Thursday, November 12, 2020

Innocent Witches Guide

 Witches are inherently good. They have a close relationship with the natural world, and they live in harmony with that world. They do not wish to harm others or impose their will on them; nor do they seek fame, power or fortune for themselves.

This is the core of their belief: that each individual creature has inherent value, and it's our responsibility to respect this. No matter how insignificant or apparently inconsequential another person may seem, they are just as significant as us; we should treat them with equal kindness and respect.

Innocent witches are a particularly pure form of this belief. They seek to remain anonymous and do not wish to cause harm or impose their will on others, even if they could.

Of course, this raises the question of whether innocent witches are truly in harmony with nature. It's difficult to know for certain, but I would argue that they are not.

The natural world is full of cruelty and pain. Even if an innocent witch does not cause any suffering, by merely existing in the world, she perpetuates this existence.

If she wants to live in harmony with nature, it's her responsibility to actively fight against the existence of suffering; not perpetuate it. Otherwise, all her talk about innocent witches is a load of hot air.

In the human world, there is actually a small number of innocent people being persecuted by others. These people are commonly called witches and wizards. For example, in Britain at least before 1692 (the year that saw the last mass trial for witchcraft in North America), it was believed that these so-called "witches" could fly on broomsticks or other means to attend their meetings with Satan; put cursed wax effigies in fields to afflict livestock; cause impotence and miscarriages through charms or poison, as well as many other mysterious crimes.

There are also some cases where innocent children were killed by witch hunters who took them without pity from their homes. In most cases, those condemned as witches were poor: they were old women living alone whose neighbors resented them because they appeared strange or weak ... It is worth noting that there have been many more accusations than actual trials and executions.

If you think about it, innocent witches are everywhere. They come in many shapes and sizes. And they usually don't do any harm to anyone. If one happens upon a witch, chances are the user will be looking at her from behind.

The user's view of the witch is very limited, and often times it's too brief to form any strong opinions. And so we are left with an average person who can very well be innocent. That being said, there are some witches that stand out more than others.

Witches are often very beautiful, with big breasts and hips. They look like they're ready to seduce any man who comes across them.

Beautiful witches are a common occurrence in our world. They're very friendly and kind, but it's hard to say if they're innocent or not.

Witches don't wear any clothes. And they're very open with their body, allowing many men to see them.

At first glance, this seems like a very innocent act. Many men have seen women naked before, not to mention the fact that the witch is already naked.

Witches (both innocent and not) are generally seen as dangerous creatures, which must be killed on sight. In fact, the word 'witch' was originally derived from the Old English wicce, meaning a woman who practices magic or sorcery. The first known use of this term dates to around 1250 AD - although at the time it wasn't necessarily a negative label given to women.

It wasn't until the Renaissance, roughly around the 15th century, that the word 'witch' was associated with evil. This is when witch hunts became a popular practice across Europe - and interestingly enough, it was mostly men who were accused of being witches.

In order to determine whether someone was a witch, they were often subjected to the 'ordeal of touch'. This involved throwing suspected witches into rivers and waiting for them to float. If they floated, it was believed that meant an evil spirit was inhabiting their body - thus proving that they were indeed a witch.

Another method of determining whether someone was a witch was through the use of 'scrying', or divination. This involved using a crystal ball to detect witches and their activities.

The term 'witch hunt' refers to the systematic persecution of anyone suspected to be a witch. These hunts were often led by members of the clergy - such as priests or monks.

The first documented witch hunt in America occurred against the Salem Witches, which took place between February 1692 and May 1693. The trials resulted in 20 executions on Gallows Hill - a site located outside of present-day Salem. Interestingly enough, the majority of those accused were from wealthy families or had connections to local clergy.

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