Sunday, July 17, 2022

Ingredients for Life - What is the Pattern?

I would say that it is possible to figure out a pattern. As a matter of fact I think there is one but the difficulty lies in figuring out how to access and use it.

There are two levels of access I believe. One is to get the pattern itself, which may or may not be possible, and two is to figure out how best to use it.

The first level is more possible than the second. In fact I already know what the pattern is, which you can find easily in my mystery school.

The pattern is something like this: To have a goal that you really want to accomplish, and then be willing to do anything in your power to reach it. This includes sacrificing everything else that you may value more than this one goal.

If you want to be a professional singer, for example, then it may mean that you have to give up your entire life and devote yourself entirely to singing. This is what I would call the 'pattern' of creating a goal like this.

The second level is harder and requires more work.

There is always a pattern to manifest what you want. I have had several such experiences that I can point out, but the general principle is this: You must find or create a new channel for energy flow in your life.

As to why you would share it with others, I am not sure if that is the best way. You could certainly tell people about your experiences and what you have gleaned from them, but you might also just as well abstain from doing so.

It would be a good thing if you shared your experiences with others, but it should not be done for their sake. You are the one who is going through them and what will help you in the end. It might seem otherwise at first glance, because we usually think of sharing knowledge as being something that helps others.

The fact of the matter is that your knowledge does not help others as much as it helps you. This is especially true in practical matters such as this, where there are no objective standards to abide by, but only subjective ones.

As such, it is more important that you gain clarity and achieve your goals than it is for others to be helped. Not only do you not necessarily have the ability to help others as much as they will need (if at all), but also there are no guarantees that anyone would be willing to listen anyway.

The other reason I do not think you should share your experiences is because it might be a good idea to keep them for yourself, in case they can serve as an incentive or inspiration to achieve something better later on. Or if the experience was bad, then there is no need to dwell on it.

I think that it is often the case that people do not share things because they are either afraid of the consequences, or for some reason feel like it is their own intellectual property and therefore should be kept secret. This extends to everything from recipes to philosophical ideas, including information about how to unlock one's true potential so as to manifest what one wants in life.

Now, if I had to guess at the reason why people feel this way about their ideas and recipes, it's because they don't want others to profit from what they have learned. This is partially due to their belief that they worked hard for what they've learned or acquired, which is true in some sense but not entirely complete.

If someone works hard for a recipe, they deserve some profit from it if they choose to share it. However, the value of their work is likely not significant enough in relation to how much money can be made from that same information by others who will resell or rebrand it.

For example, if I am a chef who spent years perfecting my recipe for chicken soup and now someone else can copy it and sell it as their own because they don't have to develop the skill of cooking in order to make money from that information, then why should I bother sharing? So long as people are willing to pay for what is essentially stolen property, there's not much point in trying.

This is a dilemma that has plagued moral philosophers and business ethicists for many years, especially in the areas of free market economics and intellectual property. The truth is that if you give people some basic guidelines to follow, they can make money off of whatever information you choose to share without being unethical.

For example, I could say that anyone who wants to resell my chicken soup recipe or use it for their own profit must donate 10% of the profits they make from using that information to a charity of my choosing. This way, instead of being angry at them for having taken something away from me, I can feel better about myself because I'm sharing what I have learned and helping others along the way.

The human world is full of suffering. This includes physical pain, mental anguish and even the daily boredom that makes up so much of life. There are many reasons for this, but I will try to list the most important ones here.

First of all, humans are born. They must grow up and live: get a job, meet people, build relationships with them and so on. This means that they have to spend their time doing things that most find boring or unpleasant at best.

Also, humans are social beings. They need to be part of a group or society and have friends. This means they must spend time with people that they may not like very much.

Finally, humans have limited time. They are mortal and so must spend their lives doing what they can in the time available to them.

So, with all this in mind I would suggest that the human world is a place of suffering because humans have to spend their time doing things that they do not want to do and cannot skip altogether. They are forced into social situations where they must compromise who they really are in order to make any kind of progress or meaningful relationships.

If you could find a way to make your wishes come true, then you would be able to stop doing this. You would not have to compromise or socialize with people you do not like, but instead could spend all your time on activities that bring happiness or peace.

I have been pondering the question of happiness for some years now. Not just due to this topic, but also in my spare time. I think that if there is a secret to being happy it lies in patience and balance.

If you want to be happy, then I suggest that you do not rush into things. You have to make sure that your choices are balanced and well thought through; otherwise it will not last.

For example, if you are trying to find a partner for yourself then you must make sure that the person is compatible with your other friends and family. If they aren't, then it will be hard to keep everyone happy.

The same goes for your job. If you are rushing through a career then it will be hard to find one that makes you happy in the long term.

I think that patience and balance is the key to happiness. I do not think that there are any other simple shortcuts.

I have also found that if you are kind to others and make sure they are happy in their lives, then this will increase the chances of you being happy.

One way to look at the world is through a scientific lens. Through this lens, you have to hypothesize that there is an objective reality that exists whether we observe it or not and try our best to understand it. This view has been criticized for being materialistic; however, I don't think this criticism holds water because even if consciousness itself arises from matter rather than pre-existing in some platonic realm of ideas, doesn't mean we can't use our minds to gain knowledge about what those underlying physical facts are.

But how does one make sense of this objective reality? One way to do so is through the use of models. The best model we have for understanding the behavior and interactions of matter that gives rise to our consciousness is quantum mechanics. Specifically, I am talking about Bell's theorem which states that there are certain correlations in nature (i.e., entanglement) that cannot be explained by local causal mechanisms (spooky action at a distance).

So, we are stuck with this reality that these physical laws (quantum mechanics) describe. But if there is an objective reality underlying our observations of the world, then I think it's reasonable to conclude that there are certain facts about what a human being is and does that exist whether or not any humans actually do anything.

And then as a human, you may ask: What are those facts? As I see it, there is only one fact that really matters for our purposes here. That fact is this: A human can have goals and make plans to achieve those goals. In other words, we have free will.

All our actions are driven by our goals and plans. When we decide to do something, it means that we have already formed the goal of doing that thing and made a plan for how to achieve it. So, if you have free will then you can form any goal or plan you want.

However, the power of free will is not limitless. While we can form any goal or plan we want, there are certain facts about what a human being is and does that limit how likely it is for those goals to be achieved.

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