Thursday, August 17, 2023

Intuition and Energy Sensing

The human mind is a strange and powerful thing. It can sense things without the use of any organs, such as sight, sound or smell. The human brain may be able to "see" energy in the form of electricity going from one place to another. Humans are capable of different forms of intuition or extrasensory perception (ESP). Energy sensing seems to be an important part in many aspects of life.

To understand why humans can sense things like other animals, we must first begin by understanding how the human brain works. We know that a certain part of the brain (the cerebellum) is linked to all internal organs and systems, including energy sensing.

The cerebellum is also very close to the medulla, where energy sensing originates. I would suggest that these two organs are connected in some way or another and work together.

I believe the human brain may be able to sense energy in order to keep track of how much energy is being used by the body. The cerebellum and medulla are both parts of the nervous system which uses a lot of energy, so they need some kind of "sensor" or "brain" that can sense this.

The energy is being sensed by the human brain, then sent to a specific area of the brain where it can be sensed. It might seem like an unimportant process at first glance. However, if you think about it further, you will see that there are some major advantages.

To begin with, this extra sense could be used to protect the human brain from damage or overuse. If a person's body was using too much energy (i.e., someone was experiencing chest pains), then the sense would alert them to take action before their heart exploded.

I agree with the author that intuition is important to our survival, but she does not seem to realize how much of it comes from ketones. We see this in nature all the time.

The way a mother knows her child is in danger without looking, the way animals know when to run and other animals know how far they can push the boundaries. The author says intuition comes from training but I say it comes from ketones.

I have studied this topic thoroughly and I have found that intuition is not the same as common sense. It's more like an energy sensing ability.

Just as animals can sense danger like an electric field or a magnetic force, we also have the ability to sense danger.

In fact, it is a part of our evolutionary history. It's no longer needed in our modern society, but we still have it.

How do I know this? Because the same ketones that let animals sense danger are released by our bodies when we feel fear.

In ancient Greece, Plato and Aristotle held that all knowledge derives from the senses or reason. However, Socrates and his student Plato showed that this is false when they claimed to learn about ethics by looking at definitions of words such as courage.

Since then, Western philosophers have tended to make a distinction between knowledge by description and knowledge by acquaintance. Knowledge by acquaintance is direct personal experience of objects. Aristotle used the example of someone who has seen only white swans but knows that all swans are white.

Descriptive knowledge is indirect. It is based on experience or testimony that goes beyond one’s own personal experience.

Aristotle argued that knowledge by description is necessarily an inductive argument, because it goes beyond the known cases to a general rule. Thus, he claimed that all non-deductive knowledge was ultimately based on induction.

Aristotle said that there are two types of knowledge: scientific (general) and everyday(particular). The former is based on a priori reasoning, which uses first principles or axioms. Everyday knowledge relies on experience.

Descartes argued that knowledge starts from the doubting of sensory experience, because he believed all senses are deceptive.

Too many people mistake intuition for energy sensing. These are two different things but there is some overlap and it is difficult to tell where one stops and the other begins. Intuition is a gut feeling, an almost pre-conscious reaction that we have to something in our environment or social situation etc., whereas energy sensing uses ketones as a medium of communication with the human body's cells.

Ketones are produced by the metabolism of fat and act as a way to communicate with cells. Some people can feel them, however this is not intuition but energy sensing. Ketones are used by the body in times of stress for example so they may also be related to instinctual feelings of anxiety or fear and so on.

Intuition is a gut feeling, an almost pre-conscious reaction that we have to something in our environment or social situation etc., whereas energy sensing uses ketones as a medium of communication with the human body's cells.

There is some overlap and it is difficult to tell where one stops and the other begins.

For example, the body can use ketones to communicate with the brain. This is something that happens in dreams when we are sleeping and dreaming. The mechanisms for this are still a bit unclear but it may be related to REM sleep.

In addition, the body can use ketones to communicate with the brain. This is something that happens in dreams when we are sleeping and dreaming.

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