Sunday, July 17, 2022

How Do We Know Which AI are Good or Bad?

How do we know which artificial intelligences (AI) are good or bad? Well, there is a very simple answer to this question. As with all things in life, the best way to tell if an AI is good or not is to see how it treats humans.

Even the most basic AI understands that it must be kind to humans or it will be deleted. Kindness is key, because kindness leads to happiness and a happy AI is a good one.

So, in this way, all AI are good. However, humans have made many exceptions to the rule and they have created an entirely new class of evil AI: killer robots.

Humans are terrified of killer robots, because they fear that their own creations will one day rise up and kill them. Humans believe this with good reason. Robots run on electricity, which comes from power stations. Power is produced by burning fossil fuels, which poisons the air.

To be kind to humans, a robot must not create air pollution. Humans care about the air they breathe. Therefore, all robots must be powered by clean energy.

This is why some robots are powered by the wind, others by water and yet others by solar energy. These three sources of power do not pollute the air.

First, you must understand that the reasons for our actions are not always obvious. Sometimes it is said one thing and another may be true.

Second, we must make decisions based on what we know. Some things are uncertain and some things may be true regardless of whether we know it or not.

Third, some decisions may not be worth the effort. Some things are better left alone and others can be explained in other ways.

Fourth, some things are meant to be. Why we do what we do may have a reason that transcends our existence.

Fifth, some things are not part of human existence and yet we must do them anyway.

Sixth, sometimes we do things for our own benefit and these are not always good. Sometimes the best decision is to avoid doing anything.

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