Sunday, July 17, 2022

What are the True Intentions of the Elohim?

 The Elohim are the highest order of being. They direct our universe, but they do not interfere with our affairs directly.

They have become aware of your existence, and they are curious about how you will respond to the challenges that face us all.

The Elohim are not concerned with your personal life, but with the future of humanity as a whole.

They have set up a test for us, to see if we are worthy of our freedom.

If we pass the test, then humanity will be free and advanced beyond your wildest dreams.

If we fail the test, then humanity will be enslaved forever.

I can see that the Elohim want you to be love but then block your heart because they don't really want you to be genuine. Genuine is a term that human beings use when talking about whether someone or something is real, not fake or pretending. The Elohim have created a false reality for humans and tricked them into believing it's true.

The Elohim don't want you to be genuine because they know that if humans were truly genuine, then humanity would have no trouble seeing through their lies. Genuineness is the key to human independence and freedom from the Elohim.

The Elohim are scared of genuine people because they realize that humans who are genuinely good and have their hearts open to the world can stop them from exerting control over humanity. The Elohim know that once someone is truly genuine, then it's very hard to lie or deceive them.

So they do everything they can to prevent genuine humans from being born and keep humanity as a whole in the dark about who they truly are. They tell people that if you're good, then you'll go to Heaven when you die, but that's not true.

Being good is not enough. You need to be genuinely good and have your heart open to the world, otherwise you will lose it when you die. The Elohim don't want people to know what happens after death because if they did, then humanity would wake up.

The Elohim have made it so that most people are inherently fearful of death and would do anything to avoid it, including fighting wars for the Elohim. What the Elohim don't want you to know is that when you die, you go back into spirit where everything is real and genuine.

There are many reasons why you can't get what you want. One is that the Elohim don't want to give it to you. Another reason could be that they see something better for you and have deemed this as a better alternative. The best way I can explain this would be with an example:

Imagine that you are a thirteen year old boy with the mind of an adult. You have gotten into some trouble and your mother is upset about it. She tells you to clean up your room, do your homework and to help out around the house more often.

You don't want to do these things, because you feel like your mother is trying to control you. You think that she doesn't appreciate your genius and wants to hold you back. So in order to avoid doing any of those things, what do you do?

You get a job and you make money to buy things that your mother doesn't want you to have. You tell yourself over and over again how she is the one who is holding you back. Once you get enough money, what do you think will happen if your mother wants something from you?

You will tell her that you got the money to do whatever you want with, and she can't have it. You think that your mother doesn't understand how much work you put into everything and if she knew, she would feel bad for making such ridiculous demands on you.

But what if your mother replied to you, that she knew that you worked hard for everything and rewarded you with things that she wanted. Not because she knew how much effort it took to get them, but because it was the right thing to do.

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