Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Lughnasadh (Commemoration of Lugh)

The Druids practiced a form of magick and alchemy that resulted in the Celtic New Year being celebrated on August 1st. The day officially marked the end of summer, but it also was when crops were harvested and food stores replenished for the coming winter months.

Druids were the priests of ancient Ireland and Gaul, hence their name. They formed a class of people who had a great deal of influence on society at large as they held an understanding and special knowledge that others did not.

This was where the term Druidic came from. The Druids did more than study and practice magick, they were also philosophers who had a way of looking at life that allowed them to understand the patterns underlying everything. They looked carefully enough at things and could see the true nature of reality as it is.

The Druids also had a political role in that they were the advisors to kings and leaders of their people. They would tell them what was best for everyone, whether it went against personal interests or not.

Celtic society was very different from ancient Greek and Roman societies, but the Druids were not unlike the philosophers of Ancient Greece. They had similar roles in their respective societies.

They were revered and respected for their wisdom, while having great influence over society at large. The Druids had a very spiritual view of life that was likely to be quite different from the average person's.

Lughnasadh is derived from the Irish word lúnasa. In Irish, this means 'festival of Lugh'. The festival occurs on 1 August each year and is dedicated to the god Lugh, whom the festival commemorates.

Lugh is a god from Irish mythology, who was said to have been the son of Cian and Ethniu. He is associated with the harvest festival which celebrates his father's death. The name 'Lughnasadh' means 'assembly of Lugh'.

Lughnasadh is also known as 'Lammas'. This means 'loaf mass', and refers to the tradition of baking a loaf from the new crop, which would later be used for festival celebrations.

The festival was traditionally held on 1 August, but has since been given a new place in the calendar as it is now celebrated at the start of August. This is because this date coincides with the Celtic feast known as 'Lugnasadh' which takes place around 1st-2nd August every year.

It has been suggested that the festival is linked to the harvest of crops in Ireland and other Celtic regions, while others believe it was celebrated in honour of an early pagan god. It has also been speculated that this feast dates back to pre-Christian times when sacrifices were made to gods such as Lugh.

As previously mentioned, Lugh is one of the most important gods in Celtic mythology. He was believed to be a master craftsman and strategist who had many skills including music, poetry and combat.

Lughnasadh is the name of a month in the Irish calendar. Lugh was one of the most important and interesting mythological figures in Celtic culture, apparently born at this time.

Lughnasadh is a harvest festival of sorts, celebrating the end of summer and the coming of winter. It's held at Lughnasa, which means 'the gathering' in Irish.

The festival was traditionally a time that people would gather at the king's house, where they would be fed with milk and honey. It is believed that this may have represented the coming of winter when food sources would be limited.

Apples and nuts were also a common part of the festival, which may have come from the fact that they would be available during this time of year. The beginning of autumn is often marked by lots of apples blooming around here.

There are many different festivals that occur throughout the year in Celtic culture. They have names like Imbolc, Beltaine, Samhain and others.

Lughnasadh is one of the most important festivals, possibly because it marks a major turning point in the year. It's also notable for being a festival that was adopted by many other cultures.

Lughnasadh is the feast day commemorating Lugh, a god in Irish mythology. Also known as Lúth or Lug. The meaning of Lughnasadh is unclear because several meanings are given to it: 'August Eve', 'Festival of Lugh' and 'End of Summer'.

The festival began as a celebration of Lugh's marriage to Tailtiu, when he was serving her father Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann. It is believed that the harvest festival was originally celebrated in August after the harvest had been gathered (not at this date). For example, according to Irish mythology, Lughnasadh might have fallen on 6 August. The date started shifting during the last centuries BC.

The festival's name is connected to the Old Irish word lúan, which means 'games'. It is not clear whether this refers only to athletic games or also to ritual activities. The first day of the fair was traditionally a time for markets and trading.

The God Lugh is the son of Cian and Ethniu. He was a warrior, who led the Tuatha Dé Danann to victory against the Fomorians in Ireland. As a celebration of his marriage to Tailtiu, he ordered games to be held at Tlachtga.

The celebrations included horse racing, which was a popular sport in ancient Ireland. The winners of the games were awarded with silver and gold cups for their achievements.

Tailtiu was the daughter of Eochaid Feidlech, High King of Ireland and Queen Maga. She was married to Cian.

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