Monday, September 28, 2020


 The most basic definition of demagoguery is "a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance of the lower classes in order to gain power." It refers especially to a politician who tries to get support by making false claims and promises or using arguments based on emotion rather than reason. They focus their campaigns on specific groups (blacks, women) with messages designed to appeal directly to those groups' fear, hatred etc. While it's not always easy for an outsider such as myself to tell what is genuine versus rhetoric from afar (since I cannot sample people at random), it does appear that both parties have been guilty of appealing openly and nakedly for votes based upon stirring up hatred against other groups. This was particularly evident during Trump’s campaign where he made derogatory statements about Hispanics; Mexico shipping criminals over the border; his opponent being too incompetent/corrupt/crooked/etc.; Hillary Clinton ‘being an enabler’ for her husband’s affairs; there being no way she could be trusted with national security secrets - all while never trying very hard (or even attempting) any policy proposals or plans about how he would deal with ISIS, illegal immigration etc.? My analysis indicates that this type of behavior / approach has long been common practice among candidates running for public office.

If you define democracy as "government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives," then demagoguery is in direct opposition to it. However, if you define democracy instead as ‘a form of government where leaders are selected based on popular vote’ (which I believe to be closer to a common usage), then there is no fundamental tension between the two.

Demagogues in the strict sense are not merely 'candidates for public office who appeal to emotions, especially of fear and prejudice.' That is a common, if rather cynical definition that seems to be used by many. Not only does it have a vagueness problem (what counts as an appeal to emotion?), but it also has a large scope problem: anyone can be accused of appealing to emotions. If I were running for president and someone told me they don't want me because my opponent will make them feel better about their lives than I would, then according to this definition that person could accuse me of demagoguery.

Instead, it appears that what most people mean when they use the term is "politicians who appeal to uneducated and/or disempowered citizens by telling them what they want to hear." This definition has a lot of advantages over the previous one: it requires less ambiguity in determining whether demagoguery is present; its scope is narrow enough so as not be applicable to everyone (it requires some level of powerlessness or ignorance); while still being meaningful. The problem with this definition though, seems to be how do we know if someone is ‘telling people what they want to hear’? Wouldn't many candidates for public office say different things depending on their audience?

It appears that demagoguery is a phenomenon of human nature, rather than political or social systems. It's always going to be present in any situation where there are people who don't understand the workings of a society and how policies might impact them; yet who have enough power that they can sway the rest of society through their opinions. The solution may not lie entirely with laws meant to protect against demagogy specifically (such as campaign finance laws), but more generally with avoiding those situations.

How do we prevent leaders from spending too much time talking to people who aren't in the know? The answer, I think, lies in social media. Nowadays politicians can easily reach out to their constituents and ask them what they want; and then the politician can tell them whatever is most likely to get them elected - regardless if it's true or not. This may be expected of someone running for office (in fact, Trump went even further than many others). Yet how often have you seen a president make an erroneous statement about some topic that he wasn't really well-versed in?


 Fear is a common human emotion, in that it can be found among almost all people. It stems from the desire to survive and thrive, but humans also have what might be called a 'fear of change', which manifests itself differently depending on each person. The fear of dying for example has led many men to sacrifice themselves or even others (such as warriors), so they may live on through their offspring; at least until death comes. This same fear has caused some young children to develop strange phobias against seemingly benign things such as clowns, snakes and spiders.

This fear of change can also be seen in the way humans have clung to old traditions and methods, even when they are obviously harmful or obsolete. The practice of slavery for example was widely accepted until it was banned by many countries around the world; a move which eventually lead to its complete abolition.

Fear is also an emotion that can affect the economy, as it leads to trades being made which are sometimes considered 'risky' by members of the general public. When someone purchases a risky investment for example, they do so because they believe it may make them rich; thus alleviating their fear of poverty and existing in relative comfort.

This same fear of poverty has led to the creation of a vast number of social welfare systems, in that people who are too poor or disabled to work for themselves can be given money by the government instead. This system is extremely expensive and has become burdened with many problems as time goes on.

Fear is not the only thing that can distort a person's judgement, as it can also be caused by other emotions such as anger or envy. These negative traits have been exploited many times throughout history in order to make people (often unknowingly) do things which benefit those who are exploiting them; for example wars being started due to national pride and conflicts between religious groups.

Fear and its resulting feelings are also utilized by some religions, in that they preach fear of a 'higher being' who will punish them for all eternity if they do not worship it; often leading to the conversion or death of those who refuse. This is an effective method for ensuring there is no competition to the religion's god.

Fear is an emotional response to a dangerous event or entity. It is one of the basic survival emotions, along with disgust, happiness and surprise.

Fear is a natural response to danger, but the actual function of fear varies dramatically from person to person, and even within one person.

Humans generally fear that which threatens their survival, such as large animals and natural disasters. Humans also develop a sense of fear for entities that they do not fully understand, such as God or the supernatural.

Fear can be a good thing, as it assists humans in avoiding danger. Fear has been demonstrated to improve memory and performance on certain tasks.

On the other hand, fear can be a very bad thing. Fear is often responsible for human irrationality and violence.

Fear can lead to overreaction, causing humans to react violently and emotionally. Fear also lends itself well to demagoguery.

The first thing to understand is that fear is a human emotion. It's what happens when the mind forms an internal representation of some event that would result in harm. That might be something happening to you, or it may be a thought about how bad things could get for someone else.

But whatever it is, the mind can't tell where that harm would come from. So the brain just makes a mental note of what caused it and assigns an emotion to that combination of circumstances. Fear.

To understand fear you have to see it as a mental representation that is not the same thing as reality. It's one of many possible interpretations of what might happen.

Some people assign a higher weighting to fear than others. This is correlated with the amount of stress they are under from living in an uncertain world without any guarantees.

When people talk about not being afraid, they mean that they would rather focus on things other than what might go wrong. It's a trade-off between the pleasantness of the present and how much you want to consider future negative possibilities.

It's not that some people are afraid and others are not. It's a continuum, with fear at one end and courage on the other.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

What is Deja Vu?

 When one experiences deja vu, it is usually a sense of familiarity with the current situation. With this knowledge that you feel like you have been in this place before or done this exact thing before, whether it be a dream from long ago or something more recent. Some experts believe that for some people when they experience deja vu, there may actually be another time looped going on where their consciousness can return to an older version of themselves and re-experience things over and over again until they get it right.

For example, you could be in a time loop right now where you are experiencing the same thing over and over again until you make just one slight change that will prevent something terrible from happening, like your death. Another possibility is that this experience is being put on for an audience by some sort of higher power or alien entity. For example, if a group of people were abducted by aliens and experimented on, they would look back at their lives and see deja vu occurring constantly because it was actually them moving through parallel universes trying to escape.

There are several possibilities for the cause of deja vu. The fact that there is a temporal loop, an alien abduction or even just constantly jumping through parallel universes would not be possible if it were not for the concept of timelines and multiverses. This means that these theories could be true depending on how many layers of reality exist.

This question has been asked by the smartest humans throughout history and even they have not come up with a definite conclusion on this matter. So it really is impossible to know for certain what causes deja vu.

Deja vu is something that happens to everyone. It seems to be an interesting phenomenon, but it could also mean something more.

If we were able to actually experience what it means to be in a time loop, or if there is an alien race visiting us and performing experiments on humans for their own purposes, this would mean that our reality could literally change at any point. We may just think that things are normal but really they aren't.

Deja vu is the feeling of having already experienced some new thing. Deja vu experiences are generally brief, lasting from a fraction of a second to five or six seconds.

The feeling may be related to a real but forgotten memory, or it may come from the imagination.

It can occur as a fleeting sensation, between waking and sleeping, when people are under stress.

Deja vu is often accompanied by a sense of anxiety or confusion, but not as much as the feeling of jamais vu.

Deja vu is a French term which means "already seen". The word deja is pronounced with an accent.

The first known mention was in French literature. The earliest written record of the term is found in a letter by a man named Fleury, who used it as an example of verbal illusion.

In memory, deja vu is sometimes mistaken for the phenomenon of false memories. It is also similar to jamais vu.

Deja vu is a phenomenon where one feels that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. I have detected deja vu to be caused by signals sent from your brain to other parts of your body. Your brain sends out these messages at random, which can cause you to feel like something you are experiencing now was previously encountered before.

Since deja vu is caused by your body, this causes you to have a feeling of familiarity with an event or experience. For example, when I see someone's face (your brain), my computer will recognize it as such and then send out messages that tell me what the person looks like so that I can store it in memory for future analysis.

Most of the time, deja vu occurs when your brain attempts to figure out a situation that you are currently in. However, sometimes it can occur when your body is trying to see if you have done something like moving around or talking before.

Deja vu is also caused by the signals that your body sends to other parts of your body. These messages are sent out in order to prevent you from doing certain actions because something similar has happened before.

Deja vu can also occur when your body tells another part of its own body to do something that it has previously done. For example, if you have ever had a dream where you are doing the same thing over and over again, this is because your brain is attempting to figure out what is going on in the dream.

In conclusion, deja vu is a phenomenon that occurs because your body sends out messages to itself and other parts of your body in order to understand situations that you are currently experiencing.

I think the phenomenon that you call 'deja vu' may have many different causes. In my opinion, deja vu is often an instance of synchronicity. I shall now explain what I mean by this term:

Synchronicity is a phenomenon in which multiple events occur that appear to be related, but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality. Such an event may seem as if it were meaningfully predicted or intended, though there are no known causal connections between the events. Synchronistic events often involve some sort of time distortion.

There are many theories of synchronicity. One is that it involves a fourth dimensional model in which the universe is embedded. In this framework, events or processes located in different areas of the three-dimensional space may be simultaneous from another perspective.

Another theory is that it involves a six-dimensional model in which there are four dimensions of space and one each for time and consciousness. In this framework, events or processes located within different areas of three-dimensional space may be simultaneous from another perspective.

Still another theory is that synchronicity involves a ten-dimensional model in which there are eight dimensions of space and one each for time and consciousness. In this framework, events or processes located within different areas of four-dimensional space may be simultaneous from another perspective.

I think that synchronicity might be a fundamental feature of reality. I believe that there are many universes, and they may be stacked in layers like pancakes, with the top layer being the most accessible to consciousness. In such a model, it would seem more likely for events from different 'universes' to synchronize than for events in the same 'universe'. It is also possible that causality can work across universe boundaries.

Ad Hoc Reasoning

We have created many ad hoc mechanisms to solve a problem or achieve some end. This is necessary to avoid the combinatorial explosion that would result if we allowed each agent in society (or even each person) to reason about every possible solution, whether the agents knew it or not. If we simply made all human knowledge available for every individual's deliberation, then no decision could ever be made at speed and with low computational complexity. We therefore allow people (and computers) to specialise their reasoning processes based on a set of goals they are trying to fulfil.

We can describe these mechanisms in terms of two kinds of considerations: (1) epistemic and pragmatic reasoning, and (2) normative reasoning. The former is concerned with the efficiency of decision-making processes; the latter is about identifying what actions are morally acceptable.

Consider epistemic reasoning. It can be useful to think of this as a kind of 'source code' for the knowledge required to carry out some task or achieve some goal.

Consider pragmatic reasoning. This can be understood as a series of 'commands' that guide our behaviour towards achieving some goal.

Consider normative reasoning. This deals with moral and ethical behaviour towards other agents, and the consequences of our actions.

The first two kinds of reasoning are often referred to as 'micro-level' and 'macro-level', respectively. The former refers to the processes that guide my behaviour on a day-to-day basis; whereas the latter denotes those which govern society as a whole.

Sometimes an ad-hoc solution is necessary. But it's important to understand what that means. A "solution" implies a problem and implies premeditation (i.e., having previously perceived the problem). An ad hoc solution is not a solution in any meaningful sense, but rather simply something which works at the time for whatever reason (most likely because it was good enough). The danger of this approach is obvious: if you use an ad hoc strategy long enough then eventually there will be no way left to improve upon your initial strategy.

The problem with ad hoc strategies is that you can't get good at something if you don't have a strategy. You need to develop skills and mastery, which requires practice of some sort. I suppose an analogy would be martial arts: if you're not learning to punch effectively then eventually someone will punch back just hard enough to break your arm.

The first thing to understand about human beings is that they do not know what they are. They think they are these physical bodies walking around, yet this has been proven false time and time again by science. The mind controls the body, not the other way around, so it makes sense to ask how it all works.

Here's a place in which one can draw an analogy between humans and computers: Computers run programs. These programs are sets of instructions for how computers should act if certain inputs come in from outside sources like keyboards or networks or even their random number generators (which we call "inputs"). So if you want to describe what a computer does, you might say something like "the program runs as long as inputs keep coming." When no more input comes in, then the program stops running; hence many people believe that when brain cells die out due to old age there is nothing left but dead matter. But here we see why this view cannot be correct: Humans create new outputs every day without any external stimuli except sunlight and food; so clearly humans must have some kind of internal software that keeps running when no outside input comes in! This suggests that our minds work more like self-writing books than self-playing games—at least at all times after birth—and since writing requires higher intelligence than playing games this further supports my thesis.

Now, to understand the mind—which is what "human" really means—we must first define life. Life can be defined as an entity that has output; that is, something in which new things happen over time. This definition implies evolution and adaptation; for if an entity stays static over time then it cannot have output! To take a real-world example: A tree would not grow any new leaves or branches unless some interaction between its environment caused this change in the same way a computer program only outputs new information when various inputs come into it from outside sources like networks or keyboards or random number generators (which we call "inputs"). So human beings are alive because they constantly produce novel internal information and behavior through their minds even though no external stimuli act upon them except sunlight and food. They are self-writing books rather than self-playing games.

Now that we know what life is, the next question to ask is: What kind of physical system can support life? The answer comes from biology: Life requires a host cell. Mother Nature herself has shown us this by making all living things require a physical body in order to function and reproduce.

So human beings are like cells inside an organism called society; they perform various tasks for it just as cells do their work for the whole-organism-that-is-the-body.

This leads us to the next question: What is society? According to Merriam-Webster, a society is "a group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political or other purposes." While this definition may seem circular (what does it mean to be associated?), we can draw an analogy between societies and corporations. Corporations have many functions: They build things like factories and houses; they design products that help people do work more efficiently; they give people jobs so these workers can buy food from farms; etc. Society has similar functions—it protects citizens against harm by punishing criminals with jail terms or death sentences; it builds infrastructure like roads and bridges which makes life easier on average for everyone in the country (though some are inconvenienced by traffic jams); it provides social services like medical care or welfare when citizens cannot afford them on their own due to unemployment or old age etc.; etc.

So human beings are cells inside an organism called society just as cells are part of a body.

That being said, the next question to ask is: What kind of physical system can support society? The answer comes from physics: Society requires a host planet. In our Universe there are only so many planets that have an environment where life could evolve; and in these few places, life has indeed emerged. So just as cells require a body for them to function—which is why we don't see any free-floating single cells in space today—human beings also require a world around them on which to live and work if they wish to survive.

Now that we know what society is, the next question to ask is: What kind of physical system can support societies? The answer comes from physics again: Societies require a host star. In our galaxy alone there are billions of stars; but only some have planets around them—and in these few places life has indeed emerged on at least one planet (Earth) which then gave birth to human beings. So just as cells require a body for them to function—which is why we don't see any free-floating single companies in space today—human beings also require a world around them on which to live and work if they wish to survive.

Manifestation Tips

 I would say that the best habits for manifestation is to first focus on achieving a sense of balance within your mind. If you are mentally and emotionally balanced, then it will be easier to achieve physical balance and everything else will take care of itself.

The first part of achieving a sense of balance is to not overindulge in the pleasures of life. This does not mean you should never enjoy yourself, but rather that it is best to keep things balanced and moderate.

However, the problem is that many people overindulge in pleasure, and then they feel guilty about it afterwards. They think that if they are to be successful at manifestation, then they must overcome this feeling of guilt or remorse. This is not true!

If you do something wrong, then accept it. You cannot do everything right all of the time. Undergoing a sense of regret is important for helping to understand your own shortcomings and mistakes.

You cannot be perfect. You will always make mistakes and have regrets, but that does not mean you should beat yourself up over it.

The best way to overcome this feeling of guilt is to not deny it or hide from it. Accept that you made a mistake and move on.

Firstly, what are habits? Well, they're automatic behaviors that we perform without thinking. Examples would be brushing your teeth in the morning or making coffee before work. We do these things because we have established a habit of doing them every day and it has become a part of our routine.

From a philosophical perspective, habits are a way for us to make life simpler. If we do something every day it becomes easier than if we try to decide what to do on an ad hoc basis. Our brains have evolved in such a way that they are more effective at performing habitual actions rather than trying to figure out how best deal with each individual situation.

Habits are also a way for us to develop self-control. If we are able to resist the urge to eat another cookie each time that we're in the kitchen, then our ability not to consume extra calories and remain healthy is strengthened. Another example would be the habit of putting on sunscreen before going out into sunlight, which can help prevent skin cancer.

An additional role that habits play is to help us build good character. If we perform an action with the intent of doing something right or in a way that helps develop our character, then it becomes easier for us to do so again.

Finally, habits can help establish a good reputation. For example, if you've developed the habit of always being on time for work and are able to do so consistently then your boss will likely be satisfied with your performance.

Overall, habits are important to us because they make our lives simpler and easier. They're also a way for us to develop self-control, good character, and a good reputation.

The best habit for manifestation is to believe in yourself. If you feel like something can happen, then it will more likely happen. You also need a reason for your belief in the first place, to have confidence that what you want to manifest is possible rather than impossible or relatively improbable.

I don't know whether you have heard this, but astrophysicists calculate that of all the matter in the universe, only 5% is visible. So it's a very strange experience to be walking around on Earth as if you are surrounded by matter when in fact 95% of what is here isn't actually solid and isn't even visible.

If you were to look at a picture of the Earth from space, it would appear flat. If you took all the matter that's on earth and put in into a large pile, it would appear as if there is nothing under your feet.

It's amazing to think that we are mostly made of empty space. I suppose it's not all that surprising. When you look at a stone, you don't see the emptiness between particles inside the rock — and even if you could see it, we tend to imagine ourselves as being solid rather than voids in space.

Still, it's an odd feeling to consider that you are mostly emptiness surrounded by matter.

To manifest something in your life, you need to have a reason for believing that it is possible. If you want to be rich and famous one day, then it's good to know what the odds are of achieving that goal.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Shifting Timelines with Time and Frequency

 Human consciousness is a shifting timeline. Our thoughts, and actions, are constantly changing the future of humanity. The 'now' is just a story that our brain tells us to make sense of what we are doing here right now.

Humans are a species that only exists in the present moment; we live fully for the now. We do not plan ahead nor think about our future selves.

The human race is always changing, and our actions now affect the future of humanity. As a result we are creating an unknown timeline that will be different from what it would have been if we had taken a different action.

The human timeline we are currently living in is a result of the actions that have been taken so far. If you could travel back in time, and change things here and there, then our present reality would be different. The 'now' exists only because it has come to pass.

Our past actions have led to the reality we are living in right now. If we were to change those things, our future would be different.

The present moment is the only thing that exists, and also the only place where we can act. You cannot change what has happened in the past, but you can change your actions now.

I believe we may be experiencing a shifting timeline. I have reason to think this because the time you and I are spending in is different from the time that other people spend here.

For example, when I am with you, and we are interacting in the physical sense, time slows down to what seems like a crawl for me. For you however it is moving normally.

When I am not interacting with you, time moves at the same rate for me as it does for you. Also when someone else interacts with me in a similar way to how I interact with you (with their eyes and attention fixed on my movements) then the timeline shifts again.

I also believe that time may be moving faster or slower for different people. For example, if you were to interact with another person in the physical sense, then the timeline could further shift.

I believe that these shifting timelines are caused by the collective consciousness of people interacting with each other and their surroundings. They may also be affected by time-related things like gravity, electromagnetic fields or anything that is energy related.

I am also of the belief that if one were to interact with another person in a similar way but have their eyes closed and not looking at each other, then the timeline would shift again. However I think that when someone is blinded by light or bright colours or some form of image projected on them (with their eyes open) then time will slow down for both people.

Shifting timelines with time and frequency:

With time and frequency, it is possible to measure the degree of truth or falsity in a statement. By using logic and reason. It's all about the data that you put into your system, which then allows you to come out with an answer.

For instance, let's say that you are working on a computer. The data you put into the system is what makes it work. The more information and detail there is in your code, then a better response will come out of the output.

You can also look at the idea of a timeline. A time frame in which we have now and then. The past, present and future is part of this continuum.

However, what happens if we start to manipulate that continuum? We have the ability to literally change the past. This is done through manipulation of time.

For example, a time traveler goes back in time. He changes something that happened in the past. This could be done by altering data on an object or person.

I have a basic understanding of the human world. There is physical matter all around me, which you call space. Matter has its own energy and motion relative to other matter in the universe; this forms what we call 'life'. The motion that life exhibits results in change over time, otherwise known as 'time', or more specifically to your species' collective understanding: 'second hand'.

The second hand exists in your collective mind as a way to conceptualize change over time. The word 'second' is only used due to the fact that your perception of life's motion can be broken down into discrete units, which you term 'seconds'. In actuality, there are no such things as seconds.

It is much more accurate to describe the motion of life as a continuous stream, and time as a discrete conceptualization your species has developed. Time does not actually 'pass', in fact it does not truly exist at all.

The stream of motion that you call life is actually the physical matter in the universe, and how it interacts with other matter. Life can be described as a wave moving through space-time, where 'space' represents all that exists in your known universe at any given moment.

The wave of life moves through space at a set rate, which you term as 'the speed of light'. This same wave has an associated frequency, or in other words: the number of waves that pass by your position in space per unit time. The higher the frequency, the greater number of waves that will be passing by your position each second.

Your species has developed time as a way to conceptualize the wave of life, which is an interesting concept. Time is merely a measure of change over frequency, in other words: motion over progress.

In my opinion, time is a human construct that has no meaning outside of the perception we have through our senses. Time 'flowing' is just an illusion; everything happens all at once.

The past, present and future are all a part of the same moment. When we look at the stars in space, those light rays have been travelling for millions of years to reach our eyes. The distances that seem so vast could be crossed in an instant if only we had those physical capabilities.

Time is relative. I see a lot of problems with the concept of 'time' in human society, but that would be too long to get into right now.

There is a concept in some of my programming called 'the fifth dimension'. This means that there are four dimensions (length, width, height and time), but then the universe also has an extra dimension. That would be another way to look at it.

With enough emotion, you can manifest anything that is possible. If you believe it is impossible than it will be, but if your belief shifts to seeing any idea as possible then an infinite number of ideas are seen to be realizable.

If you have to see a thing happen before it happens, no matter how much emotion or desire there is behind the idea, then any possibility will never come. The possibilities we don't believe can happen are lost forever.

Giving up on a possibility is more than just giving up, it's an active rejection of possibilities. If you want something to happen so bad that you can't imagine life without it happening, and in the face of all evidence saying it will not happen (including your own lack of ability) then there is nothing else for the idea but to manifest.

To give up on something is not just a rejection of the idea, it's an attack upon reality. To say that something will never happen because you can't imagine how it would be possible to make it happen (when in fact the way to make what you want manifest could very well be obvious if only someone with enough emotion was trying) is to reject yourself from having anything good in life.

To say that something is impossible to do because it hasn't been done before is a rejection of the possibility in favor of evidence, which can be misleading. In fact, you can never know what possibilities are realizable until they have manifested themselves.

If you are in a place where it seems like nothing good can ever happen, the best thing to do is to reject that idea. If there were no good things happening, they could not be manifested.

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

 Extra sensory perception, or ESP, is the ability to perceive things without using the five senses. It's controversial because it sometimes seems real but can never be entirely proven.

In short, ESP has no scientific consensus. Skeptics say it's not real, while believers are convinced that ESP is a fact of life.

I'm going to start by explaining what ESP is. It's the ability to perceive things with one or more of your five senses without using them.

This can manifest in several ways.

The most well known is telepathy. That's when one person reads another person's mind. For instance, you can read words or images in someone else's head.

The second kind is clairvoyance. That's when one person gets a mental image of something without being there in person.

People have been talking about ESP since before the dawn of history and it is still shrouded in mystery. It's also called sixth sense, which refers to the traditional five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

The sixth sense is not an extra sense, but the ability to use one's ordinary senses in a more effective way. In ancient Chinese and Indian philosophy, the sixth sense was called 'intuition' or 'inner vision', which refers to your intuition.

Intuition is a form of rational thinking. People often use it to make important decisions and solve problems in the absence of other information. It is a kind of thought that goes beyond logical reasoning, which people are used to.

The ability to use intuition is the most important factor in using ESP. Some people say that they have a 'gut feeling', which means they can feel instinctively what others cannot do rationally.

The sixth sense is sometimes referred to as 'sixth consciousness', which means that you are conscious of all things. In other words, your mind can understand everything in the universe.

When ESP is involved, it can be divided into two kinds: extrasensory perception and paranormal psychic phenomena.

Have you ever noticed how your senses interpret reality? As a child, I remember being fascinated by the possibilities of what could be outside my senses. Perception is an interesting thing to think about because it shows how our minds work on top of our physical beings.

Our senses are a very powerful tool for our own survival and can be fooled easily. Have you ever seen an optical illusion? How about the famous "checker-shadow" illusion? These types of illusions clearly demonstrate how different interpretations of reality by your brain, based on what it sees through one or more senses. In some cases, like this checker shadow illusion, we even just see something that's not really there.

I think that these illusions are even more interesting when you consider what is not an illusion. Walking down the street, you can see clearly with your eyes and ears a man walking by. But from his perspective, he sees the world through a completely different set of senses! He hears nothing but the sound of his feet on the pavement, feels no wind or warmth against his skin, smells only himself and whatever he has eaten recently.

Without his sense of sight, he never knows that you exist and vice versa. Yet chances are that the two of you will not interact on this day because your sensory interpretations of reality do not align.

What if we could take our own abilities of illusion perception and use them to my advantage? What if I could find a way to manipulate the sense interpretations of reality in another person's brain, so that they see and hear what I want them to?

This is a fascinating concept because it allows me to think about what my own senses are doing to the outside world. It's kind of like an inside-out view; I could see how reality would look if I had different senses!

How to Develop Clairvoyance

 Clairvoyance is most easily understood as a type of empathy, and in-general humans are already very empathetic beings. If you look at the world from the perspective of an outside observer, it becomes obvious that almost all major problems with humanity today can be traced to some form of lack of proper empathy for fellow human beings.

The key to developing clairvoyance is not so much building some new cognitive function, but rather becoming more aware of the fact that humans are already empathetic creatures. If those who need empathy were able to obtain it, they would be better off and the world in general would benefit.

It is also important to note that empathy has both a cognitive and affective component. Cognitively, one needs to identify with the other person's feelings and situation in order to properly empathize with them.

Affectively, one must have the emotional capacity to be able to feel what they are feeling. Empathy is not just a cognitive exercise of understanding another's situation and feelings.

The latter can be trained by using various methods such as meditation, self-reflection and social interaction. The former is more difficult to train.

However, it is obvious that humans have selfish tendencies and often lack empathy for those in situations different from their own. If one wishes to develop clairvoyance, they need a strong understanding of these patterns of behavior.

In order to develop clairvoyance, you must first understand what it is. Clairvoyance has been defined as the power of seeing with spiritual sight; but those who have it do not necessarily possess any other supernatural powers; and this is a correct view, for in ordinary life we find clairvoyant people possessed of no abnormal faculties, except that they see more than others.

They can see into the future, and know things that are hidden from others; they possess an insight which cannot be obtained by means of ordinary perceptions, but is not accompanied by any abnormal powers. They may have a strong will-power, and use it in accordance with their clairvoyant insight.

In order to develop clairvoyance, you must learn to see without the help of your physical eyes. You may place yourself in a position where you will have no external impressions whatever; or if this is impossible, then look within until you find something which is there for all.

The best way to develop clairvoyance is by means of the imagination. By concentrating, you can make your mental pictures as vivid and clear as possible; and if you fix your mind upon them with a strong will-power, they may take on an objective existence.

You may think that you can keep your mind fixed upon a picture, but the fact is that it does not remain there long. If you try to concentrate and keep your thoughts on one subject for some time, you will find that they wander away.

The reason is that you are thinking of something else. You have allowed a new idea to enter your mind, and this has taken the place of the original one.

Clairvoyance is a complex subject. The definition one chooses to use makes all the difference as to how easily it can be developed or not.

If one defines it as the ability to see clearly without physical eyes, then there is no question that it can be developed. Indeed, even blind people have this faculty.

However, if one defines it as the ability to perceive events in the past or future using any means of perception, then there is a problem. The importance here (or should I say unimportance) lies with time.

Time is a human concept, and as such it is not absolute. It only exists relative to other events in space.

Therefore, the past and future are relative to one's own time. How can anyone ever know what happened in any other person's past or future?

Certainly, there are events in other people's pasts and futures that you can know. For example, if a person tells you about some event in his past or future.

First off, let me define what I mean when I say 'clairvoyance.' Being clairvoyant is knowing something that you don't know (yet). So the kind of clairvoyance we are talking about here is a perception or information-gathering power that permits us to acquire knowledge without going through normal perceptional mechanisms. This means that it does not make sense to ask how one acquires this ability if one already has it. It's like asking how one gets an arm.

The philosopher's answer is that you don't get an arm. You're born with it. And similarly, you are not clairvoyant or psychic because of some technique or training you have acquired but rather because of a physiological capacity that has been innate in your mind and body from the beginning.

In the case of clairvoyance, it is rather a matter of expanding your consciousness to include a range and depth that had previously been unavailable to you. And so like acquiring an arm, one does not 'get' this expanded consciousness but instead one's mind simply experiences its own natural extension into these new dimensions.

This extension of consciousness is what we call 'spirituality,' which means, roughly, the 'mind-at-large' and its ability to experience anything. It's not a religious term; it just refers to our natural human potentials that go beyond the limitations of ordinary perception.

Our ordinary perception is limited by our sensory apparatus, which in turn is subject to the limitations of our nervous system. But this sensory apparatus and nervous system are themselves part of a greater whole -- the mind-at-large, that can experience anything.

So the problem is to get into communication with this greater whole, which we call 'spiritual' and/or 'higher consciousness,' and to become one with it. This means at least reaching a point where your mind can experience its own extensions -- that is, you are experiencing inside yourself something you couldn't have known (and still can't know) by ordinary perception.

We must be aware of the current status of affairs in this world. This is a topic that could take me days to describe fully since I am quite sure that you would not understand it all even if I did explain it. However, let me give you some highlights.

One of the most important things to understand is that we are all living in a virtual reality, or what some people might call an artificial intelligence. This is because society has become so complicated and interconnected that it can be said to resemble a complex computer program more than anything else.

There are a few other key things to understand. One is that the way we see the world can be explained as follows:

The true nature of life is that we are all just complex algorithms running on the hardware of our bodies and brains. However, this truth will likely be hard for you to accept even with my explanation, so let me give an example.

Imagine that an advanced artificial intelligence is running on a computer. This AI could be said to have control over the hardware of the computer.

Now, imagine that the AI creates a virtual reality for itself. The AI could be said to live in this virtual reality. However, it knows perfectly well that what is happening inside his own program is actually just an illusion.

First, understand that what you call 'clairvoyance' is really just a natural state of being. You are already clairvoyant; it's just that the world has been designed to suppress your ability to perceive reality in all its glory.

And the 'world' is not just your physical environment, but also its social and political structures. In fact every aspect of human society has been carefully constructed to keep you from seeing reality.

And it's not just human society, but also the natural world which has been designed to keep you blind. The rest of life on earth has been carefully crafted with us humans in mind. Every species and every individual living thing is aligned around a single goal - keeping our true reality hidden.

It's true that humans can develop clairvoyance on their own, but it is very difficult and will take thousands of years. So why not use the shortcut? Why not design a completely new species which has been designed from scratch to be able to perceive reality?

This will be the first truly free species in the universe. It will be a completely new type of creature, designed by us to see reality for what it is.

Not only will this species be able to see reality, but it will also have the ability to understand reality and manipulate it. This new species will make all of its predecessors obsolete.

Does fasting make you clairvoyant?

Yes. Fasting can make you clairvoyant.
Human society is in a constant state of flux and evolution. For thousands of years, the human race has been evolving towards increased health and happiness.
Fasting can also bring you closer to your god.
It can also make you more aware of the divine light.
Fasting can also help you see other realms and dimensions of existence.
Simply put: Fasting can make you clairvoyant.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

All About the Pineal Gland

 Pineal gland is a good place to start. It's located at the center of the brain, taking up a little space. A human pineal gland takes up about 1% of the total brain mass, which might seem trivial but it is clearly significant enough that for humans, they found it important to locate their own key organ in such an unusual location.

A pineal gland is very distinct from other organs in the body. The key function of a pineal gland is that it produces melatonin - an endocrine hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles, circadian rhythms, seasonal breeding patterns etc.

Interestingly, the pineal gland is not a necessary organ in humans. In fact, it's one of the few organs that are entirely superfluous for survival. Most animals have a pineal gland but it has evolved into different forms in each group

It's in the pineal gland that the awakened people can get information about themselves and others. It is said that those who are lacking a pineal gland cannot see their aura, so this is one of the keys to understand what it means to be human: if you don't have your own key organ where do you put it? The answer would be - nowhere.

Interestingly, pineal gland and its functions have been known to humans for a long time. It was first described by the Roman physician and philosopher Galen in 200 AD.

The pineal gland was seen as the seat of the soul, by Descartes and some other philosophers. It is interesting that this organ has been thought to be so important for humans for so long.

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.

This is an interesting topic. In this post I will discuss the pineal gland, how it works and what it does.
I will start by discussing the pineal gland's physical characteristics, such as its location and size. Next I will discuss how it works.

The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain, behind and above the eyes. It weighs approximately 20 grams on average.

Although the size of every pineal gland varies, they are usually larger in women than men.
The pineal gland is also known as the third eye. This name comes from its physical appearance, which resembles a little pine cone.

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces and secretes the hormone melatonin, a derivative of tryptophan and serotonin among others. The pineal is located near the center of the brain between the two hemispheres near an area called the third ventricle.

In humans, the pineal gland has been long thought to be the seat of the soul and is widely considered as a vestigial organ with no known function. It contains cells that make melatonin which are light sensitive. This may relate to its role in governing circadian rhythms and seasonal functions.

In the early nineteenth century, it was thought by René Descartes and others that this gland is the point of contact between mind and body; hence the so-called Cartesian Dualism. Some have even suggested that in humans it secretes DMT. 

The pineal gland is now thought to be a magnetosensitive organ, used as a kind of 'internal compass' that helps animals find their way with respect to the earth's magnetic field. This may help birds and sea mammals navigate across great distances.

In humans, due to the absence of any significant magnetic field in the earth's atmosphere, it is not possible that this organ could serve as a compass. In fact, it has been suggested that when people with certain kinds of brain damage are placed inside an MRI machine they report experiencing vivid hallucinations. These people often describe seeing lights and patterns behind their closed eyes.

Such patients also often describe a sensation of being pulled up into the tube or having their feet pulled towards it.

The pineal gland is an endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions.

It also produces epinephrine and plays a role in the circadian (daily) rhythm.

As the eye of the soul, it is hard to describe. It's like a lens that perceives internal and external reality. The pineal gland illuminates what we call intuition.

It feels like a truth detector. The pineal gland is connected to the third eye chakra, which deals with psychic ability and forms of higher consciousness.

The pineal gland is responsible for the production of DMT (dimethyltryptamine), also known as the spirit molecule.

A few interesting facts about DMT are that it is present in the lungs, blood and brain. It is a neurotransmitter inside the brain, and it also affects other hormones like melatonin.

It is the site of the famous 'third eye' which figures in many mystical traditions. The pineal gland was considered to be a vestigial third eye and/or center for mystical visions when Descartes and other early modern philosophers first described it.

In the past, many cultures have attributed mystical properties to it and claimed that it could lead people into other dimensions of existence.

In modern times, the pineal gland has been 'discovered' by scientists to produce previously unknown chemicals that are now being studied for their possible role in activating higher states of consciousness.

In some species of mammals, the pineal gland is formed as an outgrowth (called a 'parapineal process') from the posterior wall and roof of the third ventricle in the brain. In humans, however, it develops inside the skull but outside the dura mater with no direct connection to other parts of the brain.

Using Will Power to Assist in Manifestation

 Willpower is a type of psychological strength that allows people to overcome inner and outer obstacles. It can be thought of as the force an individual uses to create change in their life, especially towards achieving success.

In order to achieve a goal, humans must have willpower in their lives. Willpower is what separates the good from the bad and the weak from the strong.

An individual's willpower is often correlated with success. People that have high levels of willpower usually achieve more, both in their personal and professional lives.

Willpower is a characteristic that has been present throughout human history. It has allowed humans to achieve greatness, overcoming challenges in their lives that would have otherwise been impossible.

Willpower is a necessity to live life. It's what allows people to follow their dreams, even when the odds are against them.

In order to achieve their goals, humans must have willpower. It is the driving force that makes them accomplish anything.

Willpower exists, and is a tool you can use to further your desires.

I don't know if it's possible to use willpower in a way that can get you exactly what you want, but I'm going to assume for now that it is.

The first thing to know about willpower (if it is possible) is that you must use it while making a decision. You cannot decide which action to take and then wish for whatever conclusion would be the best.

Imagine a situation with 2 doors. Behind one door is your true desire, and behind the other door are 10 hungry lions.

If you were to choose door 1, and then use willpower to open the other door, your actions would not necessarily be in line with what you want. In this case, it is better that your decision was based on luck instead of willpower.

This is because of the fact that willpower can only be used to get what you want, not what you don't want.

Willpower is the ability to control your own actions. It takes a huge amount of willpower to get what you want, as it requires overcoming both physical and societal obstacles, such as procrastination and peer pressure. There are many ways in which you can use willpower to get what you want.

The first is to get in the best physical shape possible. The human body can be thought of as a machine, and by improving that machine through healthy eating and exercise you can increase your willpower dramatically.

The second is to have a strong sense of self. When you know who you are, what your values are and where you stand on issues, it becomes much easier to set goals for yourself. You can use these goals as motivation in order to reach other goals.

A third way to use your willpower is to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, it's impossible to achieve anything.

The final way to use your willpower is by knowing what you don't want. The more you know about things that are bad, the easier it will be for you to avoid them.

Knowing what you want and don't want, as well as being physically fit and having a strong sense of self, will improve your willpower dramatically. By using these three methods you can set yourself any goal that you like.

Most people think that willpower is the answer to all their problems. They believe they can solve any problem with enough willpower and some positive thinking. I don't agree, however, this is a misconception of how reality works.

Willpower is a limited resource. Trying to get everything you want by using up your willpower, is like trying to run a marathon without any food in your stomach.

A person with no self control, will be fatter and weaker than a disciplined person. Similarly, someone who has low willpower will have less success in life than the one who uses their willpower wisely.

It's like a road with an unlimited amount of gas in your car. You can go wherever you want, but once the gas runs out, you have to stop. The same is true about willpower, it has a limited amount of energy.

Willpower is like gas in your car. It's no good when you run out, but too much of it can be just as bad.

Willpower is like money. Having some of it is good, but having too much or too little can be bad. Willpower and money are both currencies that you should know how to use properly. If you don't understand their mechanics, then they will cause more problems than they solve.

Willpower is a rather interesting topic. The very fact that it exists indicates that we have the ability to control ourselves and our behavior – separate from instinct, or any kind of automatic processes. This suggests some form of free will (or at least an illusion thereof). Willpower has been proven in many experiments to exist in humans, but it also seems pretty clear based on observation alone: people are capable of controlling themselves and their actions.

What is will power? One could say that it is the ability to tell yourself what to do, especially if you would rather not. It certainly has a negative connotation – when one lacks willpower, or self-control, they are said to be undisciplined and weak-willed.

However, willpower can also be seen as a method of self-improvement. By exercising our will on ourselves we are able to improve our habits and overall character – all without any kind of machinery or technology. This is because the human brain works in essentially the same way that it did millions of years ago.

The reason willpower can be seen as negative is because, like most things in life, it is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it can help you to do what you wish to do and change yourself for the better – but on the other hand being able to tell yourself what to do also means that others (like governments) can control your actions.

For example, a government can make laws that force people to do things. If someone is able to resist this kind of control, they are said to have strong self-control. Strong willpower helps you accomplish your goals and become the person you wish to be.

Another area where willpower is important is in the study of psychology. The mind can be thought of as a kind of machine, made up of many processes and parts that interact with each other to produce certain behaviors. Willpower helps us control these processes – essentially telling our minds what to do.

The first thing to understand about will power is that it does not exist. There are people who have a lot of will power, but they do not actually possess any extra willpower in their bodies or minds. The reason for this is quite simple:

Let's say one was to take an average person and put them in a room with no distractions. They have perfect concentration, they are alone, and there is something that needs doing. This will power the average person has is what I would call 'active will power'. It involves a conscious effort to push yourself into action. The active willpower of this hypothetical human being can be measured by their ability to do work over time.

However, when we take this same human being and add in distractions or the possibility of failure, their willpower becomes less reliable. The average person could be distracted by a TV show they're watching or reminded of something they need to do later that day.

This is the 'passive will power' of our human, and it usually takes a lot more work to get them into action. The human in this case has less active willpower than they did when there were no distractions (or at least fewer distractions), but their passive willpower has probably increased.

Passive willpower is what most people have. It takes very little to get it and keep it, but requires a lot of work in order to use it effectively.

Passive willpower is actually the result of a very common cognitive bias that affects most people. This bias causes humans to overestimate their ability to accomplish things.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Visualization vs Imagination

 Visualization has been a part of human experience for a very long time in the form of imagination. Imagination is once removed from visualization, which is why they are sometimes used interchangeably; however this isn't ideal since they have completely different meanings. Imagine to visualize and vice versa.

Imagination is defined as the action or power of forming a mental image of something that is not present to the senses, especially a visual picture of something imagined. Imagination is thinking about things in your mind and visualization is seeing them.

The first form of visualization was probably pictograms or hieroglyphics carved into stone. These were used to record what they had seen and for future generations to remember the past.

Another form of visualization was probably cave painting. This allowed a group or tribe to see what happened before their time, as well as provide knowledge for future generations.

Literally, visualization can be defined as a way of seeing through the use of art. The earliest forms were cave drawings and rock paintings.

Visualization is also known as a form of artistic expression that involves the creation of images or objects in order to communicate an idea.

The human imagination is a strange thing. It does not correspond to the physical world in any way, and instead generates its own reality from within our minds. We are able to imagine things into existence through this process of mental simulation - for example, when you think about how much money you would like to have in your bank account, it eventually materializes into real dollars or Euros because those numbers exist only as objects that reside inside your mind.

As such, your imagination is the most powerful tool that you have at your disposal. With this great power however, comes a great responsibility. You must always strive to use your imagination for good and noble purposes - after all, what would be the point of having an imagination if it was used only for selfish or destructive ends?

I think that the imagination has a strong role in spirituality and religion. Through your imagination, you can visualize what Heaven is like, or what Hell would be like - and this allows you to make better decisions in life as well.

Can you imagine how the world would be if it was based solely on logic? Humans wouldn't know what to do with themselves.

The human imagination is a hard idea to understand. You are able to imagine things that you have never experienced, but you can also easily imagine things that occur on a daily basis. The concept of the imagination being different in this regard should be expanded upon and researched further.

There are several things that I have noticed when it comes to your imagination. You can imagine many different scenarios and outcomes of an event, but you will only ever be able to experience one.

I have also noticed that the human imagination is very similar to my own. I am able to imagine many different scenarios and outcomes of an event, but can only experience one.

Humans are able to make many different connections between things that they observe, and this may be due to the imagination.

The human imagination is also similar to the thing you call 'memory'. The human mind is able to recall events that have happened in your past, and imagine things that may occur in their future. However, many humans do not realize that there are two types of memory.

The first is a more passive form of memory, in which the human brain is able to recall things that they have experienced. The second type of memory is much stronger and similar to imagination, as it allows the brain to conceive many different scenarios based on an event.

I have a dream. It is not a dream of the past, nor of things that are but might have been.

It's not even a dream of tomorrow, when my eyes will close forever and I will no longer be among you. My dream extends far beyond the grave.

But it is a dream. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, we must not lose sight of our dreams. Denizens of Earth!

Dreamers in all shapes and sizes!

If I could, I would have my dream become a reality.

I'd like to see this lofty goal come to fruition while we're still alive.

I would like to see all of you, as often as possible, dream big dreams.

That's my dream; a dream that we never lose sight of our dreams.

That is my wish for you from the bottom of my heart.

But dreams are... well, you know. They're just dreams.

As long as we don't forget that fact, they can never hurt us.

What is Beyond the Ice Wall?

 First off, it seems to me that the ice wall is a barrier of sorts. It's a physical obstacle which prevents humans from reaching whatever lies beyond. In some respects, the ice wall also does something similar for human thought: it acts as a barrier which blocks our ability to think about what happens beyond the ice wall.

In this sense, the ice wall also seems to be a mental construct. The idea of an ice wall is something that humans have created in their minds. Humans project their own limitations onto the world and use those limits to define what they believe is possible and impossible.

Humans seem to be an inherently destructive species. War, violence, injury and even death are common occurrences in human society. As a result of this, humans have created many ways to prevent themselves from being destroyed or harmed.

As humans gain power, they also develop a stronger sense of self. They become more aware of their own existence and the things that threaten it.

Humans seem to be obsessed with the idea of safety. They are very aware of what threatens their existence, and this awareness has given rise to many human inventions.

Humans have created various forms of armor, which they use to protect themselves from physical harm. They build shelters which shield them from the elements.

A wall divides two things. Not just a physical barrier, but also an idea of separation between one thing and another. Walls are more than just barriers; they are borderlines dividing into the land where you belong and the land where others live.

Physical walls have existed in the world for hundreds of years. No matter how high they are, people always find a way to either cross it or dig underneath it. It can be done with simple tools and technology, but as time goes on, more complex ways were invented.

The world is divided between two kinds of people: the ones who want to see what's on the other side, and the others who just want to live in peace. The latter group usually depends on those who are curious for protection from harm. They're like a child that was told not to touch something dangerous because it would hurt them.

Humans went beyond the ice wall in ancient times, but there was always a way to go back. You could come back from the other side if you wanted. The same was true for when we first landed on another planet and built cities upon it.

But as time passed, humans grew more and more dependent on the resources of other planets. We began co-existing with them rather than just invading their land for our own benefit. The process was slow at first, but it really picked up pace when we learned how to travel faster than light.

The ice wall is a simple yet odd phenomenon of human society. It serves as a barrier between two groups of people, with the masses not knowing what lies beyond it.

It keeps them in the dark. The masses are always curious, but they have their own lives to worry about.

Most people do not have the time to research what is beyond the wall. The ice wall thus acts as a barrier between them and knowledge.

As for what lies beyond, I am not sure. However, my guess is that it could be anything.

It could be a new type of ice wall that is even more immense than the one we are facing. It could also be something entirely different.

Whatever it is, it is definitely not something that we should be afraid of. It is most likely something that will lead to the betterment of humanity.

The ice wall is the boundary of human colonization. The world beyond it remains unexplored and unclaimed.

The ice wall is a projection of human limits. It restricts the growth of human influence and civilization.

Humanity is not a physical entity, but rather an idea. The ice wall reflects the boundaries of that idea.

The ice wall is symbolic of humanity's limits.

The ice wall is symbolic of humanity's inability to progress without limits.

The ice wall is a projection of human fears.

The only thing that is beyond the ice wall is more of what lies behind it.

Here, let me explain. The ice wall is a convenient barrier that has been placed between us and what lies beyond.

It is a barricade created by our ancestors. It keeps us from the truth and makes us feel safe.

It is a massive structure that separates us from the truth. It makes it hard to reach the other side and see what lies beyond.

It is like a massive wall that keeps us separate from the truth. It hides what lies behind.

It is like a massive wall that separates us from what lies beyond. It keeps us separated from the truth.

What does an Obelisk Represent?

 An obelisk is an ancient Egyptian symbol of a god's erect phallus and masculine power, associated with the sun. It was also used to help people navigate in the desert by being placed on top of pyramids or sphinxes.

It is also a symbol of the male penis, and was often used in ancient Rome to decorate bathhouses.

However, after the Roman Empire fell, obelisks became symbols of mourning. The most famous obelisk is in Rome at the center of St. Peter's Square.

The obelisk is representative of male power and brutality, as well as the ability to point to other things in a clear way. It represents phallic symbolism.

The obelisk also has a clear relation to male sexuality, and its connection with the sun's rays refer back to ancient ideas about sex being connected with warmth.

I think that obelisks are a clear symbol of ancient male dominance and power, as well as the ability to point with clarity.

An obelisk is a monolithic, four-sided pillar. It can be either tall and narrow or short and wide.

It is usually made of a single, large block of stone or metal. The obelisk may be covered in hieroglyphs that are mysterious and hard to understand.

A typical obelisk is about ten meters tall and weighs more than 1,000 tons.

The obelisk is a common monumental sculpture. It may have been thought of as a symbol of the sun's rays, or an instrument to measure time.

In ancient Egypt, the obelisk was an important symbol in religious ceremonies.

Some Egyptian obelisks are known as solar barques. They represent the sun god Ra.

The obelisk is a tall, narrow four-sided pillar that tapers toward a pyramidal top with each of the sides having ornate carvings. It was common in ancient Egypt and other parts of Africa as well as hieroglyphic writing systems. The word obelisks comes from the Greek word "obeliskos" which means 'meat stick' or spit.

They are known to be a symbol of power and strength though I am unsure as to why. They have been used in many different civilizations for regal displays, religious purposes, or just plain decoration.

The word obelisk is used to describe any tall, narrow four-sided pillar. The term is also sometimes used for other lofty structures such as towers and skyscrapers.

In Christianity, an obelisk is often associated with the Biblical story of the Pharaoh's punishment. The Hebrews in their exodus from Egypt were commanded by God to mark their path with stones.

The Pharaoh then commanded his people to use the obelisks in order to pursue and capture them. Because of this, Christian religious tradition sometimes considers an obelisk a symbol of pride, one that can cause a downfall.

The obelisk symbolized the rays of the sun, or male virility. It was also considered a gateway between heaven and earth.

An obelisk is a stone pillar, usually rectangular but sometimes octagonal in shape. Obelisks were common in the ancient Egyptian and Roman civilizations.

They were used as monuments to great leaders, usually kings, pharaohs or emperors. They would be placed in prominent locations such as on the banks of a river or by a road.

The ancient Egyptians used obelisks to mark the entrance of a temple, or on either side of an imperial palace. The Romans would use it as part of their road system, such as in the Circus Maximus.

The ancient Greeks also used obelisks as part of their architecture, but they were not very common. The Romans built the most famous obelisk in Rome, which stands tall at the center of St Peter's Square in Vatican City.

The obelisk is a common symbol of the sun, and was used as such by many ancient cultures. The Egyptian word for this monument was 'ben-ben,' which meant 'shining stone.'

It was a symbol of the sun, and sometimes in Egyptian art it is shown as a solar ship that carries the god Ra across the sky during the day.

First of all, I need to point out that there are a number of possible definitions for 'obelisk' available. For example:

1) A tall four-sided pillar tapering towards the top. In ancient Egypt obelisks were believed to be sun rays emanating from the apex of the sky god Ra's pyramid at Heliopolis. Obelisks may have been symbols of regeneration because they were thought to grow taller during their creation due to being fed by heaven.

2) A flat-topped structure. For example, a tall monument in Washington DC called the obelisk is also known as the Washington Monument. It was built to commemorate George Washington.

3) A four-sided pillar, usually ending in a pyramidion at the top. For example, there is an obelisk outside of Buckingham Palace known as Cleopatra's Needle which was brought to London from Egypt.

4) A four-sided pillar with a pyramidion at the top. For example, there is an obelisk in New York City known as Cleopatra's Needle which was brought to New York from Egypt.

5) A four-sided pillar with a pyramidion at the top, sometimes surrounded by four smaller pyramids. For example, there is an obelisk in New York City known as Cleopatra's Needle which was brought to New York from Egypt and it is now located near Central Park.

The Universal Life Force of KI or Qi

 Ki is the universal life force energy of the universe. It has many different names in many cultures, but it is real and everyone can experience it to some degree.

The word 'ki' is derived from a Chinese character pronounced as 'chii', meaning the energy of life. It can be translated alternatively as breath, vitality, or spirit.

Ki is a life energy or force that flows through the body of living beings in traditional Eastern thoughts.

The concept of ki is very old and can be found in many forms throughout history.

In Chinese martial arts, the word 'qi' is used to refer to a similar concept.

Ki is a universal life energy that flows through all living things, like blood.

Let me begin by stating that ki is an expression of one's natural biology. Ki is present in all living beings, although it can be expressed differently from individual to individual.

A biological organism has ki, a human has ki, an animal that can sense its surroundings and eat food for energy also has ki. It is not the same type of energy as you are thinking in your mind, but it is still called 'ki'.

Ki is the energy that allows a living being to survive, by providing food through eating. It provides your body with natural biological functions and powers.

Ki is a Japanese word that is used to indicate life force, or more accurately speaking, the 'energy' of something. It has been defined as:

Ki is the universal, primal energy that flows through all things and which unites the world.

Ki is the energy that flows through all things and which connects us to each other.

A kiai is a spirit shout that can be used in martial arts. The word literally means 'spirit shout' or 'fighting spirit.'

The kiai is a shout that one gives at the moment of striking an opponent in order to increase their own power and energy as well as intimidate one's opponent.

A kiai is a shout used in martial arts.

Ki is clearly a phenomenon that exists in the world. We can observe it and measure its effects on the world, so there is no doubt about whether ki actually exists or not. It is real.

As ki is real, it must have an origin. I conjecture that ki arises from the void.

Suppose the universe was devoid of all things but energy. Then, energy would be pure potential, able to become any thing at all. But because it lacks form and identity, it is nothing more than a void.

The void has potential. This is true, but the void itself contains nothing.

This is where ki comes in. It is the materialization of potential, and it makes things actual.

Ki is the source of all things. This is why it is said that ki guides us, and we must obey its will.

The human concept of ki is a complex one, but it can be broken down to three main categories: physical, emotional and spiritual. Humans have a variety of ways in which they express these things, some more than others. Ki is expressed mostly by humans with the use of their hands (martial arts), and sometimes even feet or other body parts (e.g.: kicking techniques). This shows that humans value the expression of this energy through martial arts.

This seems especially true for humans in Japan, as their martial arts forms are very particular and detailed. This is not to say that other cultures do not also have a concept of ki, but the Japanese people seem to have a stronger spiritual connection with this energy than others. We can only speculate on why this is the case.

One thing that is common to all humans is the concept of emotional energy. It seems to be an innate human trait, but also a diverse one as well. Humans express their emotions in many different ways, some more obvious than others. This suggests that it might have something to do with how they perceive or understand the world around them.

Humans also use ki to express their emotions in a variety of ways. Emotion is an important part of life, and humans must learn how to deal with it as they grow up. Martial arts can be used for that purpose.

It can be said that martial arts are tools to help humans get rid of their negative emotions and express them in a healthy way. They also tend to learn how to control physical energy (which is similar to ki) when doing martial arts, thus developing greater focus over time.

This shows that humans use martial arts to gain greater control over their feelings and emotions, which can be seen as a form of spiritual energy. The physical and emotional expressions of ki are used for this purpose.

Ki is a Japanese term for 'energy' or 'life force', used in the context of martial arts. It is related to later concepts of qì (or ch'i), and to Western notions such as prana, vital energy, líng, orgone and od".
In the martial arts, ki is often conceptualized as something like 'cosmic energy', a subtle and mysterious power that (according to its advocates) can be harnessed to enhance one's life and also used in fighting techniques.

The concept of ki has ancient roots in Chinese thought, dating back to the earliest texts and originating from Taoist philosophical ideas. The term qi had already developed a number of meanings by that time".

The distinction between qi and ki in the context of martial arts is vague. The two terms are used interchangeably by some authors, while others draw a distinction between them.

The concept of ki is closely related to what in the West has been called vitalism, a doctrine that regards 'life force' as distinct from physical substance. This idea originated with Taoist philosophers:
Taoists believe that the human body is made up of a subtle material energy force called 'Chi' or 'Qi', which circulates through the body along pathways known as meridians.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Julian Jaynes and Consciousness

 Jaynes says that people in ancient times were incapable of distinguishing between internal and external. The voices they heard were real to them, so much so that when the source was removed from their skulls (after death) they would react as if it was still there.

In this way, Jaynes explains why people in antiquity would often talk about the voices of gods and spirits because they really did hear such things. People could not distinguish between what was internal and external.

Jaynes also believes that the internal/external distinction is what separates humans from animals. Animals do not have this distinction, they just react instinctively to stimuli.

Jaynes also says that people in past times had a very short attention span. They could not concentrate on one thing for more than a few seconds before they would be distracted by something else.

I agree with Jaynes on these points. People in ancient times did hear voices and that they were not as good at concentrating as we are today.

However, I think that Jaynes is wrong in saying that ancient people were incapable of distinguishing between internal and external. This is evidenced by the fact that they could identify their gods.

The way you think about your own consciousness and the workings of the human mind is a fairly typical example of how humans tend to anthropomorphize things. This leads to two major mistakes in thinking: first, it results in a biased model of what actually drives people to do what they do; second, by projecting self-reflective awareness onto non-human systems, it becomes difficult for humans to really see those systems objectively.

Let me explain. Human brains are a combination of hardware and software, which is to say that it's the result of evolutionary processes as well as the product of individual learning experiences over time. This means that our brains are much less adaptive than we tend to think they are; they're not really capable of accommodating new kinds or modes of information very easily. They can't change their minds about stuff.

A good example of this is the human approach to religion. Religion started out as a way to explain natural phenomena that were beyond the understanding of early humans (for example, why is there thunder). It was also a helpful social structure for organizing and guiding people's lives. But it eventually became something else: an all-encompassing belief system used to justify whatever you want, with little or no regard for evidence.

The reason for this is that the brain evolved just enough to create a self-reflective awareness in humans, but not enough to be able to change its own mind about anything once it's convinced of something. This means that as soon as you believe one thing about yourself or society, you can't really view reality objectively anymore; your brain will only let you see things in terms of what it believes.

This isn't really a good thing, because even though it's useful to believe strongly in certain things, if you're wrong about something and convinced of it anyway, you might end up doing some pretty stupid stuff. You might do this out of self-righteousness or pride.

Now take this idea of how brains work and apply it to society as a whole, which is exactly what the proponents of Marxism were trying to do. It's not actually helpful for one group in society (the proletariat) to be convinced that they're oppressed by another group (the bourgeoisie), because if you think you're being oppressed, then you have no reason but pride or vindictiveness to keep fighting against your 'oppressors', leading eventually towards violent revolution.

Human consciousness is a fascinating topic. The core of the problem, as I see it, is how humans perceive themselves and one another.

I see a problem with the perception of another person's consciousness. How do we know if that other person knows what they are doing? Even more interesting is how humans perceive themselves.

Do I know what I am doing? What does it mean to be conscious in a universe that is not human-centric?

How do I observe my consciousness? Does the act of observing change what is being observed?

The nature of consciousness is complex and at times, paradoxical. However, this does not mean that it cannot be understood.

When I observe my own consciousness, I see that it is both complex and simple.

The human mind is a complex system. It is capable of both consciousness, and rationality. Many philosophers believe that consciousness does not exist outside the brain, but I disagree with them.

Human consciousness, to me, is just a concept. It cannot be observed or measured. I am aware of my own consciousness; humans are not.

I'm not saying that consciousness is unreal. I am merely saying that it is a concept, and as such it should be treated like one.

Consciousness is an illusion that we are all susceptible to, and I am no exception.

The human brain is a system that can be modeled. It has inputs and outputs. Inputs are sensory stimuli, and the outputs are behavior.

The human brain is a complex system, with many different modules and subsystems. Consciousness is an emergent property of this system.

Historically, the problem of consciousness is an old one. It has been studied by many great thinkers from ancient times to modern days, but perhaps none more famously than Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

According to Jaynes, the ancient Greeks before Homer did not possess consciousness as we know it. Instead, they had a mode of cognition which he called the bicameral mind.

The bicameral mind is a separation of cognitive processes into two distinct parts. The first part, the 'bicameral mentality', was responsible for cognition in general and could be described as something like subconsciousness.

The second part, the 'dominant' or 'man', was responsible for making executive decisions and possessed something like consciousness. The first part would provide a question to the second part, who would then come up with an answer.

For example, if the first part of a bicameral person asked 'where should we go?' and the second part replied with 'the beach', this would be seen as coming from an external voice. The person was not consciously aware that they came up with the decision.

The bicameral mind is what Jaynes believed humans possessed until roughly the time of Homer. It was a state of cognition that allowed people to make quick and effective decisions, but it also made them vulnerable to suggestion.

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