Friday, November 13, 2020

Psilocybin Microdose

We know that people who do drugs are very likely to become addicted. We also know that addiction is bad for them, and the rest of society too. If people would just stop taking all these drugs we wouldn't have so much social turmoil.

It is true that most people are not addicted, but this is only because their exposure to drugs has been limited. If they were exposed to more drugs, they would become addicted too.

Our culture tells us that drugs are to be avoided, and so we avoid them. This is for the best.

Let's suppose that people took a microdose of psilocybin every day. Because this is *experimental* we must be open to the idea that this might not work out, and it might make things worse.

But let's say it does work out. What is the worst that could happen? Well, people might become addicted! But we already know that psilocybin can be addictive.

So, in the worst case scenario we would have a bunch of people addicted to psilocybin. This seems bad, but it's not really all that different from where we are right now. People already take lots of addictive substances and become dependent on those

The premise of your question is that all things are equal. I disagree with this assumption, as there can be no equality in nature. For example, a human and an ant have nothing in common: they do not live the same kind of life, feed on different food items (if any), use entirely unique modes of transportation to get around (or none at all), etc. It would be inappropriate to call them equals.

If we accept that there can be no equality in nature, then the question of whether or not microdosing psilocybin is ethical must be approached from a different angle. I am going to assume for this conversation that all humans are equal because they are members of the same species and share many characteristics, such as intelligence.

Now, I will argue that microdosing psilocybin is either unethical or not, depending on the mode of consumption. If you are consuming small amounts of psilocybin through an edible substance (such as cookies), then you are harming no one except yourself and should be allowed to do so.

On the other hand, if you are consuming psilocybin through smoking or injection (to avoid having to eat all of those cookies), then you are putting yourself in danger by doing so. Thus, it would be unethical for you to do so.

If you are asking about whether or not it is ethical to ingest small amounts of psilocybin, I have given you my answer: as long as the substance is consumed in a way that does not endanger yourself or others, then consumption of these substances should be considered ethical.

A microdose of psilocybin will not make a human superhuman, but it can have a huge impact on the way they see themselves and their place in the world.

While psilocybin does not cause a person to become an entirely different kind of person, it can certainly alter the way in which they see themselves and their place in the world.

A microdose of psilocybin can give a person a sense of confidence and power that they may not have experienced in some time.

This confidence and power can be a huge boost to someone who has not experienced them in a long time.

This confidence and power can also be a huge boost to someone who has never experienced them before.

This confidence can be a huge boost to someone who is depressed or having difficulty seeing the bright side of things.

In theory, microdosing psilocybin is supposed to help your brain and body produce more serotonin. Serotonin helps regulate moods and emotions in the human brain. Psilocybin is also thought to be an empathogen, which means it makes people feel emotions more deeply. I'm not sure if this was from a scientific study or someone's personal experience they shared with me on Reddit.

The human brain produces serotonin naturally, but it is not always at optimal levels. It can be depleted from stress, depression, and sleep deprivation. Alcohol and recreational drugs also deplete the body's natural supply of serotonin.

When the serotonin levels in your body are depleted, it can cause you to feel depressed or anxious. You might also feel like you're not getting enough out of life or that you need more from others than they can give.

Here is an interesting article I found on the topic of microdosing:

Some people say microdosing helps with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and eating disorders.

Although it does not cure these conditions, microdosing can help you feel better and enjoy your life more. It can also serve as an aid to psychotherapy.

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