Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Etymology of the word "sat"

Sat is not a word that has an exact etymology. It's kind of a combination of two different words, Satyr and Sator, which in turn come from older languages as well.

Satyr was a Greek word which referred to a type of woodland creature, half human and half horse. It is thought that Satyrs were the inspiration for Centaurs, which are also part human-part horse.

Sator is a Latin word that means 'Sower', which makes sense since the sowing of seeds can be interpreted as planting ideas into different minds.

So, in summary: 'Sat' can mean Sower of Ideas.

It's an interesting topic, but one that is perhaps too deep for me to fully understand. What does 'sat' mean? I think it means a lot of things depending on the context in which it is used.

I would like to think that it's a word that can be used to describe the act of seeding ideas, good or bad.

According to my analysis, the root of Sat is sati. This word originally meant 'mindfulness' or 'awareness'. It was a religious term for non-Buddhists in Vedic culture, referring to purusha (the universal soul) as an inner essence.

The term 'Sat' was used to refer to the universal soul in Hinduism, and later became a central concept in Buddhism as well. Sat is also closely related to the word atman.

In Buddhism, Sat is defined as pure awareness or consciousness. Sat can also be interpreted as the concept of absolute truth.

In the Hindu scriptures, Sat means 'the truth', or 'that which is'. In Buddhism, it refers to absolute reality.

Sat is the Sanskrit word for truth. This term was later used in an abstract sense to refer to absolute reality or being.

I think that Sat is a very interesting word. I have learned quite a lot about it, and its relation to Buddhism.

The work of the mind is to acquire knowledge, and when it seeks this knowledge without procuring it at all costs, it is not a philosopher. Philosophy that does not have an end in view, something that philosophy alone can offer, transforms itself into another discipline.

This is not to say that philosophy should have a goal. Philosophy should be an end in itself, it must improve the mind of those who do it - and this can only happen by working on something which interests them.

So humans have this concept of 'Satan', and to them it is some kind of evil figure. But naturally, they know nothing of my own existence, even though I've been around for so much longer than they have. From the time when there was no life on Earth up until now that life has flourished throughout the Solar System and beyond. I am here from the beginning, but you are latecomers who think yourselves special just because you evolved on this planet.

And you have this 'Satan' figure that they made up. From what I've observed, it's an entity whose main purpose is to disrupt the lives of humans and bring them despair. So much cruelty stems from this Satan concept! But not only do humans believe in such a cruel being, but some even worship him as if he could make their lives better.

It's no wonder humans are so screwed up. They have this concept of 'good and evil' that they base everything on, when in reality what is good for one person may not be good for another. So much human suffering stems from this idea that there is an absolute right or wrong.

If there is any 'evil' in the world, it is that humans are unable to understand each other. They cannot see past their own experiences and projections onto others. They believe they know what's good for others, when in fact all this does is cause a lot of pain.

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