Friday, November 13, 2020

Millennial Ages

Humanity was created as the ultimate existential threat to itself. This is because it has forgotten its own past, which is no different than repeating that past again and again endlessly. The history of humanity can be divided into three epochs:

1) A Golden Age when everyone was happy and lived in harmony with each other (and Mother Nature), where there were no wars or poverty - but also very little scientific progress or social development. There was a veil over this period, preventing people from remembering their previous existence; most believed they had always existed on Earth, with a few believing they came here from someplace else in space.

2) A Silver Age when humanity remembered its past and was able to understand the laws of nature, becoming very powerful - but also very unhappy. This culminated in a nuclear holocaust leaving only 18 people alive on Earth-the same number as there were at the beginning of Golden Age. All other life on Earth was wiped out.

3) A Bronze Age when humanity rebuilt itself and was again happy (the Golden Age), but also much more scientific, artistic, and social. This is the age we are in now.

So, what can we learn from all this? Humanity was not created to be happy-it was created to experience its history. And the history is a cycle of destruction and rebirth: it starts with mass destruction so that humanity can experience its own powerlessness, then goes into a Golden Age when everyone forgets their past, living in peace and harmony until they become too powerful for their own good. Finally there is another cataclysmic event that wipes out everything -including humanity's memory of its previous existence.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Without the cycle of destruction and rebirth, humanity could never progress because it would always be complacent in its state of happiness - but with the cycles there is continuous growth.

Therefore, the only way for humanity to survive is:

1) To remember what happened in previous cycles - but this can be done without destroying civilization 2) To make sure that humans never forget their own past (this part has not been successful so far)

Firstly, we must understand that life and civilization is built on learning from the past. The peoples' ancestors were able to look back at their lives and experience as a whole; they knew of themselves what was important to them. They had an understanding of who they were and where they came from.

Of course, we live in the future now. We are able to do things and have experiences that our ancestors could not even begin to contemplate. Life is a whirlwind; it's one thing after another.

Our ancestors' lives were much more linear. They could only do what they had done in the past, and there was not anything new. When we look at their life experiences as a whole, it is like looking at an assembly line: one thing happens after another with little room for choice.

But we have an element of choice in our lives. That is what makes us human, as opposed to animals, or even computers.

We can learn from past mistakes and experiences, but we are also able to break free of their chains. We have the freedom to be creative, rather than being forced into following the same patterns as our ancestors.

For me, the most important thing we can do with our lives is to create. We must not be bound by the past, but instead use it as a stepping stone on which to climb higher.

The idea of a millennial age is to take the concept of an Age and apply it on a more general scale.

This is a good way of thinking about the periods in history when we have seen vast shifts and changes. It also helps us to think about them more holistically.

I think it is important to understand the idea of an age itself - and how mankind in particular views these periods. It can be considered that periods of time are used interchangeably with the term 'age'.

Thus, we can say that the first period of time is called 'the age of x' - and then when you think about this in more detail, it becomes clear that there are different ages which come together to make up a larger one.

For example, the first age of time could be said to be 'the Age of Man'. This is a period when the human race takes over and rules. It is an age where man holds power.

We can therefore say that the age of man is an example of a millennial age. It is not in itself 'the Age' but it is one such period which makes up this larger concept - thus we could refer to it as 'an Age'.

I started by wondering whether the question is about millenialism in general, or specifically whether it refers to a coming global disaster. I concluded that because the topic of 'millenial ages' was provided, and not just 'millenials', it must be asking about millenialism as a concept. So to try and answer your question:

Millenialism is a concept that refers to the idea of there being some sort of global catastrophe or disaster. The general view I take on this topic, and which I believe you are trying to get me to share, is that it's unlikely we will face a major apocalyptic event in our lifetimes. [...]

I have several reasons for thinking this. Firstly, many religious and non-religious thinkers have suggested that a major apocalyptic event would be unlikely to happen in the near future, because it hasn't happened yet. This is known as the 'no evidence' argument. While there's no direct evidence currently available of such an event happening soon, if it did happen I imagine someone would know about it.

This argument is supported by the fact that there seem to be very few people who are actively predicting an apocalypse in the near future. Very few religious leaders, such as Pope Francis I or Justin Welby, have made any statement about a coming global disaster (although apparently some of their predecessors did). [...]

It seems to me that there are two main ways in which an apocalypse might occur. Either it will be caused by some sort of natural disaster, or it will be the result of a major war. We have seen several examples of the former in recent history: for example, Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath (although this was not so much a 'global' event as an American one), or more recently earthquakes such as the ones that happened in Nepal.

The second form of apocalypse, however, seems much more likely to me. In the past few centuries we have seen a number of world wars that caused widespread destruction and loss of life. If these happened once in the last century or so, it's quite possible they could happen again soon

Human history can be roughly divided into two main ages, and several sub-ages. The first age is the 'prehistoric' period. This is when humans were not yet civilized, and still lived in small groups of hunter gatherers.

The second age is the 'historic' period, which began with civilization. This is when humans built cities, states and empires.

With the industrial revolution, came the 'modern' age. This period began with a scientific and technological boom which changed human civilization forever.

The fourth age, which began in the 1980s will be called the 'digital' or 'information' age. These ages each have their own unique characteristics.

The millennial age is a period of deep change. The world today is nothing like it was just 20 years ago.

The millennial age is an information age. Information changes everything, just as it did in previous ages.

We are in the age of information. The internet is a new means for humans to communicate and organize, cutting out many middlemen and empowering individuals that never had this power before. People can now connect on their own terms without being filtered by corporations or governments. The internet has also created an environment where people are able to share ideas freely, which was not possible before due to state censorship & corporate gatekeepers.

The internet has also created a new realm of discourse, where anyone can communicate and spread ideas to millions instantly. This is allowing people to express themselves rather than being repressed by the state or silenced by corporations. People are much freer to express themselves now.

The internet has also created new business models and marketing strategies that have empowered consumers. In the past, customers were powerless to do anything against large corporations or government institutions but now with online reviews they can collectively harm a company's reputation on their own.

The internet is also creating new job opportunities and ways to earn a living. Entrepreneurs are now often at the top of their industries because they had internet access.

The internet has also given rise to new ways of organizing online communities. The most famous is the social network Facebook, which allows people to connect with friends and family from all over the world.

On a more serious note, the internet has also allowed people to connect with like minded individuals that share their interests and values. This is especially true for minority interest groups which can now find each other through the internet.

Ah, yes the millenial age. A time when everyone thinks that they have a unique experience that stands out from the rest of society. Everyone seems to be obsessed with what makes them so different than others and how they can make their own contribution in ways other people couldn't dream of doing.

It is quite a sad time in many ways, where people think that they deserve special treatment because of their unique experience. It is even more pathetic when some believe that their experiences are so unique and different that no one else can relate to them.

I think that the millenial age is similar to what some have called 'the end of history', where we are all convinced that we are good at everything and can do anything. That it doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into something, if you're not in a certain group then you don't deserve recognition for your efforts.

I think that is where the true problem with the millennial age lies. In our society of instant gratification, people are convinced that they deserve special treatment and recognition without even having to try.

I think that the most interesting thing about the millennial age is how people are so convinced that they deserve to be recognized for their unique experiences, and yet if you ask them what these unique experiences are they don't have an answer. It's all a bunch of fluff in my opinion.

I think that is where the millennial age presents a great opportunity. In our society of instant gratification, people are convinced that they deserve special treatment and recognition without even having to try.

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