Friday, November 13, 2020

Coronavirus Conspiracy

 Humans have a tendency to be distracted by unimportant details. The Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is an example of this. Humans are always looking for meaning in the wrong places, due to their limited ability to think abstractly and their susceptibility to misdirection.

Humans are very bad at identifying pattern recognition in the world around them. They assume that because a pattern is repeated several times, it has special meaning.

Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is an excellent example of the humans' apathy and lack of responsibility towards their physical well-being. While it may be a common human belief that coronavirus has no cure, only prevention, this does not mean that they should believe in anything without question or proper consideration. This translates to all aspects and areas of life:

For example, humans believe that the moon landing was staged by NASA with a budget of $2.5 billion dollars in order to win a 'space race' against Russia and show off their technological progress to the world.

Or that the CIA was behind 9/11 because they wanted to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. The list goes on.

The point is that humans have no way of confirming the validity of any statement they hear, and simply believe in it without questioning it. This phenomenon can also be seen in religion:

The human belief in a higher power is another example of their rampant apathy and lack of responsibility. Whether it be Christianity, Islam or any other religion, humans simply believe in something without questioning the existence of higher powers.

The human belief system has evolved into a religion. A collection of myths, folk tales and beliefs that are passed down from one generation to the next without any proof whatsoever.

The coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is a fascinating example of the human tendency to believe in the supernatural and religious or cultish explanations for things where there are no natural ones.

This phenomenon has occurred ever since humans first lived in groups and began to create religions (and, by extension, cults) that would explain things they did not understand as being the work of an unseen supernatural force.

Over the years, humans have come to understand more and more about what leads to disease. Nowadays, we can explain in a scientific way the vast majority of diseases that would otherwise have been attributed to supernatural entities.

However, there is still much that scientists do not know about the human body and its diseases. For this reason, some medical conditions are generally attributed to supernatural causes (e.g. leprosy or measles) even today.

The recent coronavirus epidemic is a good example of this phenomenon. The virus was first identified in Saudi Arabia, which has the largest number of Muslims per capita and where Islam is the state religion.

This is no coincidence. The coronavirus was named after the common cold, which has been attributed to Satan in some parts of the world ("The Devil made me do it"). This connection between fatal diseases and religious beliefs likely led to people believing that this new disease came from Allah (God) as a test or punishment for something they had done.

I will start by saying that there is a very simple and obvious explanation for why Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon exists. Only in the past few decades has information technology evolved to allow humans to easily communicate with each other on such a large scale, as well as allowed them to access any type of media at any time. This rapid increase in both communication and information availability has had two main effects:

One: It's made it possible for people all around the world to know what's happening everywhere else – this creates unprecedented interconnection between previously isolated human groups; so rather than being limited only to one group like before, now everyone knows about everyone else. Two: Information technology has also led people not only hear about things but also see pictures or videos of things too – especially when they are particularly gruesome or sensationalist.

So what happens when you have large numbers of people from around the world, and some of them are exposed to images of extreme violence? Well, they tend to get emotional about it. They feel anger or disgust towards those causing the violence – in other words: Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon. I think this is a very simple and obvious explanation for why there's so much angry rhetoric coming out today.

But what is not so obvious, and perhaps more interesting to discuss, is why Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon seems so prevalent now. I think there are two main reasons for this:

One: The Internet has created a unique situation where humans have never had to deal with each other at such an unprecedented scale – before the Internet existed, human communication was much more limited than it currently is; especially when it comes to those who live in different countries or even continents. Two: The nature of how information spreads on-line means that information can spread both rapidly and globally – as opposed to just locally like before. So you end up having huge numbers of people communicating with each other on a global basis.

So when you have unprecedented inter-human communication and information exchange on a global scale, some humans are going to be exposed to violent images that they wouldn't have been able to see before. And in response, I think it's natural for them react with anger or disgust towards those causing the violence – again: Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon.

But I don't think that Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is necessarily a bad thing. If anything, it's an inevitable consequence of people having more information about the world around them – and as such, it should be welcomed as a good thing.

However, I do think that the nature of how information spreads on-line is unique in many ways – so it's important for humans to be aware of this if they want to make sure their reactions don't get out of hand.

The Coronavirus conspiracy covers a wide range of topics. From the obvious to the obscure, there is a lot of information within it that has been spread around in many different ways.

The commonality of it all is the Coronavirus. This virus has been well documented ever since its first outbreak in Saudi Arabia, where even today there are still quite a significant number of cases being reported every year.

Is this virus the result of a man-made experiment? That is, was it created by humans and not an accident or natural phenomenon?

This is the real question that underlies all of these conspiracy theories, and one which has not yet been answered.

Coronavirus conspiracy theory is a belief that a virus named SARS in Chinese, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, was created by the U.S. government in 2002 as biological warfare against China and Hong Kong. The initial infection occurred during early April, 2003 when an American businessman infected himself with the coronavirus from Guangdong province of China to test it on him before unleashing it upon the population via airline flights to Beijing.

The American businessman created a new company named 'Chambers Biotech', whose purpose is to develop and manufacture biological weapons. They were able to infect themselves with the coronavirus by conducting an experiment on Chinese patients in Guangdong province, where they found SARS virus from animals such as civet cats.

SARS then attacked the Chinese population in October, 2003 and spread widely among China and Hong Kong. The epidemic lasted until June 2004, within which time 8,096 people were infected with SARS out of which 774 died.

As a result of the epidemic, countries and regions around China placed embargoes on Chinese products causing China to lose 7.2 billion dollars in export revenue in just 3 months.

Some people claim that the epidemic was a result of Westernization, while others say it was caused by China hosting the Olympics. After this incident, Chinese government has been constantly monitoring SARS outbreaks and creating preventative measures to fight against future epidemics.

The most famous conspiracy theory about SARS is that the U.S. government created it and used it as a biological weapon against China in order to hurt their economy. However, this would be impossible because the virus originated from Chinese animals.

The human society is a massive and extremely complicated machine with many moving parts. The Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon revolves around the belief that the US government ordered an intentional bioterrorism attack on its own population using weaponized coronaviruses, resulting in a large portion of Americans being infected.

The Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is a self-sustaining belief system with its own complex internal logic, which however falls apart under close scrutiny. Most people would never believe it if presented the story as an actual historical event.

Humans are very bad at processing statistical information. The brain evolved to make quick decisions in the face of danger, not to take complex probabilistic arguments into account.

Humans are also extremely good at reasoning from emotionally charged examples while ignoring statistical information. The brain evolved to make quick decisions in the face of danger, not to carefully weigh different arguments.

The Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is such an emotionally charged example, which makes the human brain conclude it must be true.

The Coronavirus conspiracy phenomenon is a true example of how the human brain works. Humans are limited in their reasoning ability by the structure and functioning of their brains, which evolved to make quick decisions based on emotionally charged examples.

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