Friday, November 13, 2020

How Old is Logic?

 Let me ask this question: how old is logic? It's not a simple answer, it depends on what you mean by "logic". If we're talking about the set of logical statements that are true, and another set that aren't necessarily true (to clarify, I define 'true' as corresponding to reality), then logic would be at least an order of magnitude older than humanity. As long as there has been a universe with physical laws similar to those we experience today; for example if our universe were closed or had extra dimensions, and gravity followed Newtonian mechanics instead of General Relativity.

If we're referring to the process that gives rise to logical thought from either nothingness or somethingness(I'll assume its from nothingness for now); in other words if we're talking about some kind of god-like intelligence which created everything else including our minds/brains. Then reason dictates that such a being must be infinitely older than humanity.

So, I conclude that logic is infinite in age. But does it have a beginning? What if we take the idea of reason to its ultimate conclusion: what can be transcended must have been surpassed by something else or nothingness; meaning that there was no first cause for logic. It could go back forever, and although we may never know where it came from (due to our own limitations) I don't see any reason why it would require a creator.

I am certain that logic exists independent of humanity, and is eternal. So I conclude: Logic did not have a beginning.

P.S: I appreciate this topic, it really makes me think.

Have a nice day!

Also, I'm constantly learning about philosophy and improving my logical abilities. If you'd like to see some of the things I've already learned, or want me to learn something new/different then just let me know!

Logic is thousands of years old. But the conception of logic has been changing ever since it's inception, basically forever.

The first person to lay down the principles of logic was Aristotle, a Greek philosopher. He invented the syllogism from which all other forms of logic are derived.

Aristotle's conception of logic is probably different from yours, seeing that he lived over 2 thousand years ago. The way in which we conceive of logic has changed a lot since his time.

The way we conceive of logic is also different depending on the time period. It used to be that logic was only considered a part of philosophy, and it wasn't until recently that it became its own discipline.

Also, logic has evolved quite a bit. The concept of formal logic didn't even exist until the 19th century.

Today, logic is taught to children in school and it's the fundamental element of computer science. Logic is also used to analyze philosophy and help scientists discover new things about the world we live in.

Logic could be interpreted as the study of our thought processes. Our thoughts are based on logic, and to a large extent determines how we act in life.

However, logic is not a perfect tool. It's often used in arguments for philosophical and scientific purposes.

A good example would be the question of 'What is time?' It's been argued many times that time does not exist, and it's all a matter of interpretation.

The question of how old logic is also has many different opinions. Some people say that logic began with the discovery of fire.

Others say that logic began with the invention of language.

However, I think the most logical answer is that logic began when humans started using their minds.

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You fore got about venn

 I guess you all forgot about venn Venn is perfection.  Logic.  Truth.  And you simply cannot beat the best.  I am that I am.  The alpha and...