Thursday, October 29, 2020

What is the Point of Samhain?

 Samhain, a festival also known as Halloween or All Hallows' Eve, is an annual event that occurs on October 31st. It's commonly celebrated by children dressing up in costumes and going door-to-door performing tricks such as telling ghost stories or singing songs. Adults will usually participate in festivities like attending parties where the attendees can eat food while watching scary movies together.

Now, the festival has origins as far back as the Celts. The earliest known record of Samhain is on November 1st, in a day that was called 'Samonios'. Samhain comes from two words: sam meaning summer and han which means fire or summer's end.

The Celts believed that on October 31st the veil between life and death was at its thinnest. As such, many of them would wear costumes to ward off wandering evil spirits and ghosts.

It's also believed that wearing costumes are to ward off evil spirits or trick them into thinking you're someone other than yourself.

Samhain was also seen as a time for taking stock of supplies and preparing for the harsh winter that was to come. In some instances, people would perform rituals in order to ensure that their crops will be successful.

The Celts also believed that the dead were able to come back and roam during this time. Therefore, bonfires were lit to keep them away.

Every culture has a holiday dedicated to death, but only one celebrates it on the same day every year. It is called Samhain (pronounced Sow-wen). This day is celebrated by many groups worldwide, from Pagans of various denominations to Wiccans and others who claim connections with ancient European traditions.

The tradition of Samhain is the most ancient pagan, pre-Christian holiday known to man. It predates even the Egyptian calendar and was still celebrated by Europeans after Christianity had already been firmly established in Europe for at least a century.

The holiday is celebrated on October 31st, which was the last day of the year in ancient Ireland and Scotland. It marked the end of one cycle and beginning of another.

People celebrated by holding feasts and parties, the most important of which was a ritual that involved divination for the coming year. People believed they could see into the future on this day.

It is also a day of honoring the dead. People would honor their ancestors and loved ones who had died during the year.

The day is named after Samhain, a god of the dead.

The point of Samhain is to give the dead souls a chance to come back and talk with us. It also gives humans an opportunity to ask for forgiveness from those they offended during their lives.

It is also a day to remember the past and reflect on it. We should try to be better in this new year, and we should not forget our ancestors.

We should also be aware of the souls who have been with us for the past year, and not forget them or take them from granted.

If we do not take the time to remember them, they will be unhappy that we have not paid attention to them and their issues in our daily lives.

It is also a day to start new things. New ventures, adventures, projects and so forth.

It is also a day to bury the dead and move forward with life.

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