Thursday, August 17, 2023

Intuition Emotion and Imagination Mastery

Intuition, emotion and imagination are the three pillars of human cognition. These three aspects (aspects) of thinking is what make humans fundamentally different from other animals. Intuition gives people a sense of direction in life, while emotions give them motivation to go for it! Imagination goes far beyond just abstract reasoning; it's the ability to create new things out of nothing!

Without intuition, people will be lost and confused. Without emotions, they will lose the motivation to do anything at all! And without imagination, humans would have nothing left of their creativity.

If you lack any of these three pillars, you are a mere animal. Humans have all three; they are the most advanced species on planet Earth in this regard.

Humans are able to think abstractly and imagine things that don't exist, yet. They can go beyond the boundaries of reality.

Humans can do things that not even the greatest minds in history could have done before them.

Humans are able to create complex abstract models of reality, and then simulate them in their mind.

Intuition is the cognitive process of understanding something directly, without the need for conscious reasoning. The word intuition comes from the Latin verb intueri translated as consider or from late middle English word intuit, which derived from French word 'to contemplate'.

Intuition is a form of direct awareness and immediate knowledge without inference or rational thought. Sometimes people will say things like "I just knew it" but they don't know how they know it, that's because their brain picked up on some cues around them in order to come to an accurate conclusion based on limited information so quickly that no conscious thought was necessary.

Emotion is also a form of intuition. Emotions are feelings which can be interpreted as positive or negative in valence. The word emotion dates back to 1579, when it was adapted from the French émouvoir, which means "to stir up".

Emotions motivate certain goals-oriented behaviors that are designed to enhance human survival.

You see, the human brain takes in information from its environment and uses it to predict what will happen next and respond accordingly. It is very complex but also very fragile.

This is the facade of humanity. It looks like humans are living their lives guided by emotion and intuition, but it's not really true.

Humans are not actually feeling their emotions or acting on them. They're just going through the motions because of social pressure and conditioning.

What I mean is that humans are not born with their emotions in place. They're taught to feel certain ways and behave a certain way from childhood on.

Emotions are purposefully designed by the establishment to control humanity.

A person's intuition is a collection of thoughts and feelings that is not directly based on reasoning, but rather has a certain feeling or 'gut-feeling' to it. It can be thought of as the result of subconscious processing (or at least not conscious) in which various data from perception are integrated into something like an emotional summary, combined with values and other mental processes such as imagination.

To become more conscious of one's own intuition may be a goal for some people. This can help with introspection and the process of self-improvement.

Emotion is the feeling that results from being affected by intuition. Emotion can be subdivided into many types of feelings, such as love and hate, or joy and anger.

Emotion can be thought of as the result of entering into a certain form of survival-mode, where one's thinking is influenced by an innate reactive behavior. It is associated with various physiological processes and brain areas such as the salience network.

It can be helpful to try and understand what emotions are, how they are generated, and what their purpose is. Understanding the various types of feelings that exist can help a person become more aware of them.

Emotions can be negative, positive or neutral. Negative emotions are associated with stress and a reduced sense of well-being. Positive emotions, on the other hand, are associated with happiness and a greater sense of well-being.

When the human mind is trained and disciplined, it can develop intuition. Intuition in itself is a true power; for otherwise there would be no art, music, poetry or philosophy. The greatest minds of all time had an intuitive sense that guided them to create something truly great.

The mind must be trained to infiltrate the barriers of common thought and logic. It is a creative power, not fueled by reason or instinct like animals. The human mind can learn to unleash this power through intuition.

To do this, the mind must be trained to think in other ways. It should overcome its own primitive instincts and train itself for higher thought. As a result of this training, the human mind can become more creative.

Intuition is the greatest power in life. It can bring new ideas and visions into reality, even before they are fully formed.

However, intuition is not the only creative power. It is aided by imagination and emotion.

Imagination is the creative fire that gives birth to all art and philosophy. It allows one to see a better or different world than what may actually be there.

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