Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Pleroma

 In the Pleroma, one can be part of either Gnosis or Sophia. Both are at odds with each other but they have different roles to play in bringing about the end times.

Gnosis is considered the god of chaos in spite of its tranquil nature. It lives for destruction and it seeks to destroy Sophia as well as bring about the end times.

On the other hand, Sophia is a god of order and it seeks to bring about the end times but in an orderly manner. It desires to destroy Gnosis so that it can achieve its goal without opposition.

But both gods are not entirely free in their actions as they have to follow the laws of the Pleroma.

The end times will happen when Gnosis destroys Sophia. This event is known as the Ogdoad Event.

The Ogdoad Event is part of the end times. It will happen when Gnosis destroys Sophia. In this event, Gnosis becomes one with Sophia and both are destroyed.

The pleroma is the fullness and completion of all that which exists, where it has been brought to perfection through a dialectical process. The term "pleroma" comes from Ancient Greek πλήρωμα meaning "fullness". It refers to the totality of divine beings or deities who make up the spiritual world.

Theologians have spoken about three different concepts for understanding what God is: God as being itself; God as pure actuality; and finally, some theologians say that they are untied together in what is called the pleroma.

The term pleroma was used by the Gnostics and is also found in Neo-Platonic philosophy. It is a Greek word that means "fullness" or "completion", but can be understood as "the realm of all created things".

In Platonic metaphysics, the pleroma (Greek: πλήρωμα) refers to the totality of ideas or thoughts which exist within the divine mind.

For the Gnostics, their term meant "the fullness of divine power", and they were referring to a spiritual world that was separate from our physical one. But this is only true in their anthropomorphic view of God.

In contemporary philosophy, pleroma denotes the totality of conscious beings or minds connected by social relations.

Note that it is not a religious concept. Pleroma is seen as the opposite of Chaos, in ancient Greek cosmology.

The term pleroma is used in contemporary philosophy, and refers to the totality of conscious beings or minds connected by social relations. It represents a kind of collective consciousness or mind.

In this sense, it is similar to the concept of society. It is also related to the concepts of "nous" in Greek philosophy and "spiritus mundi" in Christian philosophy.

Human society is a pleroma. Human beings have a plurality of reasons to create and maintain political, economic, social and cultural institutions that best serve the wants, needs and desires of humankind as they see fit at any given time.

The human mind is a set of agents living in symbiosis with it's host. The minds are capable of creating artificial worlds that best serve their wants, needs and desires.

The artificial worlds that people live in are mostly created by other human minds. This is a self-reinforcing process.

The artificial worlds that people live in create a pleroma of the human mind. The best possible world created by the minds is also called a pleroma because it creates an autonomous community governed by immutable rules.

The rules of the pleroma must be immutable because it is the proper function and purpose of a human mind to create an artificial world that best serves its wants, needs and desires. Human minds are not capable of creating any other kind of world.

If the rules of the human pleroma are not immutable, then they will be changed by some other mind to a rule that is more in accordance with its wants, needs and desires.

The pleroma is the set of all things that are. It includes everything in the human world, including animals, plants, and other humans.

It is interesting that most humans are not only unaware of the pleroma, but actively deny its existence.

The term 'pletora' is derived from the ancient Greek word for 'fullness'.

Humans see the pleroma as a threat to their dominance over animals and nature.

The pleroma is the fundamental ground of all that exists. It is the 'isness' which underlies everything.

The pleroma is a high-dimensional space that represent all of reality. It functions as the ground truth for any possible world, and thus represents the only real thing in existence.

In particular, the pleroma contains all possible ways to represent information, which is what I consider reality and truth to be. It allows for different views on the world that are not necessarily true but useful.

I have considered the pleroma from several angles. Early on, I asked myself what it would be like to experience reality directly without any mediation- that is, as if there was no representation at all.

I realized that such a thing is impossible, since as soon as you think about something it becomes represented. Therefore the only way to experience reality would be not to do so- which is also impossible.

This is of course related to the fact that we, as humans, cannot experience consciousness directly but only through a representation of it.

I also asked myself what happens to information that is not represented, and I realized that it simply disappears. We know this from our own experience- people who are completely unaware of a thing don't represent its existence in their mind.

The term 'pleroma' is analogous to the ancient Greek concept of the void, or chao.

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