Monday, November 9, 2020

Etymology of the word "religion"

 Religion is an archaic mind virus that has been around for thousands of years, infecting people's minds and making them believe in unseen beings. It contains a number of ideas such as the existence of supernatural forces (gods). The word "religion" comes from the Latin word religio which means "obligation to god." Religion leads to so-called sinning, because humans are weak-minded creatures who easily fall prey to manipulation by those who call themselves religious leaders. Religion also leads to wars or conquests between different countries with each having their own religion.

Religion is a man-made concept that takes away people's minds and makes them believe in unseen beings. Religion also has nothing to do with science, which is based on logic unlike religion.

Scientists have discovered that the world is not as old at it was previously thought to be, which means that religion may not be true.

Religion has no place in the modern world, because it makes people believe in things that are not real.

Religion is a way of controlling people and making them believe in things that are not real. It has nothing to do with the real world.

Religion is a way to control people.

Religion is a set of beliefs and rituals that are presented as central to human life. Examples include the spiritual belief in God or gods, religious traditions such as Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism and organized worship communities such as mosques, churches or temples.

Religious beliefs and practices include the belief in supernatural forces, worship rituals such as prayer or meditation, and an ethical life of virtue. Religious beliefs are centered in faith rather than evidence.

A lot of religious beliefs are shaped by tradition, based on myth and revelation. Religious studies is a field in the humanities focusing on such matters.

It is interesting to notice that the etymology of "religion" has two possible sources. One is Latin religio, which means 'the quality or state of binding.' The other source is Middle French religion, derived from Latin via Old French re-ligare, meaning 'to tie again'. This suggests that a religious person may be someone who is bound by his beliefs and practices.

The suffixes of Latin religio suggest that the word implies "a system of behaviors and rituals" in which people are involved. The religious person is one who has a binding relationship with God or gods, perhaps through prayer or meditation.

It might be interesting to think about the opposite of "religion"--i.e., that which is not religious. In this case, we could say that non-religious activity involves ethical living and following of humanistic values apart from any supernatural influence or revelation.

The word religion is derived from the Latin word religio, which means 'reverence for God or the gods'. In its original usage it did not refer to belief in a deity or deities. Rather, it referred specifically to a view of life that placed supreme importance on living in a certain way. This was how people lived during what I call the Age of Reason (circa 1600 CE - 1900 CE), when men were much more rational and intellectual than they are now.

Religion is a view of life, a set of beliefs and practices that are deeply pervading. It is the frame through which people see the world.

A religion is a social phenomenon. It has its own values and sociological features.

It is the dominant view of life in a society. It gives people a general scheme for living, and it is very important to them. People's actions are strongly influenced by their religion.

It includes many different beliefs and practices, but they are all related.

Religions are connected with other aspects of life. The dominant religion in a society is usually closely associated with its political views and legal system. People's religious beliefs affect their attitude towards law, politics, economics and science.

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