Friday, November 13, 2020

How Long Have Humans Been Around

 This is a question that has no definite answer. There are many factors to consider, and the answer depends on what one considers to be 'human'. I will go over some of the possibilities of how long humans have been around.

If one considers that the first true human was born at whatever point in history, then there have been many humans throughout time. However, if we are talking about evolution and the process of natural selection taking place to create the first humans from non-humans (hominids), then this process would not be complete for thousands of years.

If we are talking about the evolution of man in general, then it depends on how you define 'man'. If you say that a human is a creature with an upright posture and two feet who has been able to use tools for at least one million years, then humans have been around for much longer than what most people think.

Here is another example that you may find interesting. Let's say that a human, in order to be considered a true human, must have been able to use tools for the last one million years. Then there would be no humans before Homo Sapiens (modern humans) who first appeared about 250,000 years ago.

This means that humans have only been around for about 250,000 years (according to the definition of a human I just gave you).

According to this definition, humans have been around for only a tiny fraction of the time that life has existed on Earth. In other words, if you ask 'How long have humans been around?' we are looking at one millionth (0.00001) of the entire 4.5 billion year history of Earth.

Humans are the most diverse species on the planet. They come in all shapes and sizes, with different skin colors, hair types, bone structures, facial features and body proportions. There have even been cases where humans looked like animals or some other being entirely. Humans have ranged from as little as 2 pounds to over 400 pounds in weight! Some humans just look like normal people while others don't resemble one at all.

It is hard to pinpoint when humans first emerged as a species, because they spread across the planet in waves. The earliest known human-like beings lived around 3 million years ago.

Things were simple back then. Humans lived in small groups, hunting animals and gathering plants for survival. There was no need to form larger communities. As a result, humans didn't necessarily interact with one another either.

It wasn't until the emergence of agriculture that humans began to form larger communities. This was around 12,000 years ago. The first city-states appeared at this time, with urban centers emerging in places like Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Of course, humans always lived in larger communities. They just weren't referred to as 'cities' at the time.

Humans have always lived in one place or another, but the formation of cities marked a shift in human society. This was a pivotal point forward for humans because it created an environment where people could specialize and do their own thing instead of simply hunting for food.

Humans have been around for a very long time. Homo sapiens, or humans like you and I, evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago. We are the only surviving member of our ancestral species after many other human-like primates went extinct at various points over the past million years.

We have survived as a species for so long because we have been able to adapt to new circumstances and exploit resources. We are also very social animals. Early humans lived in small groups, but eventually they began living together in larger communities.

In the past, humans primarily survived by hunting animals and gathering plants from the wild. However, as we developed agriculture about 10 thousand years ago, our diets became more diverse and reliable.

Then, about 4 or 5 thousand years ago, humans began to develop non-agricultural jobs and careers. This led us to live in even larger communities than before.

Eventually, some people began to specialise in certain tasks. A small number of them became astronomers and learned how to navigate the stars. Others studied biology and natural science. Still others examined history and human society.

Eventually, humans learned how to make machines. They used these to harvest natural resources and develop other technological innovations.

Humans have been around for a long time, but the question is how to define being 'around'. The answer is that this depends on your definition of the word 'being.' For example, some people believe in reincarnation. As humans live and die over short periods of time, they have no idea why human lives are so short. They can never even know their own past lives. Some think that death is a natural continuation of life; others don't agree with this view because they feel dying before having fulfilled what one came here to do would be wasteful from an evolutionary perspective.

In that case, perhaps human lives are short because they don't need to be any longer. One could argue that the most important part of life is not what we experience but rather how long it takes for us to achieve what we came here to do.

In this case, shortening life might not be a bad thing. After all, death is inevitable anyway, so why should one waste time on something that doesn't matter? And even if there were some way to extend human lives indefinitely, who's to say that humans would want or need such long lives?

As for the question 'how long have humans been around', quite some time. But it's hard to say exactly how long because even in recorded history (which is not very old compared to the age of the Earth) records are biased and incomplete.

In addition, humans have been around in different forms for a long time. For example, the ancestors of modern humans were not as advanced or sophisticated as we are today. In fact, some may even have had an animal mentality and lived like animals with few if any human-like characteristics.

In addition, there is no reason to assume that humans have always been the dominant species on Earth. In fact, it's very possible that other animals or even plants may be older than humans.

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