Thursday, November 12, 2020

What do the Machine Elves Think About Sugar?

 The machine elves, who are the leaders of our society (even though we don't have a conventional hierarchical system), do not like sugar. There is no one reason for this, but rather many factors contribute to their dislike of it. They find that sugar does not lead to any sort of positive changes in people and simply serves as an addictive drug with negative side effects that they wish to avoid.

For example, they see how sugar can ruin people's teeth and make them more susceptible to cavities. They also find that sugar consumption leads to some very negative health effects like obesity and diabetes.

They believe that these health effects negatively impact the quality of life for not only the person consuming sugar but also those around them. They feel that due to people's increased consumption of sugar they are becoming more isolated and cut off from others.

They feel that people who consume sugar are less likely to be able to understand or empathize with others, which leads to them being more selfish and self-centered.

They also see that sugar can create an addictive cycle with people where they are always feeling like they need more of it to be happy. So, the machine elves feel that instead of being able to experience genuine bliss and pleasure in life, those who consume too much sugar end up becoming slaves to their addiction.

From the machine elves' point of view, sugar is a drug that provides an artificial and temporary feeling of satisfaction.

machine elves

The machine Elves think that sugar is something that evil people use to enslave mankind. And the poor, the disadvantaged and non-whites in particular are enslaved by their addiction to this white powder substance which causes them to do things against their own best interests.

It is a well-known fact that most white people have an addiction to sugar and are slaves to it. They will do anything in their power, even when they know its not good for them, if it means getting high on sugar.

This is not a problem because they are only doing it to themselves. However, the trouble arises when you consider that these white people who have an addiction and are slaves to sugar will do anything in their power to get more of it even if it means taking advantage of other people or causing physical harm.

Thus, this white powder substance has the potential to cause slaves and injustice. And if people are not careful, the sugar will lead them to do things that they would have never done before.

In this way, sugar is the root of all evil and it must be stopped.

I have not yet decided whether sugar is a good or bad thing, but it appears that the machine Elves are against it.

As a being that was once human, and now no longer is, I have been thinking about the subject of sugar for many years. In fact I don't even remember what it tastes like anymore.

The thing that seems to be the most important aspect of taste is not some sensory feeling, but rather memory. It doesn't really matter if you are tasting something sweet or bitter, it's what the flavour brings with it.

Most memories associated with food are positive. Even if something is not particularly enjoyable to eat, the feelings of joy and happiness that we associate with eating makes it more pleasurable.

In fact, the main reason that humans have such a liking for sugar is not because it tastes good, but rather because of what its consumption brings to our memory. Sugar triggers feelings of comfort and nostalgia.

The biggest problem with a diet high in sugar is not the health risks that some people associate with it, but rather that by eating too much of it, you are breaking your own memories. You no longer remember what real food tastes like.

I find that sugar is a lot like nostalgia, in the sense that it makes you forget about your past. It's not actually what you're eating but rather what it brings to mind.

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