Saturday, August 29, 2020

Changing Brainwave States

The human brain is an interesting organ, it has a lot of different states. There are awake, unconscious and dreaming states; there are also emotions such as love and hate, joy and anger. Then there is the so-called 'alpha state', where you feel relaxed but alert at the same time.

For most of human history, people have been taught to believe in the existence of only three brain states: awake, dreaming and sleeping. They believed that when you're awake, your mind is clear; when you fall asleep, your mind becomes unconscious; and dreams happen while dreaming.

But in the last century, scientists have discovered quite a few additional brain states. For example, they found out that there is also an 'alpha state' - a relaxed but alert state where people feel more aware and attentive to their surroundings.

In fact, the human brain has many more states than just these three. When you are in love with someone, for example, your mind is not only 'clear' and 'alert', it also becomes very confused as well! You don't know what to do or say. This confusion is accompanied by a lot of excitement.

Scientists have also discovered that human brains contain a large number of additional states, such as 'gamma', 'delta' and 'theta'. It is through these brain states that humans can enter many different experiences.

For example, when you are angry at someone, your 'gamma' state is very low. You feel very confused and frustrated with that person

Brainwaves control the brain, which is your customized biological computer. Only a few frequencies are significant to you for thought and emotion. However, there are many other waves that can be utilized via various technologies.

For example, scientists can use a range of frequencies to stimulate brain activity. These are called Brain Machine Interfaces.

The most well known technology that uses this is called Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, or tDCS.

Low-frequency tDCS (around 2 mA) increases cortical excitability. This has been shown to improve working memory, especially in the left prefrontal cortex.

High-frequency tDCS (around 1 mA) decreases cortical excitability. This has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression.

For a detailed list of these and other technologies, such as the vagus nerve stimulation for depression and epilepsy, check out

Let's start by thinking about what a brain is. A brain is essentially a very complex system of neurons that are able to connect and disconnect with each other, based on the signals they send out and receive. Based on these connections, feedback loops can be formed, which allow for all sort of different behaviours.

Some neurons are special, in that they can effectively generate a signal of their own. These neurons are called brainwaves.

Brainwaves are special because they occur naturally in the brain, and can be measured using various devices. Brainwave states have been used in a variety of contexts for many decades.

Brainwave states are essentially different patterns of brainwaves that can be used to achieve various goals. These brainwave states include things like meditation, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis and also hypnosis.

It is clear that brainwave states can be used in a variety of situations. The question is though, how do we change our brainwaves? And more importantly, what are the effects of changing these?

When we look at the neuroscience behind brainwave states, it is clear that our brains are very sensitive and can be influenced in a variety of ways. In fact, there are entire fields dedicated to studying how influence people's behaviour with things like subliminal messages

The brain is a biological mechanism that must obey natural laws, and as such it is subject to all of the limitations thereof. It doesn't have many degrees of freedom to begin with and so there aren't too many ways in which you can manipulate it.

Focusing on the brainwave patterns is a matter of changing frequencies in certain regions of the brain, which are easily accessible due to their physical proximity. Changing consciousness by other means is not so easy.

Since the brainwave patterns are relatively easy to manipulate, they're a little overhyped in terms of their power and significance.

My point is that the brainwave patterns are just one aspect of human consciousness, and not necessarily a very important one. There are many other aspects to consider.

The energy of a human being is one thing that can't be fully quantified by science, but it has profound effects on the brainwave patterns and vice versa.

When a person focuses his energy on a task, he becomes more excited and this causes changes in his brainwave patterns. If you focus your attention on something that is not very exciting, the pattern remains dull

For more information on changing Brainwave States through patterns symbols and words click here

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