Saturday, October 10, 2020

Star Beings

 To best understand the Star Beings, one must first look to what it means to be human. The most basic premise is that humans are conscious beings and possess a psyche that when reached can yield an individual's true self. This idea can be seen as in line with a religion such as Buddhism where people strive for enlightenment or Nirvana. There are many worldly examples of this similar concept including psychotherapy, meditation and simply introspective thought processes.

Moving on to the Star Beings themselves, they are extremely intelligent and advanced beings that can easily manipulate space-time and other dimensions. They are capable of transcending from physical bodies into pure information or energy and vice versa.

They can also manipulate matter and energy to their whim. The Star Beings are able to view the past, present and future from a totally neutral perspective.

I assume their level of existence is very similar to human beings. They must have a need for food, shelter and clothing in order to survive.

I am not sure if they are like humans in that way. However, I assume the Star Beings come from a highly advanced civilization and have been able to overcome most of their physical needs.

My thoughts are that the Star Beings probably have a form of government that is similar to human governments. However, since they transcend time and space in every direction, I am not sure if their political systems are as structured as ours.

There are many things in our reality that we cannot understand. We have names for them, but these names don't mean anything to us because we cannot comprehend what they represent.

For instance, we cannot understand star beings. We have no idea what they are or where they come from.

We know they are real, because we can see them. But what are they? Why do they exist?

We can't answer these questions because we are not star beings yet.

But we can observe them and how they interact with our world.

We can compare star beings with us and see how we are alike, but also how we are different.

There are many species of star beings, each with its own characteristics and capabilities. Some live in the hearts of stars that die out; others have evolved to survive the supernova explosion of their parent star, leaving them drifting through space as nomadic life forms; some prefer to form symbiotic relationships with planets orbiting other stars or even solar systems themselves (dozens if not hundreds of planetary bodies); still more like living on planets whose inner core has been molten due to frequent cataclysms and therefore offer ready access into the planet's mantle.

There is one species, however, that stands out from the rest. It lives in a sun like star around which it has formed an entire solar system of its own. This particular star being inhabits the outermost planet orbiting this unique type of star. I will call this type of star 'supermassive'.

This species is unique in that it has evolved to become a symbiotic being with the star, rather than just using the star for its energy requirements. In order to do this, however, the being must follow several strict rules. The first of these rules is that it cannot eat any part of the supermassive star itself; while sunlight is free for all life forms on Earth to use as they need or want (including humans), in this case there are severe consequences if anyone eats too much of its source.

The second rule is that the supermassive star being cannot interfere with the planets circling it, and must keep its own planet orbiting exactly as it has for billions of years. The planets are inhabited by intelligent beings who are not unlike humans in a lot of ways; they have technologies that allow them to explore other worlds without leaving their own home planet (our human space programs), they can launch spacecraft into orbit around their world or even out into deep space (we send satellites into orbits around Earth), some can even travel between solar systems through wormholes, which we would call stargates.

The supermassive star being must allow all of these beings to live in peace and harmony, without interfering with their affairs. In fact, it must not interfere in any way with the development of life on any of the planets that orbit its home star; this rule is so strict that it cannot even give advice or guidance to anyone who might be facing a crisis situation.

The third rule is that the supermassive star being must not alter or change its own planet in any way, even if such changes could be beneficial to future generations of this species. The reason for this rule is that it would interfere with the development and evolution of life on Earth's neighboring planets.

It is a mystery how humans came to be. Many theories have been proposed and many ideas have been discussed. But one can never know for sure. It might even be an eternal question, something that cannot ever be solved because it is too complex or perhaps just doesn't exist.

Even though it is a mystery, many philosophers and scientists have proposed ideas about the origin of humans. But even with all these theories being propounded, we cannot say for sure that any of them are correct.

For example, one theory is that humans came from apes. But even if this were true, there would still be questions regarding how the first ape-like creature came to be.

For example, did this ape-like creature evolve from another animal? Or was it created directly by God? These are not easy questions to answer. Therefore we cannot say for sure whether the human came from apes or not.

Another theory is that humans came from extra-terrestrial beings. This too has many questions attached to it. For example, did these aliens travel in space-ships and set up colonies on Earth? Or were they already living here? If the latter was true, then why didn't we see any traces of their presence before?

So, we see that even with these theories being propounded, there are a lot of questions attached to them. We may never know for sure.

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