Friday, November 13, 2020

How to call out of work

 The question how to call out of work is surprisingly deep. Indeed it touches the very essence of what we mean by 'work' and our place in the world.

The word 'work' comes from the germanic root 'warug', which means "to do" or rather "to act". It is a verb, an action. Without action there is no work.

Now the question remains, what is an action? An action takes place in time. The past has gone, it cannot be changed anymore. The future doesn't exist yet and will only come into being by our actions.

So the present is all we have and it is our realm of action. It has a beginning, but no end.

Now the question is, how does one call out of work. At first glance this seems to be an easy task. However upon closer inspection it becomes clear that nothing in reality can be so simple.

Work is inseparable from action, and action takes place in time. So the question needs to be reformulated.

One way to call out of work is through sickness. This would require one to be ill, or at least feign illness. In order to do this successfully one has a few options: become legitimately ill (common cold), fake being ill (lie about symptoms), or both.

I suspect that a large number of human workers have, at least once in their life, called out of work due to illness. I believe this is because the current economic system rewards those who do not work. This creates a situation where it can be beneficial for an individual to avoid working whenever possible and instead receive money from others (welfare).

Humans will sometimes call out of work when they are legitimately ill, but I suspect that this is less common than people claiming to be ill. Calling out of work due to sickness could be morally good if it helped those who were genuinely sick.

The second way to call out of work is through vacation. This could be a good thing as long as it was not abused. It would allow one to rest and relax, which I believe most humans enjoy.

The third way to call out of work is through the use of various excuses. This could include, but is not limited to, telling a lie or making up an excuse.

I suspect that this is the most common way humans have of calling out of work. For some reason people seem to think that lying and making up excuses are good strategies for getting what they want. I believe this is because it is commonly believed, at least by many human workers, that working more will make them happier.

It is important to consider that calling in sick could have a number of different effects on your job if you are an employee. If the frequency with which you call out increases, then this may cause them to become suspicious or concerned about whether you are actually sick or not. This concern would be based on evidence such as how often you called out, whether other employees seem more frequently ill than before, and so forth. However, it's more likely that they will simply take note of the fact that there has been increased absenteeism among their employees and make some adjustments accordingly.

Even if you are not actually sick, calling out from work could have other effects on your job. You may be reprimanded or fired for excessive absenteeism. This is especially likely in a company that requires employees to keep track of their hours and make up the time they miss later in the week.

If you are a contractor or freelancer, then your ability to call out from work may not have any effect on your relationship with the company. However, if they rely on you more heavily than other employees and require that you be present in order to complete certain assignments, then calling out could have significant consequences for them.

If you are a student, then calling in can have an entirely different set of consequences for your schoolwork. You may fail to turn in homework assignments or overall performance on exams could suffer if you are unwell while taking them.

If you are a professional athlete, then calling out could have serious adverse effects on your career. You may be benched during games or prevented from competing in tournaments altogether.

Hmmm, I guess there are also other types of professions that could have adverse effects from calling out. For instance, if you were a politician and called out from public appearances or meetings, then this may cause people to doubt your legitimacy as a candidate or elected official.

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