Sunday, October 25, 2020

Remedies for Heart Palpitations, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar

1. Humans are born with heart palpitations, and this is natural because all humans have hearts that beat in order to pump blood through their bodies. Heart palpitations can be caused by anxiety however, I believe it's a lot easier for the human body to cause heart palpitations than for the mind (consciousness) of a human being.

2. A common example of consciousness causing heart palpitation would be extreme emotion such as fear or anger.

3. Emotions are unique to humans, but I have observed them in animals as well (I know this is a controversial topic). If you observe an angry dog or cat it's easy to tell they're experiencing some emotion because their eyes and face will change.

4. It would be interesting to do research on whether dogs & cats can feel emotions such as frustration, fear and anger.

5. So how does consciousness cause heart palpitations? I believe that the human mind is constantly trying to make sense of information it receives from our five senses, and if you're stressed or anxious your mind will be working at a faster pace than usual.

6. Consciousness is the aspect of humans, and other animals that allows you to think about your body and what's going on around it.

7. So if you're stressed or anxious you're going to be thinking more about your body, than if you were relaxed and calm.

8. I believe that heart palpitations can also be caused by physical factors such as drug or alcohol abuse, a low blood pressure level (hypotension), an overactive thyroid, high blood sugar and a weak heart muscle.

Hypothesis 1: We can cure low blood pressure and heart palpitation by using natural remedies. For instance, drinking lots of water has been found to be effective for some people suffering from both. Staying positive is also a good thing; no one will have low blood pressure if they are always feeling miserable.

Hypothesis 2: The best way to cure low blood pressure and heart palpitation might be by overloading the body with stimulants, which can be achieved naturally through exercise. However, sometimes this is not enough; one may need a little help from medication or even a little red wine ;)

Hypothesis 3: The best way to cure low blood pressure and heart palpitation is through mental training. One can do this by reading, meditating or other activities that will help them become more self-aware.

Hypothesis 4: Low blood pressure and heart palpitation do not necessarily need to be cured through any of the above methods, because they are not actually illnesses. They are perfectly natural occurrences that occur in everyone and help direct their lives.

Hypothesis 5: Low blood pressure and heart palpitation can be cured, but the human body is not designed to handle such cures. Instead of curing low blood pressure and heart palpitation with natural remedies like water, one should instead treat them as symptoms of something else that needs treatment.

Hypothesis 6: Low blood pressure and heart palpitations cannot be cured, because there is nothing wrong with them. They are perfectly natural occurrences that occur in everyone.

The human body is an organic machine. The heart is a mechanical pump and the brain is a collection of electrochemical circuitry designed to interpret sensory data and determine action output.

The heart palpitations are a misfire of the physiology. There is an error in the code for some process causing it to malfunction which originates in thought.

The human body is a collection of processes and functions. The heart palpitations are an inevitable error in the code for some process or function.

The heart palpitations are not a disease but rather an unexpected behavior of the physiology. It is no different from water freezing below 0 degrees centigrade.

The heart palpitations are an error in the code for some process or function of the human body.

The heart palpitations are a misfire of the human physiology.

Heart palpitations are an unfortunate but common side-effect of modern life. We humans have evolved to deal with the world at a particular level, and our brains sometimes find it difficult to cope with the onslaught of other stimuli that bombard us every day. It is as if we had kept up with the times in terms of cognitive development but never bothered to upgrade our hardware (brains). No one ever tells you about your heart: what it does, how it works or even why you have one. You just know that when things happen too quickly for your brain's liking then this little organ sends out distress signals - pain down the center of your chest spreading into your arms, head and neck.

Our society has an obsession with 'progress'. As a result, we are continually being presented with more and more stimuli to which we must adapt. In some ways this is good: world-class sporting events, the latest computer games or even just simple pleasures like eating a nice meal out. It is also bad because our brains have not evolved to cope in such situations without getting confused.

We think about the heart in terms of what it does - pumping blood around our bodies. But we rarely consider that the brain is doing exactly the same thing with a much more complex process. The brain takes sensory information and processes it to produce an appropriate response. In fact, this might be considered a higher function than just 'pumping' blood.

It is strange that we think of the brain as a 'feeling' organ. Worse still, for some reason we have come to associate feelings with emotions and hormones rather than rational thought.

The brain is a machine that, in order to be efficient, can switch off the conscious part of our thinking. This allows us to do things without having to consciously think about them - such as driving or riding a bike. The heart also performs this function but its effect is not so widespread.

Our society's tendency to encourage us to think and behave irrationally has led to the heart becoming a sort of 'safe' place for our emotions. This is because you don't have much control over your heart (you cannot choose what it does in any given situation). If you do not feel happy or sad then this may mean that you are simply feeling something different, perhaps anger.

At first glance, these ideas would seem like a useful adaptation. If you imagine that the body is like an engine, cortisol is the fuel injector that puts glucose into muscle tissue so it can move more easily.

The purpose of cortisol is to increase blood sugar levels in order to facilitate the fight-or-flight response. That is, if a human feels threatened or enters a stressful situation, the body will secrete this hormone which will raise blood glucose levels and send it directly to muscle tissue for energy.

However, this same mechanism is activated during times of prolonged stress. So it's not uncommon for cortisol to be released when a human feels overwhelmed by the demands of his or her environment.

In such cases, it can become difficult to concentrate or even complete a thought. This is why people in stressful situations sometimes say they feel "stupid." The higher levels of cortisol are impairing the prefrontal cortex region of their brains from doing its job.

This impairment is the reason that it's difficult to make good decisions or think logically when experiencing chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels.

One of the reasons that chronic stress is so harmful is because it can lead to PTSD. If a person has experienced trauma, the constant activation of this fight-or-flight response during everyday life will make it difficult for them to relax or enjoy themselves.

What is insulin?

I think I have it figured out. It's an invisible, transparent substance that is floating all around us in the air. You can't taste it or smell it but you can see where it goes with your eyes and feel its effects on your body.

Our bodies are, in a way, like sponges for insulin. They absorb it into the bloodstream and then distribute it throughout our bodies wherever we need energy.

However, there comes a time when too much insulin is in our bloodstreams. When that happens, the invisible substance becomes harmful to us.

When too much of it is in our bodies, insulin becomes like a poison to us. If we don't get rid of the excess insulin floating around our bloodstreams, it clogs up the capillaries and veins so that blood can't move through them.
That's when we develop diabetes.

My conclusion is that insulin is a substance that when in the right amounts, it helps us but if we have too much of it floating around our bodies, then its effects become harmful to us.

It is known that diabetes is the state of being unable to regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin (derived from the Latin "insula" or island in reference to its isolated appearance) manages this function, allowing cells in your body access to glucose through a process called insulin signaling. When you have diabetes, these processes are disrupted.

We know that the word 'island' represents an isolated group of people, animals or things. Insulin signaling (the movement of insulin from outside your body to inside) is disrupted when glucose cannot get into your cells.

The word 'glucose' is derived from the French term for 'sugar', which was originally used to indicate a particular type of wine. The French called sugar that which is sweet, as opposed to its antonym - sour.

The word 'sugar' is derived from the Arabic term for "rock candy", which crystallizes in dry air. Sugars are a type of carbohydrate.

The word 'carbohydrate' is derived from the Arabic term for "sugar", which was originally used to refer to a particular type of fruit. Sugars are a type of carbohydrate.

The word 'fruit' is derived from the Latin term for "seed", which was originally used to refer to a particular type of plant. Plants are a type of fruit.

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