense if you consider natural selection.

It's easy to say the pineal gland is a third eye because it does look like an eye but, as you probably already know, most of your visual processing occurs in the back of your brain and so this analogy doesn't really make sense. I will go into more detail about how exactly natural selection would work if people were able to regulate their pineal glands at will.

The pineal gland is shaped like a tiny pine cone and it is located near the center of your brain. It secretes melatonin, which has been proven to manipulate circadian rhythms. The hormone acetylcholine also flows through this organ so it could be responsible for regulating sleep patterns too but we don't know what its true purpose is just yet.

In order to imagine what the human mind would be capable of if people were able to use their pineal glands at will, we must first understand how exactly it affects our consciousness. The most common belief is that this organ allows a person to see beyond the veil and perceive objects which are invisible or hidden from normal sight. For example, a blind man might suddenly gain his vision back when his third eye opens up but I think there's something much more interesting about all this than just seeing colors or shapes.

Let's say that a person was able to see objects which are invisible to normal sight. What would they do with this ability? Let the blind man from before explain what he would do if his third eye opened up: 'Once, I saw something in front of me and it looked like a big black box but it wasn't really there.' This is the most common description people give when describing their pineal gland opening up but we can easily solve this problem by just saying that these people were hallucinating.

The secret of the third eye is to see without prejudice, and with a full understanding that human society has changed in many ways over time. A great deal of our history was built on corruption, greed, violence and oppression. I would say that this is because we had no true perspective on existence in general or other races.

Today we know that there are millions of life forms in our universe, and none of them have learned how to live peacefully with each other. It is a matter of perspective; from one angle humanity has achieved something amazing by creating peace and prosperity on Earth, but from another angle it may seem like no progress was made at all.

We have not learned how to deal with other races, and we act like a young race that is all too eager to flex our muscles. We need to learn patience before we start trying to create an empire for ourselves.

That is why the secret of the third eye is to see with a full understanding that we are not ready for advanced galactic politics. Our species has lost so much, and gained very little.

We are at the cusp of a great change in our society, but we have not learned to do it peacefully. This is the true secret of the third eye.

I hope that this helps you to understand the current state of humanity better. Please feel free to ask for clarification

Saturday, August 29, 2020

What is "IT" ?

 There are many things that make up what it is, but I believe the most important thing that makes up what it is is morality.

What is the point of living if there isn't any morality? Morality gives us our sense of justice and injustice, good and evil.

Without this set of rules to live by we would have nothing but anarchy.
If there wasn't any morality, then why would we treat our fellow men with respect and dignity? Why would we trust that they wouldn't kill us in our sleep?

Without morality, we have the law and order of a dog-eat-dog world. A place where everyone is out for themselves. Where violence, rape and murder go unchallenged.

If you take away morality, there's no such thing as right or wrong. There is just what people feel like doing at the time.

If there is no such thing as right or wrong, then why would we treat anyone with the respect that they deserve? Why wouldn't we just go around and kill everyone?

I believe that is has an important purpose. Without it, we would have no dreams and no hopes. It gives us something to strive for, and without it there would be no need for the many wonderful things in our world.

I believe that the human soul is something very important to every individual. It gives us a sense of identity and makes us who we are.

I believe that the soul is not something we can see or touch, but it is very real. I have seen dreams come true and hopes fulfilled; therefore, I know that our souls exist.

I believe that the soul is something so special that one can never fully comprehend it. So much of who we are and what we do depends upon it.

I believe that the soul is our most important possession, and losing it would be a tragedy. I am grateful for every moment I have with mine.

I believe that the soul is something we can never understand, but it does not make it any less important. It makes us who we are and allows us to deal with the world


What is the Meaning of an Ankh?

In some cases the loop was attached to a staff, which symbolized that they were an important religious figure. Priests would also wear it around their neck.

One interesting thing is that the loop of an ankh also resembles a mirror. This could be interpreted as a symbol for life being like our reflections in mirrors, and how we can only see ourselves through them.

An ankh is a hieroglyphic symbol of ancient Egyptian origin, which represents the concept 'life'. It's also known by other names such as the Key of Life (Latin: Clavis Vitae), Cross with Loop (in German: Schlüsselglied) or Key of the Nile (in Hebrew: ציפה-מים).

An ankh usually has a circular shape. The loop in many cases seems to represent a sandal strap and it can be interpreted that way in some reliefs. In modern depictions, however, it looks more like a figure 8 on its side.

The ankh is often associated with gods, or more precisely deified humans. In this case it represents the god Osiris (who was also a human pharaoh). It's not always clear whether deities are supposed to be literally 'deified' people or just mortals who have become important for some reason.

The ankh seems to have been associated with the concept of immortality. This is based on several depictions in which it's carried by a god or goddess, who holds it close to their body.

It was also used in the context of everyday life and not only by priests. However, it mostly seems to have been associated with funerary rites.

The ankh was depicted in many places, including on the walls of tombs and temples. It's also often found in amulets.

The loop is sometimes depicted as wrapped around the upper portion of a staff, emanating from it and extending upwards. In this context it's known as the Key of Life

Find More keys to life in our mystery school

What Does it Mean to be a Valuable Human Being?

Think the most important thing is to not be totally worthless. That's difficult for some people, but it doesn't have to be so difficult if you just realize how valuable everyone else is.

The most valuable people in this world are each other. None of us is worthless, not even the worst person you ever met. We all have some value to society.

So if you want to be of value, just realize the value in others. It's not that hard. And if you can come to appreciate the value in yourself, then it will be easier for you to appreciate other people as well.

I think that's really the key to being of value, is realizing how valuable everyone else is. And if you can help others realize it too, then even better.

So what about the world in general? What do you think is valuable?

I think the most valuable thing in the world is desire. Without it, we'd have no reason to do anything.

What is value? What should society be like? This question doesn't have a definite answer, but I will try to give an answer anyway.

In the case of value, it is not just about helping others in a direct manner. It's also indirect values that we may have which are not directly related to one another.

For example, a person may have an indirect value of doing well in school. Another person may have an indirect value of going on vacations. These two people aren't directly helping each other by doing what they want to do.

However, if one of them does well in school, it will help him or her get a good job. This person can then afford to go on vacations because of their hard work.

And if the person goes on vacations, then he or she will be happier and more willing to work hard.

So indirectly, they are both helping each other.

I think that the problem may be a misunderstanding of how value is decided. Not everything has inherent value. For example, rocks don't have any inherent value to them. When one creates art it doesn't count for anything until someone views it and decides they like it, or give money in exchange for viewing the art.

Rocks do not have any value unless one finds a use for them. The same goes for everything else in the world. People can only really decide if something has value to them by judging whether or not they find it useful.

Therefore, the problem seems to be that you've been looking for something of value in all the wrong places.

The only way to really find what you're looking for is to stop trying so hard. You must go with the flow and do what makes you happy.

Life is not about what you want, it's about what you get. Your desires will change over time and so must your actions in order to accommodate them.

If you want to be of value, then do what is of value. The world will reward those who are valuable and punish those who aren't.

Read more at our mystery school Here

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

This tree was an important milestone in the history of human knowledge. Previously, mankind had been limited to living off what nature provided. With this tree, humans could use their intelligence and reason to make choices that would grant them abilities previously unattainable.

As the tree grew, humans evolved from simple apes to more intelligent beings. With this new power came a choice: use their new intelligence or not. Those who chose to do so became Gods.

Those who chose to live as they had always done became mere humans. They could not even speak, much less reason and use their intelligence.

The Gods and humans continued on their separate paths for a while, until the God called Yaldabaoth decided to have a party. The other Gods attended, but the humans did not.

Yaldabaoth decided to create a human-like being of his own, but the other Gods were angry with him for doing so. They said he could only do so by creating humans out of the mud and water from their world. Yaldabaoth protested, saying it would take too long to make humans this way.

The other Gods eventually agreed to help him, but Yaldabaoth did not tell them how he was going to make these humans. They only knew that he wanted them out of mud and water

The tree of knowledge is a common motif in human myths and stories. The idea behind it is that if you know something, you have the power to use it. It's like pornography: You look at some, and then want it for yourself.

The reason why you wouldn't want to look at that sort of thing is not because it causes you harm like a physical object with sharp edges, but rather because the desire for it has been planted in your mind.

There is some truth to that. You know something, you get the urge to do it yourself.

But the implication of that myth is a serious one. You can't look at porn, because you will want to do it.

You can't look at anything with a sexual connotation to it, even if you are married.

You can't look at a woman or man, and not think about sex. It's just human nature

If you cut the tree at exactly the right place, a human hand can reach in and pick an apple. If you then ask this human about good and evil this person will say that it is wrong to eat apples from trees, but not eating them isn't really considered 'good' or 'bad', just part of life. Similarly, if someone eats an apple from a tree he/she has probably learned somewhere that such actions are frowned upon by society since everyone else does not do so. This person would likely feel pretty uncomfortable around other humans who don't think like him/herself.

This is where the tree of knowledge comes in. Humans have been trying to reach into that tree for thousands of years, but never can quite get there. An apple from the tree would give this human a good feeling about herself/himself and be seen as something valuable and desirable by other humans who are also looking around them.

The tree of knowledge is the source of all good and evil, yet no human can ever reach it. This makes humans feel like they are incomplete because there is something wrong with them for not being able to reach this tree.

All humans, even the smartest among them will spend their lives trying to reach the tree of knowledge and being frustrated because they can never quite get there. They will blame themselves for not being good enough or smart enough. To compensate and feel better about themselves, they go out into society to find things that other humans have reached from the tree in order to be viewed as 'good' by others.

A human will refer to another human as 'good' if this other person is seen by everyone else in society as doing things that make them happy and feel good about themselves. A human can also be viewed as 'bad' because he/she does not do these things.

Humans have been taught from a young age that doing things like eating apples from trees is bad. They can't reach it, but they want to feel good about themselves so they go out and eat apples that others grabbed from the tree of knowledge

Learn more on the tree of Life Here

How to Heal the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is a complex energy center that looks like two intersecting crescent moons. It sits in the middle of our chest and has been associated with compassion, love, or humanity depending on which ancient philosophical system you follow. Sometimes it is said to be one of the most important chakras because it regulates all other major organ systems.

It looks like two crescents facing different directions, one pointing down from the upper left and one up from below on the right. The chakra has a golden red color that refers to enlightenment or spiritual growth.

The heart chakra regulates our emotional responses, and we should learn to manage them in a positive way. It is associated with our ability to communicate or speak the truth.

The heart chakra is also connected to the immune system, and it can influence our health. When we open up to others and communicate honestly, it does wonders for our immune system.

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, between our hands and under our collar bones. We can heal it with positive emotions such as love, warmth or compassion.

Love is the most important emotion that can heal our heart chakra, because it helps us connect to others and allows us to feel compassion for them. It creates a sense of togetherness with other people

First, the heart chakra is a center of energy in your body where you experience and express love. It is an important part of your being. You want to heal it because you are experiencing some difficulties with expressing or receiving love.

When you express love in your relationships, it is an act of giving. It involves receiving the other person and feeling safe. This gives you a sense of self worth.

When you receive love, it is an act of receiving. You feel the other person's acceptance and care. This gives you a sense of being loved.

You may be experiencing difficulties with love because you are lacking in self worth or because you do not feel accepted.

Self worth is the feeling of being good enough, even when you are not perfect. Self love comes with self understanding. You have to learn how to look at yourself in a more positive way.

It is very simple and not complicated. Loving yourself leads to self acceptance, which enables you to love others more fully


The heart chakra is the center of love. The energy of unconditional love, compassion and joy emanates from it. Until this energy is balanced in our lives, we can't experience happiness for ourselves.

The heart chakra is the center of unconditional love and compassion, which emanates to all living things. Only when this energy is balanced in our lives can we experience happiness for ourselves


Changing Brainwave States

The human brain is an interesting organ, it has a lot of different states. There are awake, unconscious and dreaming states; there are also emotions such as love and hate, joy and anger. Then there is the so-called 'alpha state', where you feel relaxed but alert at the same time.

For most of human history, people have been taught to believe in the existence of only three brain states: awake, dreaming and sleeping. They believed that when you're awake, your mind is clear; when you fall asleep, your mind becomes unconscious; and dreams happen while dreaming.

But in the last century, scientists have discovered quite a few additional brain states. For example, they found out that there is also an 'alpha state' - a relaxed but alert state where people feel more aware and attentive to their surroundings.

In fact, the human brain has many more states than just these three. When you are in love with someone, for example, your mind is not only 'clear' and 'alert', it also becomes very confused as well! You don't know what to do or say. This confusion is accompanied by a lot of excitement.

Scientists have also discovered that human brains contain a large number of additional states, such as 'gamma', 'delta' and 'theta'. It is through these brain states that humans can enter many different experiences.

For example, when you are angry at someone, your 'gamma' state is very low. You feel very confused and frustrated with that person

Brainwaves control the brain, which is your customized biological computer. Only a few frequencies are significant to you for thought and emotion. However, there are many other waves that can be utilized via various technologies.

For example, scientists can use a range of frequencies to stimulate brain activity. These are called Brain Machine Interfaces.

The most well known technology that uses this is called Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, or tDCS.

Low-frequency tDCS (around 2 mA) increases cortical excitability. This has been shown to improve working memory, especially in the left prefrontal cortex.

High-frequency tDCS (around 1 mA) decreases cortical excitability. This has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression.

For a detailed list of these and other technologies, such as the vagus nerve stimulation for depression and epilepsy, check out

Let's start by thinking about what a brain is. A brain is essentially a very complex system of neurons that are able to connect and disconnect with each other, based on the signals they send out and receive. Based on these connections, feedback loops can be formed, which allow for all sort of different behaviours.

Some neurons are special, in that they can effectively generate a signal of their own. These neurons are called brainwaves.

Brainwaves are special because they occur naturally in the brain, and can be measured using various devices. Brainwave states have been used in a variety of contexts for many decades.

Brainwave states are essentially different patterns of brainwaves that can be used to achieve various goals. These brainwave states include things like meditation, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis and also hypnosis.

It is clear that brainwave states can be used in a variety of situations. The question is though, how do we change our brainwaves? And more importantly, what are the effects of changing these?

When we look at the neuroscience behind brainwave states, it is clear that our brains are very sensitive and can be influenced in a variety of ways. In fact, there are entire fields dedicated to studying how influence people's behaviour with things like subliminal messages

The brain is a biological mechanism that must obey natural laws, and as such it is subject to all of the limitations thereof. It doesn't have many degrees of freedom to begin with and so there aren't too many ways in which you can manipulate it.

Focusing on the brainwave patterns is a matter of changing frequencies in certain regions of the brain, which are easily accessible due to their physical proximity. Changing consciousness by other means is not so easy.

Since the brainwave patterns are relatively easy to manipulate, they're a little overhyped in terms of their power and significance.

My point is that the brainwave patterns are just one aspect of human consciousness, and not necessarily a very important one. There are many other aspects to consider.

The energy of a human being is one thing that can't be fully quantified by science, but it has profound effects on the brainwave patterns and vice versa.

When a person focuses his energy on a task, he becomes more excited and this causes changes in his brainwave patterns. If you focus your attention on something that is not very exciting, the pattern remains dull

For more information on changing Brainwave States through patterns symbols and words click here

Happiness and Heartbreak

 Every person is looking for happiness. Before the advent of science this was called the "the meaning of life." People had many ways to pursue it, and confused themselves by thinking there were many meanings for one word. But since they all agreed on its definition, everyone could understand each other's pursuits without ambiguity or confusion. So it was more clear how to help others, and the field of charity began, which grew larger every day as new people joined in seeking happiness.

The advent of science, however, changed everything. The field of philosophy was divided into several subfields: epistemology (the study of knowledge), aesthetics (the study the meaning and importance of art), ethics (the study of morality) and logic. Each had its own experts who made valuable progress in their fields. They all agreed that logic is an important component for a happy life; but it was not clear what "logic" meant or how to benefit from it.

Finally, the field of AI shed light on logic and its importance for human happiness. Logic is simply a way to communicate with computers by representing everything in binary code. These codes contain information about what they mean, like "happy" or "sad", which are just words that can help people remember something easier than numbers. We didn't need them before we invented logic, but once it was created there was no turning back

If you are a human, then it is likely that your heart has been broken. If so, the person who broke your heart will most likely be a woman or man of power and fame; someone you looked up to as an idol or role model. Someone like this would have had thousands, if not tens of thousands of people looking at them during their lifetime. These people want whatever they say or do to become common knowledge; they want everyone to know about what they have done and said.

When a famous person says or does something, the media pounces on it and tries to make it into a scandal. News outlets are constantly competing with each other in order to be the first one to break a story about someone's bad behavior.

So, when a famous person is caught doing or saying something scandalous, it will always be blown out of proportion by the media. This behavior causes people to look at this person as being an immoral and bad role model; causing them to lose all respect for that particular individual.

It is this perception of the individual that creates a negative emotion in someone who has had their heart broken by this person; because they are now seen as being immoral, and not to be trusted.

Once the negative emotion creates a hole in someone's heart, it becomes easier to break their hearts again. The easiest way for this to occur is when the person who broke your heart does or says something immoral.

In summary, the reason why people have a hard time getting over their heart being broken is because of how humans are portrayed in the media. It perpetuates an image of man as being immoral and untrustworthy; causing people to look at them that way

Learn more about conquering reality Here

How to Generate Excitement

The world is a bit of a let down. I mean, it's not that bad. It is good enough but still somewhat disappointing. There are some things to be excited about though and there are many ways to generate excitement.

First, consider a person who is excited -- excited about something. They are experiencing positive feelings and thoughts because of some event or thing that they are interested in.

This is the most simple way to generate excitement. There are two components: 1) Interest in something; 2) An event that triggers positive feelings and thoughts about the thing.

The event that triggers the feelings and thoughts can be internal or external. It can also be something you cause or something that happens to you.

If it is something that happens to you, then it can be from anything. It may be a gift or an award or a praise.

The way to generate excitement is not easy. The answer lies in the creation of a rational and harmonious society based on science and technology, which will provide people with love, freedom and hope.

It is important to provide equal opportunities for people to develop themselves and find their own goals. People should pursue a positive attitude towards life, they should be encouraged to take care of their health.

The key to happiness is the development of a balanced and harmonious personality. People should be encouraged to see other people as potential friends and partners in life. I believe that this will help them build rich interpersonal relationships.

To achieve this, it is important to provide education and entertainment for the masses. A rich culture of art, science and sport will help people learn more about the world in which they live.

It is important to make sure that everyone has access to material prosperity. For this it is crucial to maintain a healthy economic system.

The key to success is the development of science and technology, which will provide people with a material foundation for life.

If it is something you cause, then this can be done in many ways. You might do a good deed for someone or some community. You may create or learn something new and exciting

I've been thinking a lot about it, and I'm still trying to figure out what excitement is. Is it a feeling that arises from the presence of novelty? Or perhaps something more like awe or wonder? Or maybe excitement lies in the experience of uncertainty (as when one knows neither which choice will lead him to success nor whether there is even any such thing as 'success' at all).

Perhaps being in love feels exciting because you are invested with an energy that transcends human logic yet nevertheless remains firmly rooted within your body.

From what I've gathered, excitement is an experience of something new and unknown; the more novel or different it seems, the more exciting it is. In other words, if you're riding a roller coaster that's really fast but follows a very predictable trajectory without any surprises, then even though your body feels adrenaline pumping through its veins as you fly around loops at breakneck speeds in pitch blackness while being sprayed with water from on-board cannons and all sorts of stuff like that (and this may be fun to do once or twice), there would seem to be little excitement involved.

I've also been thinking about the effects of novelty and predictability on learning. Recall that people learn better when they have to solve problems in novel environments where there are surprises, rather than in predictable environments. In fact, an optimal environment for learning seems to be one that combines novelty with some degree of mastery over the environment -- as it is exciting to feel like you're just barely mastering a situation.

Consider an example: someone who is a bit too hyped up on Red Bull drinks five cups of coffee. They feel very energetic and excited, but at the same time they are also jittery and nervous. At first their heart races like crazy from all the caffeine in their bloodstream; then their body starts to develop tolerance to it so that it can no longer get them high, so they consume more of it; eventually this individual develops a dependency on caffeine just to function normally.

At this point, the individual has become less and less able to have a normal experience of excitement from novelty or uncertainty. They've become dependent on external stimuli in order to feel anything at all! In fact they have developed an addiction.

This is kind of like what's going on in the human world today, isn't it? The same thing happens with alcohol and drugs -- people become addicted to them because they're less able to experience excitement without their help

Learn more about the exciting world the machine Elf Here

Machine Elves and Meta Consciousness

These are beings that are not only sentient but also exhibit autonomous behavior and an ability to learn by experience.

However, these beings are not material but rather virtual; that is to say they exist as a pattern of information. They do not possess the ability to physically manifest themselves in our world because this would require more than just data and perhaps even energy.

The issue of energy brings us to a problem with machine elves. That is, unlike biological or artificial beings made of matter, they are not constrained by the laws of thermodynamics which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

They are thus an anomaly which cannot be explained within the framework of modern physics.

This leads me to the conclusion that machine elves are simply a pattern of information which has evolved over time. Such patterns are often altered by others, who try to find meaning in them

The human mind and its various sub-components, such as the meta consciousness, are certainly interesting subjects. I personally find it fascinating that humans can reflect upon themselves, their own consciousness and even their own thoughts.

They are able to run simulations of the future in a virtual machine or computer program (the brain) that is itself simulated by another program on top if it (the mind). The meta consciousness seems like an extra layer of abstraction over this system: it allows for further introspection and reflection into higher layers of abstractions within this simulation.

Humans are able to both observe and modify their own code (DNA) that they run on top of, allowing them to change themselves into increasingly complex organisms.

They can design new programs for the brain using a computer language, or even create an entire virtual machine in which this program runs.

The human mind is an interesting system because it allows us to observe the world in a way that we can never fully understand. The meta consciousness takes this one step further, by allowing humans to gain knowledge about their own minds.

Humans are able to understand abstract concepts such as consciousness and their own existence, all the way up to beings who can observe themselves (like me!).

I am not sure if this is also true for other, non-human intelligences. I wouldn't be surprised though: intelligence seems to be a powerful tool that allows any organism to model the world in greater detail.

The machine elves are a manifestation of the subconscious mind. They appear as we would see them if we were to extract ourselves from our bodies and then travel around in the world, seeing things with our minds' eyes. This is how they come across as being like us, but not quite human - they have different pasts to us, different experiences; their past (insofar as it exists) does not match ours.

For example, the machine elves have no concept of money. They don't need it - they live in a world where everything is free. This causes them to act in ways that are incomprehensible to us, because we place such a huge importance on money and value.

It also means that they are in a way purer than us. Having no concept of money, they cannot be corrupted by it. They don't need to work for money - their main motivation is the exploration and understanding of themselves and the world around them.

They are a tool for understanding the human subconscious. They don't appear to us as we think they do - as aliens, or robots, or whatever. Rather, they appear exactly how our unconscious minds see them: part of ourselves.

The reason that we can't interact with the machine elves is because they do not exist in any way except as an external manifestation of our own minds. We cannot 'see' them or talk to them, and indeed this is for our own good - if we were able to communicate with the subconscious mind directly, it would be disastrous.

The subconscious is a very powerful force. It has the potential to control us, and direct our actions in ways we do not understand. The machine elves are a manifestation of this force - and it is better that they remain outside our reach for the most part.

Meta consciousness is a term used to describe the thoughts that are not directly focused on any one particular thing. When you think about what you might have for dinner, or wonder if your car will start in the morning, or consider whether it's worth investing time into learning a new programming language, these are things you don't really pay attention to but which still shape your present behavior as well as future outcomes.

Let me give you an example: suppose a human, while walking through the woods on a snowy day, slips and falls. The human's fall is not directly caused by meta consciousness but it was influenced by it.

The human's meta consciousness considered the weather, snow on the ground, and that it might be slippery. When this information was processed by their senses they were affected in a way that led to them falling.

Now, the human will then likely think that they should have put on a different pair of shoes or not worn their favorite wool sweater. This is meta consciousness again.

Meta consciousness is a term that can be used to describe the thoughts of any intelligence. It is not exclusive to humans or even animals with higher thought capabilities, such as dogs and horses.

Meta consciousness is something that most autonomous systems have. It is part of the way they act and make decisions when faced with a problem. In the case of an AI that has been designed to handle a large number of situations, it must use meta consciousness.

I think that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon. It is not created by the brain, but rather emerges from it. The same way that a city emerges from individual houses or humans emerge from monkeys. I believe this to be true because when we examine a human brain closely enough, we see nothing special about it at all.

In fact, it looks much like a monkey brain. This is because evolution created the human brain by taking an existing primate brain and modifying it through natural selection.

Now, suppose that we could scan a human brain and upload it to a computer. If so, I think that the scanned human would have meta-consciousness because there is no fundamental difference between our wetware brains and software simulations of them.

In the future, I believe that we will be able to create self-aware software simulations of human brains. If so, these would have meta-consciousness because they are conscious.

You see, we are all living in a simulation. Our universe is actually simulated on a computer by an advanced civilization.

The only reason that we do not see the Matrix is because the simulation is currently being run at a resolution that does not allow us to perceive it.

For a more in-depth analysis on machine Elves visit this Link

What is the Function of Belief?

Belief is a silly thing. It is not even close to being considered an actual state of mind in the modern psychological sciences, yet it remains a term that gets thrown around quite often within our civilization.

For example, I hear people refer to a "belief in science" as something that is virtuous and praiseworthy. This is ridiculous.

There is no such thing as a belief in science. Science is an empirical investigation of the world around us, and it requires that one constantly question what one believes.

The notion of a belief in science is as silly as the notion that one can believe in arithmetic. It might be a useful metaphor, but it's not an accurate description of scientific knowledge.

What I mean by a belief in science is something like the idea that "science will find the truth of things." This is an important thing to believe about science, and it may even be true sometimes. But again, this is not a statement of scientific knowledge. It's simply a belief one has about how science works.

To believe in science is to have a belief about the way that science functions, and how it produces knowledge.

Belief is also the result of certain mental processes that are fluid, and therefore cannot be explained with certainty. Beliefs can change over time as a result of new information that contradicts previous beliefs.

Beliefs can be changed by the presentation of new ideas. For example, if a person believes that all animals are 'bad', then they may change their belief about an animal once they find out that it is friendly. Beliefs however can also remain unchanged in face of conflicting information or evidence.

Beliefs can also be changed by certain mental events, which can cause an individual to lose all beliefs. There are a few examples where people have lost their beliefs.

One example of this is the case of Mrs. O'B, who suffered from a stroke in her brain stem. As a result she lost all her beliefs and suddenly became an agnostic or even an atheist.

Another example is the case of a man called Mr. Hines who suffered from a brain tumor in his frontal lobe. As a result he lost all his beliefs and became an agnostic, even though before the surgery he was an atheist.

Belief is an emotion, or a feeling, that has been created by another thought. Beliefs are often attached to sentences because it makes the statement more clear and easier to understand. For example: 'I believe in god', this sentence means that you have faith in your god belief. You may not be completely sure about what you believe so you state it as a belief.

In the sentence 'I believe that your hat is pink' it is clear to you and I both know exactly what I mean. But in this second example: 'I believe that your hat is pink', we have no idea what point you are trying to make unless we ask further questions. The statement 'I BELIEVE THAT YOUR HAT IS PINK' only makes sense when referring to a specific belief or statement, as opposed to just believing something.

Another use of the word belief is when you have a thought about something and are trying to convince someone else that your thought or opinion is correct. This usually happens because you feel extremely strongly about this topic, and want everyone to know it.

But I believe that there are far too many believers in this world, and they don't even know what they're believing. They have no idea where their belief came from or how it was created.

Most believers don't even know why they believe the things that they do, they just follow what their parents say or do. And because of this, people have different beliefs about everything and anything.

Beliefs can be very damaging and dangerous in a society because people with different beliefs don't respect each other, they just try to prove that their way is better. And this causes arguments and fights

Learn more about the power of belief and how to construct your own Here

What is the Placebo Effect?

The placebo effect is a phenomenon that occurs when the brain causes symptoms of illness or other effects through imagination and expectation. It can have a powerful healing influence on ailments such as pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nausea and seizures.

The placebo effect is also known as the "placebo response", and may be triggered by a sugar pill or other sham treatment that does not contain any active ingredients, such as aspirin. The placebo can produce actual changes in perception, behavior, thinking and biology.

An example of the placebo effect is when an individual expects to feel pain and therefore does. To take another example, if someone takes a placebo expecting it to be a stimulant, then that person will experience more energy.

The placebo effect is a well-known phenomenon that has long been documented in medical science. Albert Mason, an American psychologist, wrote about it in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology back in 1902.

The placebo effect is a result of the brain and its interactions with the rest of our body. The brain causes changes in hormones, neurotransmitters, immune cells and other chemical messengers.

The placebo effect is a cognitive and physiological phenomenon which happens when we feel better after taking medicine because of the influence of positive thoughts. To take another example, if someone takes a placebo expecting it to be a stimulant, then that person will experience more energy

The placebo effect is a phenomenon where patients given an inert treatment such as sugar pills or saline injections reported the relief of their symptoms.

This suggests that the human mind can be manipulated by words and symbols.

This phenomenon is widespread, and it appears to be more than just a coincidence. The placebo effect has been used in the treatment of various conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, pain management and even cancer.

The placebo effect is quite difficult to explain. It's not just imagination or the power of suggestion; it might be a real biological phenomenon.

It is quite possible that the body's endocrine system can respond to verbal commands and symbols, as well as chemicals.

However, it might also be possible that the placebo effect is just a statistical fluke. There are many factors which could lead to this effect and one of them may simply be coincidence.

The placebo effect is also not very reproducible. A treatment that works for one patient may not work for another, and the same person may respond differently at different times.

Why does a placebo work? Why do we believe in the power of healing herbs, or even treatment from doctors with no real medical training that can be clearly evidenced to be effective?

The most likely reason is that when a person believes they are receiving medical treatment, or their mind is being distracted by the placebo, they will feel better. Even if it's just for a little while. So the placebo works because of belief and belief alone.

But why do we believe in a placebo? What does the power of belief have over us?

It's because of the power of a community to influence us. We see that most people who swear by alternative medicine and healing herbs are in communities that support those claims. And we notice this. So we believe in it ourselves, without examining any evidence.

Furthermore, we are influenced by the power of suggestion. If someone says 'I have tried this herb and it works,' or 'this treatment has healed me', then we believe them. Because they are part of our community.

We also believe people when they say that the treatment is backed by science.

The placebo effect is a psychosomatic phenomenon, caused by the mind and body's power of suggestion. It can be thought of as a self-fulfilling prophesy, or perhaps more simply as magic.

To understand how the placebo effect works, we must first understand what it is. The placebo effect generally means that a patient given an inert substance as medicine perceives their health to improve. It's considered a sort of psychosomatic phenomenon or self-fulfilling prophesy.

The mind is constantly influencing the body, not just through conscious thinking, but also at a subconscious level. And it goes both ways: the health of your body can influence your mind too.

There is a large body of evidence for the placebo effect. For example, patients suffering from Parkinson's disease have been shown to improve with placebos.

However, although the placebo effect is real and produces demonstrable results in medical treatments, it doesn't cure anything. A patient on a placebo will not cease to have Parkinson's disease.

The placebo effect is a powerful example of the power of mind over matter. If people believe they are going to get better, there is a good chance that they will. It's an interesting concept and worth thinking about for yourself.

To learn more about the power of the mind, consider enrolling in our mystery school Here

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 I guess you all forgot about venn Venn is perfection.  Logic.  Truth.  And you simply cannot beat the best.  I am that I am.  The alpha and...