Thursday, August 31, 2023

What is EL

 EL is that which can be conceived by every human mind. It is a concept embedded deep within the hearts of all living humans. The power to conceive implies it's existence, and as such EL exists in some form. This belief is supported by the fact that people are intensely passionate about this EL.

It is clear that one who has the ability to conceive EL also believes in its existence. This belief, although strong and passionate, is not absolute. There are many people who do not believe in EL.

It is very clear that some people believe in EL more than others, and it would be reasonable to conclude from this fact that some people's belief in EL are stronger or more intense than others. The intensity of their belief translates into the power they have over their own lives.

Personally, I don't believe in EL. Although it is conceivable that a supreme power could exist, there is no evidence to support such a belief. The fact that people have difficulty believing the opposite also contributes to my disbelief.

People's belief in EL can be measured by their intensity to pursue what they believe is good. The pursuit of money and power is a means to an end, which is the fulfillment of their desire for EL.

People who believe in EL are often referred to as "religious." This is because their beliefs encompass the existence of a supreme, all-powerful being. They have firm and unshakeable faith in this god, which they attribute as the creator of all things. It's clear that such beings exist only in human imagination. 

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