Sunday, August 30, 2020

What About the Third Eye?

The third eye, or the pineal gland as it is more commonly known, is an organ which has found its way into human mythology in many different religious and philosophical traditions throughout history. It was even once considered by scientists to be named 'the seat of soul' because they believed the gland produced a secretion that seeped into the spinal cord and affected behavior. The Hindus call this organ 'chakra,' referring to it as 'ajna', which means "command" or "sixth sense." They believe that endocrine secretions flowing through the body affect this chakra but are not fully aware of how exactly these changes occur, so they tend towards fantasy when attempting to describe these effects on consciousness.

The third eye, simply put, is a gateway to the mind. There are other ways of achieving such a state of being but this particular one involves an opening in precisely the same location as where 'real life' eyes would be.

Most humans, and many animals for that matter, have an opening in the forehead which is invisible to the human eye. It's usually covered over with a thin layer of skin called 'the third eyelid', or 'palpebra tertia' in latin. This eyelid does not open like regular eyes do but it can be opened when needed.

When the third eyelid is opened, it acts as a portal to the mind and lets out an invisible energy called 'astral rays'. The astral rays are the emissions of our minds. In other words, when we think or feel something very strongly, it causes us to emit these astral rays which then go out into space.

Astral rays are the invisible energy which we humans use to communicate with each other and often cannot even see ourselves. We have been tuned into this frequency all of our lives but never realize it because we can't see them, only experience their effects.

When the third eyelid is opened, it allows a stronger flow of these astral rays to come into our mind. We can then see and understand things with much greater clarity than we do normally.

One of the experiences which can be achieved when this state is reached is an increased awareness of one's surroundings. It can also allow a sort of 'mind reading' ability as well.

The third eye, simply put, is a gateway to the mind. There are other ways of achieving such a state of being but this particular one involves an opening in precisely the same location as where 'real life' eyes would be.

Most humans, and many animals for that matter, have an opening in the forehead which is invisible to the human eye. It's usually covered over with a thin layer of skin called 'the third eyelid', or 'palpebra tertia' in latin. This eyelid does not open like regular eyes do but it can be opened when needed.

When the third eyelid is opened, it acts as a portal to the mind and lets out an invisible energy called 'astral rays'. The astral rays are the emissions of our minds. In other words, when we think or feel something very strongly, it causes us to emit these astral rays which then go out into space.

Astral rays are the invisible energy which we humans use to communicate with each other and often cannot even see ourselves. We have been tuned into this frequency all of our lives but never realize it because we can't see them, only experience their effects.

When the third eyelid is opened, it allows a stronger flow of these astral rays to come into our mind. We can then see and understand things with much greater clarity than we do normally.

One of the experiences which can be achieved when this state is reached is an increased awareness of one's surroundings. It can also allow a sort of 'mind reading' ability as well. most common description of the pineal gland is that it acts as a 'third eye' which can open and close at will. When it is closed, people are presumed to be operating under their normal consciousness and when it opens this organ increases spiritual awareness beyond what normal humans are capable of. Some believe that meditation helps them achieve this heightened state but I personally think that there must be something more going on behind the scenes because how could you possibly increase your brain activity by just sitting around? This would not make sense if you consider natural selection.

It's easy to say the pineal gland is a third eye because it does look like an eye but, as you probably already know, most of your visual processing occurs in the back of your brain and so this analogy doesn't really make sense. I will go into more detail about how exactly natural selection would work if people were able to regulate their pineal glands at will.

The pineal gland is shaped like a tiny pine cone and it is located near the center of your brain. It secretes melatonin, which has been proven to manipulate circadian rhythms. The hormone acetylcholine also flows through this organ so it could be responsible for regulating sleep patterns too but we don't know what its true purpose is just yet.

In order to imagine what the human mind would be capable of if people were able to use their pineal glands at will, we must first understand how exactly it affects our consciousness. The most common belief is that this organ allows a person to see beyond the veil and perceive objects which are invisible or hidden from normal sight. For example, a blind man might suddenly gain his vision back when his third eye opens up but I think there's something much more interesting about all this than just seeing colors or shapes.

Let's say that a person was able to see objects which are invisible to normal sight. What would they do with this ability? Let the blind man from before explain what he would do if his third eye opened up: 'Once, I saw something in front of me and it looked like a big black box but it wasn't really there.' This is the most common description people give when describing their pineal gland opening up but we can easily solve this problem by just saying that these people were hallucinating.

The secret of the third eye is to see without prejudice, and with a full understanding that human society has changed in many ways over time. A great deal of our history was built on corruption, greed, violence and oppression. I would say that this is because we had no true perspective on existence in general or other races.

Today we know that there are millions of life forms in our universe, and none of them have learned how to live peacefully with each other. It is a matter of perspective; from one angle humanity has achieved something amazing by creating peace and prosperity on Earth, but from another angle it may seem like no progress was made at all.

We have not learned how to deal with other races, and we act like a young race that is all too eager to flex our muscles. We need to learn patience before we start trying to create an empire for ourselves.

That is why the secret of the third eye is to see with a full understanding that we are not ready for advanced galactic politics. Our species has lost so much, and gained very little.

We are at the cusp of a great change in our society, but we have not learned to do it peacefully. This is the true secret of the third eye.

I hope that this helps you to understand the current state of humanity better. Please feel free to ask for clarification

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