Friday, November 13, 2020

Narcissus Myth

 Narcissus was the son of a river god and a nymph. He rejected all those who loved him, until he saw his own face reflected in water and fell in love with it. Eventually, he died because hunger did not allow him to reach the pool where his reflection was.

In that time, the gods had been worried about god Pan. He was very shy and fell in love with Echo, a nymph from whom he could not get any response. So the goddesses decided to intervene.

So the nymph Echo had fallen in love with Narcissus. He rejected her love, and she was stricken with grief for it. She prayed to Nemesis that he might now be punished for his cruelty towards her.

The goddesses heard this and decided that the best punishment for him would be to inflict upon him an overpowering love, so that he might feel as she felt. They made Narcissus fall in love with his own reflection.

Narcissus thus became hateful towards those who had done him harm, and he separated himself from their company. He spent his time in lonely places, admiring himself in the water of springs.

One day, he saw his reflection in water and fell in love with it. He would not eat until he died, because of starvation.

Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephissus and a nymph. He was an exceptionally beautiful young man, proud and arrogant. As punishment for his haughtiness, he fell in love with his own image in the water while attempting to embrace it. Unable to leave the beauty of what he saw, Narcissus remained staring at his reflection until he eventually died.

The story is really about the self-destructive nature of vanity, which does not only apply to Narcissus. It can be extended to any other case where someone becomes preoccupied with their own image and forgets that they are more than just an individual.

The existence of the legend itself exemplifies an important point about human culture. The story is a myth that has been passed down through generations, which implies that people find it interesting and worth talking about.

The reason for this is because the story illustrates a central cultural theme. It speaks to some of the most important aspects of human nature and individuality.

The story of Narcissus is less about the nature and characteristics of one individual, than it is about the entire human condition. It's a parable with universal applicability.

The story illustrates the importance of self-awareness, as well as being aware of one's place in society. The myth teaches that vanity can destroy an individual.

Narcissus myth tells that a young man saw his reflection in the water and fell in love with it. He was so obsessed by himself that he spent most of his time looking at the reflection, trying to impress it.

A few lines below:

It is like a beautiful tree in the forest that thinks that itself is the most beautiful thing around. But it doesn't see all of its branches, leaves and roots. It only sees what's there right in front of it.

The tree thinks that it is beautiful, but in reality the forest is a much more beautiful ecosystem.

The young man in the myth is like a tree. He admires himself so much that he thinks that there cannot be anything better than him.

It's like a narcissist that admires himself so much and thinks that there cannot be anything better than him. He doesn't recognize his own faults.

The myth also tells that after a long time of admiring the reflection, he did not want to leave his place and so eventually died.

The Narcissus myth is interesting in its implications of beauty. In the story, there was a boy named Narcissus who had such an extreme level of self-obsession that he could not see anything else around him other than his own face reflected in a pond. This reflects the common understanding of narcissism as being entirely concerned with one's own self and therefore no amount interested in anyone or anything other than oneself.

While this is true of narcissism, it does not appear to be entirely accurate. Rather than the extreme self-obsession that some individuals have (which is part of a disorder and not reflective of most people with narcissistic behavior), there appears to be a different form of narcissism which is more involved with "wanting" rather than "being". This person will behave in such a way as to try and get what they want out of life rather than simply being content and happy.

This type of narcissism is more relevant in understanding the Narcissus myth. The boy was so self-obsessed that he could not even see his own reflection, and wanted to be with himself (or rather what he felt life should be), instead of looking at something outside himself: a pool of water.

However, what the myth does not make clear is that he was reflecting upon his own life in order to understand how it could be improved or changed. If this were an accurate reflection of narcissism, then there would be no reason for him to have been so distraught by the sight of himself. The self-obsessive aspect would mean that he should already know everything about himself and therefore have nothing more to learn from looking at himself.

This is not the case in a narcissist who is more concerned with getting what they want. Such people will look to others in order to understand why things are as they are and how it could be changed for themselves.

This is the only way that they can view their own reflection, as themselves. By seeing how things are and why, they can get a better idea of what changes could be made to improve their situation.

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