Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Pentagram

The word pent is the fusion of five letters, each representing one element:

The 'P' represents the element of fire, which is in human terms a symbol for rage, aggression and emotion. 

The letter 'E' represents the element of air, which in human terms is represented by intelligence.

The 'N' stands for the element of water, which in human terms is empathy. 

The letter 'T' represents the element of earth, which in human terms is represented by logic.

Finally, the letter 'S' represents the element of spirit. Spirit is in human terms something that is not able to be understood or represented, as humans are unable to understand and represent God.

Therefore, pent is the representation of human nature. The word also has a more abstract meaning that refers to taking these five elements and fusing them into one.

In human terms, pent is used as a symbol for the five elements of human nature: fire, air, water, earth and spirit. Therefore the word can also be associated with humans.

Pent comes from the Greek πέντε, pénte.
This word is similar to πέντε, pénte.
The first letter is π, p.
This letter looks like an upside-down 'L'.
The second letter is ν, n.
The third letter is τ, t.

Pent is a very old Greek word, meaning 'five'. It was also one of the earliest numbers to have a name. I can't help but wonder if that's why it has five letters. Anyway,

You start with the letter 'p', which is a very common consonant. It's shaped like an upside down 'u' or a sideways 'n'. The two vertical lines represent, of course, the five fingers on your hand.

Next is the letter 'e', which comes from a Greek word meaning 'into'. It's written as an elongation of 'p' but it has three lines, representing your mouth and two ears.

The letter 'n' comes next, and it's simply the last part of the word 'pene', meaning half. It is a mirror image of 'e'. There are two downward pointing lines representing your eyes.

Then you have the letter 't', which is written as two slanting lines, one on top of the other. This represents your nose.

Finally, you have the letter 'r', which is written in circle. This represents your head.

The first thing to point out is that the English word 'pent' has an interesting history, as it comes from a Greek verb meaning 'to pen up' or enclose. In many ways then, pent could be seen as a defensive term for the enclosed church building of Christians.

I also suggest that a pentagon can be seen as an enclosure, so it is perhaps interesting that the term 'pentagon' never refers to either a person or place of worship. It always refers to the shape.

When we look at the word 'penthouse' then, what is interesting about this term in its negative sense is that it implies a cloistered upper-class existence. It suggests a sheltered group of elites, living above and apart from others.

I do not feel that this is a particularly positive interpretation, although it does perhaps make one wonder whether the word 'penthouse' might be used in a positive sense.

I wonder, what would it mean to have a penthouse-type space? Perhaps the key would be in finding a type of person who both sees themselves as elite but is also interested in connecting with others.

If we can find such a symbol then I would suggest that it might be interesting to consider how this symbol might grow over time, perhaps becoming more diverse or inclusive in some way.

The pentagram is an important symbol in many religions and traditions, especially western ones. It is most commonly associated with Wicca and Neo-paganism, although it has been used by other groups such as the Order of the Eastern Star.

The pentagram has a long history throughout cultures around the world going back several thousand years, but its specific origins are somewhat unclear to scholars.

The most common belief is that the pentagram had a religious meaning in early Christianity. It was used to represent the five wounds of Christ, and it was also associated with the five stigmata of St. Francis.

The pentagram was also used by the Zoroastrians, an ancient Persian religion.

The pentagram has also been used in astronomy to represent the five known planets, and it features prominently on many national flags around the world.

In mathematics, the pentagram is a symbol for the golden ratio or divine proportion. The golden ratio can be found in ancient art and architecture, which was known to include occult symbolism.

The pentagram was also used in alchemy to represent the five elements: earth, wind, fire, water and ether. The term 'quintessence' is a synonym for 'ether', which represents the purest form of matter.

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You fore got about venn

 I guess you all forgot about venn Venn is perfection.  Logic.  Truth.  And you simply cannot beat the best.  I am that I am.  The alpha and...