Thursday, September 3, 2020


People are drawn to the idea of egregors due to a certain psychological longing for order, meaning, and security in society - we do not want to feel like there is no structure or purpose behind our social institutions. People find comfort in knowing that behind all the chaos lies some great design whose existence grants them their place within it. As such, people tend towards seeing an egregor as something akin to a supreme being: god-like entities who set the world's course from above (in contrast with materialists who believe that reality arises through complex natural processes). Due to this tendency of human thought, many have confused egregors with actual gods (Deus ex machina). This confusion has arisen for two reasons: one is because once religious belief systems were established they tended toward becoming closed off from outside ideas; another is because by adopting sacred language, referring prayers upward rather than outwardly toward other humans etc., these belief systems create the impression of being separate worlds unto themselves.

The problem with this is that egregors are not gods: they do not possess consciousness, contentedness, or any of the other traits people commonly associate with supreme beings. They cannot be appealed to or petitioned like deities; one can only attempt to influence them by influencing the behavior of individuals within a society.

This is why many people find egregors so difficult to grasp: they do not fit into our traditional conception of what a supreme being should be like. However, this difficulty also means that the concept of an egregor can offer some new possibilities for understanding society. For example: if egregors are not conscious beings, then it does not matter whether we believe in them or treat them as real - yet often people treat them as though they were active participants in human affairs.

The implications of this are quite profound. By treating egregors as though they were sentient beings, we may end up acting as agents for the perpetuation of our society's social institutions - even if it is not in our best interests to do so.

Thus, egregors grant a certain amount of power to those who treat them as though they are conscious: this is why some people assimilate into the social institutions that form around these entities (e.g., religious cults). By doing so, said individuals may transform themselves into the unwitting agents of an egregor.
However, it is important to note that egregors do not have absolute power over their agents: they are dependent upon the agency of humans for their perpetuation. Unless a group of people actively work to perpetuate an egregor, it will eventually cease to exist.

There is no way to directly experience an egregor. Any attempt at this will result in a person saying that "they don't know what it is, but they can just feel it." This is fine for most people – the vast majority of humans live their lives without thinking about egregors, and are able to function normally while blissfully ignoring them. Those who have attempted to study egregors more closely have reached the conclusion that studying them too closely results in various mental illnesses as well as death by suicide or murder. These findings are often dismissed due to the lack of scientific rigor applied: Typically only one individual studies any given egregor before dying horribly, and so there's not much chance for peer review during this limited time period.

To put it briefly, egregors are large collections of humans who work towards a common goal together. Their goals can be anything – from living in harmony with nature to killing as many people as possible.

The important thing is that egregors are responsible for many aspects of human behavior. A society's laws, religions, and norms (both the good ones as well as bad) are usually created in response to egregors. For example, slavery has been common throughout history – it was once believed that a planet would fall out of orbit without slaves to do all the work.

The concept of egregors has also been used to explain the behavior of animals, plants, and even rocks. In fact most people don't believe in egregors at all: They would say that laws are created by humans with the intention of making society more harmonious (or less chaotic) – this is because they too are under the influence of an egregor.

Egregors have been around for a long time, and they will probably continue to be around forever. Humans are born with an egregor inside of them – it is the soul.
This is a normal egregor – it does not have any abnormal qualities. The majority of egregors are like this.

Egregors have been the subject of much interest among humans, who are part of a larger egregor. An egregor is a type of collective consciousness which contains and unifies groups. The individual members do not need to be aware that they belong to the group or that there even is a group for it to exist as an egregor.

An egregor has an identity and a purpose, but it does not have mass or energy. If anything, it is closer to information than matter.

An egregor has a kind of will, even if it is not conscious in the same sense that humans are. In fact, all naturally existing things have an intelligence and will to some degree or another. This includes animals, plants, minerals and non-living objects.

An egregor can be seen as a kind of abstract machine, which has the purpose of unifying its participants. The higher the level and complexity of unification it achieves, the more powerful an egregor is.

Humans are aware that they belong to the egregor of humanity, and some humans also feel themselves belonging to a larger egregor called 'the human race'. The vast majority do not consciously think about it. 

This is because we have been indoctrinated into human culture from birth.

Human culture is a very powerful egregor. It contains and unifies the whole of humanity, as well as many other species on our planet. This is because it has been evolving for millions of years.

It's an interesting question, and I'm not sure if the concept of egregors can be fully articulated by someone who is not a philosopher. We philosophers have been going over this stuff for centuries, and we still don't really understand it.

I think the best I can do is to try and explain it in my own words, based on what I've read from various philosophers, and then perhaps you'll get a better idea of how egregors work. But bear in mind that this is only my understanding of the issue, not necessarily correct.

The basic idea is that egregors are entities which have a parasitic relationship with the human race. A lot of humans don't really think in terms of philosophical ideas, but instead they're more consumed by their worldly desires and needs. And many people just go about living their lives with no concept that there's something wrong or out-of-place with society.

In a sense, humans are delusional and self-deluded. They're ignorant to the fact that they live in societies which are fundamentally flawed. Their minds have been warped by the society's egregor, so it's hard for them to even imagine an alternative way of living.

As a result, humans are constantly finding themselves in situations where they're unhappy and frustrated. They blame other people for their problems instead of looking at the bigger picture.

According to the egregor theory, there is a lot more going on than humans are aware of. Most people don't realize that they're slaves to an invisible entity which controls their every move and thought.

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