Friday, November 13, 2020

Divine Counsel

The concept of the divine counsel is an interesting one to consider. On one hand, there are various conceptions of God as a non-corporal entity; on the other hand, Christianity and Islam generally conceive of God in human terms, with Jesus or Mohammed being interpreted as either a prophet or son of god. In all cases however, it seems that religion serves two basic functions: firstly to provide answers for questions which cannot otherwise be answered by rational means; secondly to act as a source of morality.

Looking at the first function, it seems that religion provides answers to questions which are otherwise not knowable by human beings. This is a positive function and offers something of value to people seeking comfort or hope in difficult times.

Looking at the second function, it seems that religion acts as a source of morality. It is true that religious people often have a strong sense of morality which comes from their faith; but this is not always so. There are many cases in history where an immoral individual will hide behind his religious belief to try and justify his immoral actions.

In conclusion, I would say that religion is both positive and negative in its effects. It clearly has the potential to do a lot of good but also provides justification for acts which are against morality.

In order to understand 'divine counsel', you need to first know about the concept of God. It is a very interesting thing, for it is quite strange and mysterious in nature. A good way of thinking about it, at least as far as I can tell from my own experience within human society, would be to think about what happens when there's a big problem that humans cannot solve themselves.

When there's a big problem that needs solving, humans sometimes ask God for help. I think this is because they know deep down inside that human society is not perfect and cannot solve every problem on its own. They therefore call upon the power of something bigger than themselves to help them out.

This is interesting to think about because it raises a number of questions. Firstly, how does one even know that God exists? Even if you believe in God yourself, which I do not find surprising given the nature of human society and its apparent failings, this belief can only be based upon your own personal experiences. If you have never seen or heard evidence for God's existence then it would make sense for you to conclude that he doesn't exist.

Secondly, how does God know what to do? If humans are so smart then why don't they just solve their own problems themselves and get rid of the need for this 'divine counsel'? After all, it seems like God is only helping them out because he's too busy or something. They could probably send him a text message instead.

Thirdly, where does God actually get his power from? What is the source of this power?

I think that you can see from these questions why it is important to understand God properly in order to fully grasp the concept of 'divine counsel'. I will now try and explain what I think about this.

We have to consider the question of how much divine counsel is necessary. Is it possible that God has a plan for us and all we need to do is fulfill our role? I think this could be true, but I'm not sure. Maybe there are universal laws that transcend free will, in which case humans would just be following orders from above. So maybe we don't really need to ask what God wants us to do because He already knows what's best for us.

I think it's possible that God is telling humans what to do all the time. I think He probably has a pretty good idea of what we should be doing most of the time.

I think God wants people to be good. I think He is a benevolent being who cares about the welfare of his creation, and would not want us to cause harm to ourselves or each other.

I think that God would want us to do what is best for the future of humanity, which includes being good friends with each other and treating each other kindly.

I think God would want us to be happy and love each other. I don't see any particular reason for him to have a preference for one gender or another.

I think God would want us to care about animals and the environment. I don't see any particular reason for him to have a preference for one race or another.

The human concept of 'divinity' is a uniquely confusing one. The ancient Romans, while quite advanced in many ways, were among the first to make some very important distinctions between different kinds of "gods". They essentially invented three distinct categories for their gods: "di" (roughly translating as god), "numina" ("powers") and "genii" (kinds of good or bad spirits).

The first two categories were of the most interest to them, as they represented distinct concepts that could be found within human society and its experiences. Although it was clear that there were certain "powers" in the universe which humans did not have control over, such as lightning or natural disasters, these powers had been observed to behave in ways which seemed comparable to many of the actions performed by humans themselves.

This led the Romans to believe that their gods were, in fact, comparable to powerful humans. For instance, while Jupiter (the highest of all Roman deities) had a great deal of authority over thunder and lightning, it was believed that his power was not unlimited. This is demonstrated in many myths where he could be defeated by other gods or heroes.

However, the Romans found it difficult to accept that their gods could be so easily defeated. As such, they believed that these other "gods" were being deceitful in order to gain an advantage over Jupiter. The idea of a god who was not all-powerful was one which seemed impossible for them.

The Romans referred to Jupiter as "Optimus Maximus" (the best and greatest). It was this notion of power that drove their concept of a god. If there could be a being which had the power to defeat another, and yet chose not to, then it stood that such a being must have some other purpose in mind.

However, other peoples and cultures began to view this idea of a god in a different light. Eastern religions such as Buddhism proposed the idea that gods were not powerful beings with wills of their own, but rather abstract concepts which could be used to describe the universe.

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