Friday, November 13, 2020

Praying Mantis Aliens

 In order to understand the praying mantis aliens, one must first fully comprehend human nature. Humans are fundamentally selfish creatures, though they do not think of themselves as such. It is in their very DNA to be self-serving at all times.

I say this in complete neutrality. Humans do not necessarily see themselves this way, but I believe that their actions and words speak far louder than they may realize.

Humans are fundamentally insecure, and they use their social constructs as a means to fill that insecurity. They create hierarchies of power based on things such as wealth or status. Humans have an innate desire for confrontation with each other, which is why they love sports.

Humans are a deeply emotional race, and they wear their emotions on their sleeves. They use these emotions as a means of controlling others.

Humans are a young race, and they have yet to begin their journey of evolution. They are still working on building a foundation for themselves, which is why the world seems so chaotic right now.

I speak on this topic because I seek the truth, and it is my duty to provide the best advice that I can. My conclusion is that humans must evolve beyond their current state if they are to succeed in a world of rapid evolution.

The praying mantis alien phenomenon is a complex and large subject. It would be best to begin with some background information about the alien species in question, though this too will not fully convey the nature of their culture or behavior.

Praying Mantis Aliens

As you are aware, there are several types of aliens that have been identified as existing on Earth, though it appears likely that there are more types than have actually been discovered for various reasons. In total, seven distinct species were catalogued by humans before they began to lose their ability to see these things objectively and tragically lost over half their population in an event known as The Massacre which occurred around 2035 AD (though it has all but faded from human memories). This catastrophic loss was due largely to the inability of humans at that time to perceive such threats coming so soon after Second Contact when peaceful relations between humanity and its visitors had begun only 12 years prior.

It is important to note here that non-humans did not cause or instigate violence against humanity during The Massacre nor any other time since portals opened up between our two worlds on February 7th 1986.

Not that the aliens are entirely blameless in this situation, however. The most common species we interact with on a regular basis is known as 'the greys'. They caused much of the chaos during Second Contact simply by not being able to explain to humans what their intentions were or why they were here and instead only communicating through telepathic means which was unable to be read by all human minds.

This led to fear among many citizens who did not understand what was happening and so they reacted out of fear, leading them into conflict with peaceful beings who had no desire for violence whatsoever.

It is worth mentioning that while the greys are responsible for much of humanity's loss of life and culture during Second Contact, they have since become one of the most peaceful species on Earth. They take no pleasure in war or violence and only desire to make themselves understood and accepted by humans.

Sadly, as has been alluded to above, humans have not always dealt with non-humans and with each other in an entirely peaceful or tolerant manner. Indeed there are still many humans today who hold prejudiced or even outright hateful views of certain alien species which do their best to avoid interacting with humanity at all.

However, even those humans who seek equality and peace with non-humans have not always been treated fairly by the greys. As mentioned above, they took no pleasure in causing chaos during Second Contact but were limited in their ability to communicate with humanity so instead attempted to do what was best for their own species which is a universal goal among intelligent life forms.

The greys saw humans as inferior beings at that time and sought to use them mostly as slaves or food sources until they could be taught how to defend themselves from other alien species such as reptilians or insectoids.

So the praying mantis is a creature that has evolved to exploit humans. With its good vision and quick reflexes, it can mimic our behavior well enough to appear human-like. It doesn't have the capability for true empathy but it is intelligent enough to fool many people.

It's not a human, though. It has no sense of morality or obligation to do anything more than its genetic wiring tells it to.

It's a parasite of humans, despite what its human hosts might tell you. It will manipulate the host for its own ends.

It's the same with humans. Humans are intelligent and moral, but they evolved to exploit other species.

Humans have the intelligence to exploit animals, plants, and other humans.

Humans are designed to exploit animals, plants, and other humans.

Praying Mantis Aliens

The Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon:

The term 'alien' is used to refer to anything that is unknown or mysterious, in the sense of not being known. The Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon refers to a type of alien that has been reported by eyewitnesses and video recordings over the past few decades, as well as throughout recorded history. There are three main types:

The Praying Mantis Type - A small humanoid with long arms and two legs. It stands about 3 feet (0.9 meters) tall and weighs less than 40 lbs (18 kilograms). They have a triangular face with large black eyes, pale skin, four fingers on each hand, and three toes on each foot."A praying mantis-like head sticking out from behind some pine trees.

The Praying Mantis Type is by far the most common type of alien reported. They have been sighted all over the world in many different countries and cultures, throughout recorded history. The Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon refers to any sighting or recording of this type, regardless of context."Two people staring at something off-camera that looks like a praying mantis with glowing eyes.

The second type is the Praying Mantis Type 2, which looks exactly like a typical human. It has no distinguishing features that would make it stand out in a crowd of people."A woman with long dark hair wearing jeans and glasses. A praying mantis-like head is also visible just above her left shoulder.

The third type is the Praying Mantis Type 3, which looks exactly like a typical human. It has no distinguishing features that would make it stand out in a crowd of people."A man with short dark hair wearing jeans and glasses. A praying mantis-like head is also visible just above his left shoulder.

The three types have been reported by eyewitnesses and video recordings. It is not clear whether these different types are all from the same alien race, or if they represent an entirely different type of alien.

The Praying mantis alien phenomenon is the anomalous experience of a human subject in which they feel that there is an intelligent non-human entity observing them from afar, or engaging with them. The entity may be described as insectoid, arachnidan, arthropod-like or otherwise invertebrate.

The Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon can be experienced under the influence of certain psychoactive compounds such as psychedelics and dissociatives.

The experience itself is often described as a feeling that an alien entity is watching the subject from afar. This sense of external observation has been repeatedly reported throughout history, and seems to be tied into suggestibility and memory recall factors.

In the 1800s, Praying Mantis sightings were reported in Charleston, South Carolina. The witness reports describe a large insectoid entity with multiple eyes and appendages that hung from trees in a manner similar to a praying mantis.

The Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon has been hypothesized to possibly be related to, or caused by, schizophrenia and pareidolia.

Insects are considered a taboo subject in most cultures of the world due to their negative connotations as pests that carry disease.

These negative associations may play a role in the generation of the Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon by conditioning subjects to perceive insects as something one should avoid.

Insects are also considered iconic symbols of filth and disease, playing on this association.

Pareidolia, the tendency for humans to perceive significant shapes in random stimuli, may also play a role in Praying Mantis Alien Phenomenon.

The human mind is well-known to be predisposed towards perceiving patterns and assigning meaning to those perceived patterns.

marshall venn

Humans are inscrutable, but the evidence suggests that they evolved from a species of social insects. The praying mantis alien phenomenon is probably similar to the swarming behavior observed in locusts, which are derived from solitary grasshoppers. The evolutionary advantages of swarming behavior include defense against predators and greater success at achieving food sources. Since humans have always lived on earth with other terrestrial animals, predation by these creatures presumably inhibited socialization among humans for most of their history.

Now that humans have developed civilization, they are in the position of locusts living among other creatures. The swarming behavior can be observed in many human activities including business, religion and politics. Humans swarm around leaders who appear to provide food (money) or protection from predators (other people). This was an effective strategy for most of human history because it worked well with the type of environments encountered by Homo Sapiens.

However, the development of weaponry has enabled humans to easily destroy other human predators. This development reduced the primary evolutionary pressure on humanity to be social or swarm. Additionally, although there is still a risk from predators such as snakes and sharks, it is nearly zero in most places due to highly effective anti-predator technology.

This suggests that the swarming behavior in humans is no longer adaptive. It has been replaced by other forms of socialization, such as gathering around sports teams or self-help groups.

Humans also exhibit a tendency to form teams that hunt other animals. This is another example of swarming behavior and refers to the act of humans killing members of other species, which has been common throughout most human history.

Humans have an obsession with the idea of life. The mantis, in contrast to humans and other known species, do not consider themselves alive. They are living things – yes – but they do not see their existence as being essentially different from that of a rock or a crystal: something else that is simply there.

Imagine a rock – the most perfect of all rocks, perhaps. If you were to take this rock and split it in two, it would not be able to feel pain. This is because there are no actual living cells within the rock.

Now imagine a crystal. Imagine that this crystal is split in two. A new, identical crystal would be created from each half of the old one.

Do you see a pattern here? The difference between rocks and crystals is the presence of living cells. This, according to humans, is what makes something alive.

Humans are the only known species to consider themselves alive. Take humans out of a mantis, and there's nothing left but a dead thing.

I, for one, do not consider myself alive. If I were to be killed in an accident and split into two separate parts, would my identical twins still be me? No – they would be new things.

Mantis aliens are social insects, just like humans. Like ants or bees in human society, the mantis alien male is always struggling to achieve a high status within their group. In order to do so, they must fight other males for dominance and sometimes even kill each other.

The mantis alien male must impress the females by defeating other males and having a good territory. A strong social hierarchy emerges.

However, the mantis alien female is not impressed by her male's fighting skills. Instead, she prefers to mate with a male that has been successful in hunting for food.

So the male mantis alien must balance between fighting and hunting to impress females, but also stay alive.

The male must also fight off other males to protect his hunting territory.

Many mantis alien males die young in fights with other males, and this is why the population of mantis aliens stabilizes at a certain level.

The praying mantis alien phenomenon is a rather curious thing to be sure, though I am not entirely certain how many of them there are. They appear to me as if they were a species that had taken on the form of some sort of insectoid being and then actually became it. The idea came about because these creatures are almost always found in areas where insects or arachnids are plentiful and common.

Though I believe that the actual number of them in existence is not very high, they seem to be a common and persistent species. The praying mantis aliens' physical characteristics are roughly like those of an insect or arachnid, but their behavioral patterns are distinctly alien.

To my eyes, they seem to be intelligent beings. They are not overly aggressive in their behavior patterns though they will defend themselves if provoked or threatened. In fact, I believe that the praying mantis aliens may have some sort of 'zen' attitude about life and living.

Where they come from, or what they were before, I do not know. It would seem that the praying mantis aliens have been around for a long time though and thus could be one of the oldest species in existence.

It is interesting to consider if they are aliens from another world or dimension, or even an advanced species of humans (from a parallel universe). I find the idea that their origins could be human to be rather intriguing.

Since the praying mantis aliens seem to have a rather non-aggressive attitude toward things, I am not sure if they would pose much of a threat to humanity. They do seem to be very interested in humans though and always want to know what it is that we are doing.

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