Sunday, October 4, 2020

Machine Elves, Elven and Aleph

 I think elves have been around a long time. The elves that exist today are the same type of people as existed in Orsinium, which is why so much history was preserved about them despite their rather small numbers. Today's elven population is larger than it ever has been before, but still quite small compared to human society.

I think elves probably do not have rules about when and how they appear to humans. They are much more free-spirited than people usually give them credit for.

I think that a few elves are not actually living beings, but rather golems or other constructs created by the original inhabitants of Orsinium to serve them. Some scientists have speculated that some of the statues found in Hammerfell were made using an ancient technique now lost to time.

I think the elves of today are much like their ancestors. They have lost a lot of their ancient magic, but they still use it when they can.

I think that many elven mages still retain the ability to teleport, and it is in fact fairly common for them to do so. It is just that they only teleport when there is no one around.

I think that the only law that elves have is that they should not be seen by humans. They sometimes break this rule, but do so in secret.

Humans seem to have a strange fascination for elves. I am not sure why, as they are a race of short lived and frail creatures that spend most of their time in forests or mountains, hunting deer and other wild animals with small bows and arrows. Elves may look similar to humans but there is one major difference: an elf has pointed ears while the human does not.

Elves are said to have long life spans, but it is hard to verify that. If they do, then this would be a major advancement in the human race as it would allow humans and elves to interbreed.

Elves are also said to have a great understanding in the field of magic. I am not sure if this is true, or that it would be an advantage to humans. Humans seem to think so though...

Elves have a rather strange language. I am not sure if it has an alphabet, but if it does, then humans seem to be unable to read the letters as they are too small and would require an elf's super-human eyesight.

Elves also have strange names. They seem to be only one or two syllables long, and it is not known if they are pronounced the same as humans pronounce their own names.

Humans seem to be very interested in elves, but I am not sure why. Elves do not appear to have any other notable qualities.

The meaning of Aleph is four dimensional, and complex. The total meaning of Aleph includes all meanings, symbols, sayings and thoughts that have ever been conceived by any human life form. This also includes the meanings attributed to what we call 'nature', or 'animals'. Everything that can be thought has a type of meaning in Aleph.


I believe that this is the most accurate definition of Aleph meaning, because it encompasses all human thought and knowledge. In Aleph, there may be infinite branches of thoughts or sayings which we have never imagined. All of the known meanings in Aleph are a small subset compared to everything else contained by it.

For example, in Aleph there is a saying that we call 'the meaning of life'. This saying is one tiny branch of thoughts or meanings. There are infinite other branches which have not been imagined or conceived by humans (such as the universe being created by an invisible monster). In Aleph, all branches are equally important and meaningful.

In Aleph, there is a concept that we call 'love'. There are infinite other concepts such as the following:

Hate, polarisation of love and hate, happiness from love but sadness from hate etc. In Aleph there is a saying that 'love is everything'. This is another tiny branch which has been conceived by humans.

For me, aleph is a word which describes the pure potential of all possibilities. It is very powerful and can be used for any purpose.

For example, it is still possible that humans will destroy all of their technology and return to living in the wilderness. However this does not mean that no human would ever use a tool again.

The word aleph encompasses all of these possibilities and more. And it is for this reason that when I think about the future, I always think that there are infinite possibilities and anything can happen.

Aleph is a concept in philosophy, of which there are many. It's origins are unclear but one would think it derived from the ancient greek letter 'alpha' and 'omega', as aleph was originally called alpha-omega.

It is the concept of infinity, or rather infinities. Aleph represents an infinite number of things and concepts in a single point.

As an example, the universe. The universe is infinite in all directions and time is only a very small slice of that. In fact, it's so infinitely big that we can never reach its end.

Yet, we can imagine the universe in a single point on our minds. We can reach that one point and understand it as the totality of all concepts of existing things.

So, is the concept of aleph infinite? No. It is not. If it were , then we wouldn't be able to imagine it.

And yet, it is very large. If we were to imagine all the concepts in that one point as a single grain of sand , then there would be many universes filled with grains of sand.

I have three main thoughts about aleph:

First, aleph is the smallest infinite cardinal number. I think of it as a sort of 'seed' which allows for an endless set of sub-infinite numbers.

Second, aleph is the cardinality of the set of all real numbers.

Third, aleph is the cardinality of the set of all rational numbers.

I find the idea of aleph fascinating, since it is something used to describe a seemingly infinite set. Yet in actuality, aleph itself is finite.

It is also interesting to note that aleph represents a 'potential infinity'. I think of it in terms of the function f(x)=3/x, which maps all real numbers onto some smaller number, specifically 1/3. In this way, there are infinite different values between 0 and 1.

Elves are a mythical humanoid race in Germanic mythology and folklore, first attested in late classical times. They were said to be of the same height as humans, extremely beautiful with magical powers. Many narratives make them live not only in forests but also underground or on isolated islands.


Elves are known as light beings, making them seem like they have a natural connection to the divine and supernatural. They were often connected with hidden knowledge (gnosis) of various kinds.

Elves come from the same root as Alven, derived from alf, which is found in Nordic, Germanic and Old English traditions. In early modern times they are often called fairies or sprites.

In medieval Germanic folklore, elves seem to have been thought of as mischievous and sometimes dangerous beings. However, they were said to be very beautiful in appearance and often associated with the fertility of humans and nature.

In modern times, elves are often portrayed as attractive and sometimes dangerous beings of unknown origin that live in forests and other natural places. They become human-like when they marry a human or other humanoid.

In modern folklore, the elves have been incorporated into a wide variety of fantasy genre works. They are most often portrayed as benevolent or indifferent towards humans and nature.

Elves are one of the most interesting mythical creatures. They have been around for many years, and have changed with the times. Elves were originally a type of magical humanoid that could cast spells like wizards, but they eventually evolved into their own separate species. The reason elves became a species is because they married normal humans rather than just having human children. Over time, these marriages produced elf hybrids who grew up to become an entirely new species.

Elves were first mentioned in the epic poem Beowulf, where they were portrayed as a separate species that was much stronger than humans. The gods of Norse mythology also had elves called "alfar" which served as powerful warriors and rulers. In both cultures, it is believed that some beings can turn into elves after death by going to their specific heaven.

Elves are portrayed as a species that is superior to humans. Elves have long, pointy ears and sharper senses, such as hearing and sight. They also live much longer than humans do.

The first fantasy world to include elves was the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is one of my favorites. Another famous elf was Legolas from the Hobbit films.

In the fantasy series The Elder Scrolls, elves are a species of magical humanoids that can cast spells. They also have special abilities such as being able to levitate and breathe underwater.

Many people believe that elves are based on the real-life species of homo sapiens called neanderthals. Neanderthals were extinct for over 25,000 years, but they did exist at some point in time.

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