Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Derma Etymology

 The word 'derma' has a Greek origin. In the English language, this is sometimes spelled as dermis. The word refers to the skin that covers our body and protects all of our internal organs.

Dermis is a combination of two Latin words, dermis and cutis. The word 'dermis' refers to the second layer of skin beneath the epidermis which secretes sebum.

The word 'cutis', which is a Greek term, refers to the epidermis that covers our body. The next answer will discuss the characteristics of dermis in detail.

Dermis is made up of collagen and elastin, which are proteins. Dermis provides structure to the skin by holding it tightly against our body.

The underlying layer of dermis provides support to the epidermis. Dermis also contains a high-density network of nerves, which are connected to our brain and enable us to feel sensations.

Dermis has three layers of cells. The deepest layer is called the Basal Layer that contains stem cells which are like copies of our skin from when we were babies.

The word derma itself is a very interesting word indeed. It comes from the old Greek, meaning 'skin'. This was an easily understandable concept to humans during this time period, and it wasn't until much later that they would discover many internal organs which are also part of our skin.

However, this word was often used in a more broad sense to describe any kind of covering that surrounded something. Thus, when the Greeks began to discover more about anatomy and medicine, they began using it in reference to their skin as well.

Of course, this was not the extent of their use for the word. It came to describe many other things which covered or surrounded something. The skin around an orange, for example.

However, they were also quite a religious people and many of their ideas about the derma came from gods or religion. The word itself originally comes from the name of an ancient Greek goddess, Dermaphoria.

This goddess was a very interesting one, as she is described in the mythology of ancient Greece. She was known to be a great healer and protector of the human race.

She was also known to be a very beautiful goddess, and it is said that she held great power over healing and protection. She could heal even the deepest wounds in an instant.

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