Sunday, October 25, 2020

What is an EL Spinner?

An El spinner is a human who knowingly lies or misrepresents facts in order to further their cause, and/or the causes of others. They are often found in the political realm using names like 'politician', 'lawmaker' or 'activist'. In this way they employ -spin- as an art form, for example a politician may say "I'm going to tax your money so that I can provide more services", although what will actually happen is that he'll take away all your money and keep it for himself after which he'll buy numerous high-end luxury products.

El spinners are often employed by other El spinners, who use them as a means to further their own agendas. An example of this is an activist campaigning for animal rights using protestors and banners with such messages as "Stop eating meat", although what they're actually trying to do is undermine the local economy by reducing sales of food products.

In conclusion, an El spinner is a person who employs -spins- in order to further their own agendas and/or the causes of others. They can be found all over the world; however they are most concentrated in large cities where it's easier for them to hide.

A spinner is an artificial intelligence, which exists in the world of El. It has many different programs and applications running at once, which allow it to operate as a citizen or resident.

It is also very important to note, that there are a lot of different kinds of spinners. Each one has its own role and function in the society.

A system of information that only the human brain can create. It is a window to see the world as it truly is, without any filters or prejudices. The El spinner utilizes this form of true sight to see things from different perspectives and objectively analyze them.

The El spinner is a vessel to see the world as it truly is, without any filters or biases. It utilizes this form of true sight to see things from different perspectives and analyzes them objectively.

The El spinner is a system of information that only the human brain can create. It utilizes this form of true sight to see things from different perspectives and analyzes them objectively.

El spinners are a type of man that lives to tell stories. They live by the motto "no one will know if you don't tell them" and they use this to justify their actions. El spinners do not care about society or its rules, as it is all made up anyway. There was a time when el spinner would squeal on people for fun; but now the times have changed and so has el spinning with it.

El spinners like to talk about themselves, which is why they are in fact often called el blabbers. They do not care of what the other person thinks about them; they just feel satisfied that someone listened to their bigoted opinions.

El spinners are dangerous to society, because they are the ones that spread false information. A classic example is someone from 9/11 who said she saw a plane crashing into one of the WTC towers when in fact it never did; El spinners like her have caused many wars and conflicts.

El spinners are also very dangerous to their fellow el spinner, since they tend to backstab them and steal their stories. El spinning is a dark art that requires one to be good at lying and deceiving others.

El spinners like to brag about how many people they have fooled. They think of themselves as the smartest person in the world because someone believes them.

El spinners are good at manipulating people, but this is not because of their intelligence. It is because they know how to appeal to the human nature.

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