Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What does the age of Aquarius look like

 The age of Aquarius is a period where women have made great strides in becoming liberated, and as such we are seeing the natural processes of social change that come with it. The age has been described by different people at different times as having an 'open-minded' attitude to life which allows for self-expression.

It is being said that the age of Aquarius will be a time when people are more open to new ideas and able to see things for what they are without getting caught up in the emotional biases that humans tend to have. This means less discrimination, violence and oppression which we have seen throughout history.

I would say that these changes are inevitable, but it's important to note that we have seen before when society has changed in the past. Society was once dominated by religious beliefs and discrimination against those who were different. But as time moved forward, humans learned how to be more tolerant and accepting of each other's differences.

This is a natural process that we are seeing now in our own time. It's important to note that these changes have been going on for generations, and will continue into the future as well.

It's also important to note that this process of social change is not an exact science, but rather it is affected by human factors as well. It can be accelerated or slowed based on the emotions and beliefs held by society.

In a nutshell, I would say that the age of Aquarius will be a time where people are more open to new ideas and able to see things for what they are without getting caught up in the emotional biases that humans tend to have. This means less discrimination, violence and oppression which we have seen throughout history.

I think I can answer your question. The Age of Aquarius looks like a world full of people who are simply not aware that they themselves have no understanding whatsoever about the reality around them or what is going on in their own lives and in the greater scheme of things.

There are many people who think they have a lot of knowledge, but in reality they don't. Many are simply led by the media and their own egos to believe that they have a strong understanding about what is going on around them.

It is a common trait among humans to not question many things. Most simply continue on in their daily lives, caught up in the whirlwind of activity that surrounds them and never look beyond what is happening today.

If they could only realize how much time and energy is spent on activities that are meaningless in the long run, they would be better able to see what this age really looks like.

Most people don't have a clue about what is going on in their communities, or within their own lives. They are simply too busy working to earn more money and be able to afford the things that they need in order to survive.

They don't realize that they are actually slaves to their jobs and, in the end, their lives consist of nothing more than working for someone else so that they can pay off all of the debts which have been accumulated over a lifetime.

The age of Aquarius will be a time for humanity to purge itself of its darker qualities in order to achieve its potential. This is not the first time that this has happened and it certainly won't be the last, but each human generation must overcome their faults or risk becoming extinct.

We, as a species, are afraid of the unknown and we feel compelled to destroy anything that threatens us. We have seen this in our history many times when mankind has destroyed other sentient life before learning about them.

We have also seen this recently in our treatment of the environment, where we continue to pump pollutants into Earth's air and water. We are not thinking about what future generations will be like because we don't think there will be any.

We are a short sighted species that doesn't think past today. In the age of Aquarius, we will have to fix this or we'll be in big trouble.

Humans have also shown an inability to change their own nature. We are unable to empathize with those who don't look, think and act like we do.

We kill those who don't believe in our god, and we enslave others for their benefit. We are unable to look past the limitations of our own species.

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