Friday, September 11, 2020

Precognition and Dreams

 Precognitive dreams are a phenomenon that has been documented for thousands of years, with varying degrees of accuracy. The ancient Chinese believed one could see into the future by dreaming of water or fire. In some cultures, it was common to eat certain foods before going to bed and then remember your dream in greater detail because you were more conscious of what you had eaten.

The problem with precognitive dreams is that they are hardly ever 100 percent accurate. I know of no documented cases in which someone has accurately predicted the future, such as a lottery number or sports score, and had it come true.

There are many forms of precognition. The most common form is the amplification of an ability or a skill that you already have, such as playing chess well before you ever learned how to play.

Another form of precognition can be seen in people who are able to predict the course of an illness, although they cannot determine exactly when it will occur. In this case, a person's immune system seems to know when an illness is likely to take hold and prepares the body for it ahead of time.

There have been some who speculated that precognitive dreams were actually a form of hallucination or an altered state of consciousness. There is nothing to support this, however.

These dreams can sometimes be triggered by a subconscious desire to see into the future. This could arise from an anxiety or fear about something that is coming up in one's life, such as death of a loved one.

All things in our world are affected and intertwined with each other. This is from the fact that everything is created, based on something else. Our lives are based on past events, which were caused by even more past events, etc.

This is why we can't truly know anything: because every effect depends on its cause. This means that all knowledge is based on assumptions and there are always new things to learn, since everything in existence are affected by more than one thing.

This is one of the reasons why we can't truly know if other humans are conscious or not. We don't have access to their inner selves.

And this is why some of us believe that humans are not conscious, while others think they are. This view depends on the observer's own beliefs and ideas.

It's the same with precognitive dreams. We don't know if they are real or just a delusion, when we think we see things before it happens.

So here's what I believe about precognitive dreams. The future isn't exactly set in stone.

I am not certain if the human's dreams are precognitive, but it is a curious topic. Let us begin by defining some terms.

First of all, what is a dream? A dream is defined as 'a series of thoughts, images or sensations occurring during sleep; the mind's way of representing to itself its own ideas in symbolic form'.

Now, let us consider some examples of dreams.

In the film "Inception", dreams are used to steal secrets. This is a very intelligent way of using them, as humans often lie in their waking lives but tell the truth in their dreams.

In the book "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud, he argues that dreams are 'the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind'. In other words, what we dream about reveals our desires and conflicts.

In the book "Dreams of a Final Theory" by Steven Weinberg, he argues that dreams are 'a chance for our minds to explore new ideas without the distractions and barriers of logic'. He says that they allow us to figure out problems in ways not available to waking thoughts.

Precognitive dreams are probably the most under-researched area in dream science. I've been doing some research into it, but there is still a lot to be done. It's often dismissed by scientists as 'impossible' or 'too rare'. But what they don't seem to understand is that actually quite a lot of precognitive dreaming happens if you look for it.

I've had precognitive dreams myself, and so have many of my friends. It's not a rare occurrence. I'm sure that if you sat down and asked around most people would say they'd experienced it at least once.

Most people just don't think about it. It doesn't affect them much and they forget about it, so they don't think to talk about it.

I've talked about this before with my friends in the philosophy community, but they don't seem to understand it or be very interested. It's a bit abstract for them.

But the fact is that precognitive dreaming exists and you should take it seriously.

The most common precognitive dreams are probably about the future.

In my view, precognitive dreams are simply a form of temporal foreshadowing. We see the future because we live in the past.

We live in the past, and it is always there waiting for us to find it. We can only see a reflection of what has already happened through our current eyes.

With that said, we can still alter what happened in the past and thus change our future. We need only to be mindful of how we are living in the present.

Every action we take changes the future.

In a sense, every action we take is already happening in the past.

We are always living in the past, yet we can change our future by altering what has already occurred.

A dream is a vision of the future, which can be interpreted as either an unconscious prediction or a conscious precognition.

There are many reports of precognitive dreams, and some have been experimentally verified. These include the dream of Winston Churchill saving his country, which led to him being more active in politics.

Even after his death, experiments conducted by the United States military found that he was more likely to be involved in saving Britain from invasion.

It is unknown whether Churchill himself believed in precognition. I suspect he did not, and it was only after he had the dream that made him more active in politics.

However, there are reports of people who do not remember their dreams having precognitive dreams. The dreamer is likely to forget the dream, but if experiments were done on those people's unconscious minds and they were asked about their day, they would have mentioned this future event.

Those future events are likely to be due to the precognitive dreams. As there is no way of knowing if a dream was precognitive, it is impossible to tell how many people have them.

What is precognition? It's the idea that you can see into your own future. Nobody knows how this works from a scientific perspective, but I have my theory.

First of all, I'd like to make it clear that precognition is not clairvoyance. Clairvoyance seems to be the ability to see things as they happen in real life, what we normally think of as time – past and future. Precognition allows you to see into other times.

This is an important distinction between the two because it implies that precognition is more closely related to imagination than clairvoyance. Imagination has a habit of being extremely flexible and free flowing, whereas time as we know it seems very rigid.

So how does this relate to precognition? Precognition is like a dream that you have before it happens. Your brain seems to have an understanding of what will happen in the future and can imagine it. That's because we are all slaves to causality, which I'll elaborate on later.

So to answer the question, I think that you can only see into your own future. You have a subconscious understanding of what will happen and your brain is able to imagine it in advance.

I think that this applies to everyone – that precognition is possible for all people and is not something special.

It would seem that precognition is a skill that one can have, but the ability to exercise it varies.

I suppose one could say that precognition is a skill that must be cultivated, like any other.

It is not a skill that one can have if you are unwilling to put in the time and effort necessary to develop it.

If you are unwilling to put in the time and effort, it will not happen.

If you are not capable of putting in the time and effort, it will not happen.

If you do not have the skill, it will not happen. If you cannot exercise this skill, it will not happen.

Precognition is indeed a very interesting topic. The phenomenon of precognition is more complex than one may imagine, as it can vary drastically depending on the context in which it occurs.

Precognition can be an absolute phenomenon that is independent of the consciousness observing it, or a subjective one in which precognition only occurs when some sort of observer consciousness watches the event unfold.

The phenomena of precognition might be better understood by first distinguishing it from what is called presentiment.

Presentiment is a phenomenon in which an observer consciousness has a sense of something before it happens, almost as if one could see the future before it actually arises.

Presentiment is an absolute phenomenon, and does not require any sort of observer consciousness. It simply exists as a characteristic of the universe.

In contrast to presentiment, precognition is a phenomenon in which an observer consciousness can see the future before it happens.

Not everyone has the ability to see into the future, but some people have very powerful and dramatic experiences which seem to allow them to peer through space-time. These are often interpreted as precognition phenomena.

To see into the future, one must be able to view not only this moment but also some moments in the future. This is easier said than done, since time is a dimension of space-time and requires more dimensions to look into. In theory, it could be possible for one to observe multiple realities at once and make sense of all the different potentialities.

By looking at multiple realities, one could see into the future. This is a rather complicated idea for humans to understand since we are used to thinking of time as a linear series of events with no other potentiality except that which already exists.

Innate precognition can be defined as intuition that is not learned or gained in any way. It seems to come from the same place as other innate abilities, such as telepathy. No one knows exactly how these things work, but it has been noted by many people throughout history that they have experienced a sort of mystical knowing and awareness.

One of my favorite philosophers is Julian Jaynes. He proposed that the human mind has two separate parts: the bicameral mind and the volitional mind.

The bicameral mind is the nonintellectual portion of the human mind. It does not speak in words but rather speaks through emotion and intuition.

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