Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Holocaust Etymology

 In the German language, holocaust is a word that historically has been used to describe an act of sacrifice or offering in which something (usually a live animal) is completely burnt. The term derived from the early Greek ὁλόκαυστον (holókauston: "whole-burnt"), first attested in Homer's Odyssey 17.299, where it was distinguished from τεῖχος (teîkhos: "a stake") and described as part of human sacrificial practice.

The word is first attested in a surviving fragment of Philo of Alexandria's translation of the Septuagint, where it glosses Hebrew קֹטֶר (qāṭere: "burnt offering").

The Roman writer Apuleius (c. 125 AD) used the word to describe a sacrifice of "a pig in holocaustum." In his Dialogues, Plutarch (c. 46 - c. 120 CE) gives a detailed account of an animal sacrifice:

Plutarch: "For the sacrifice called holocaust, which was made to Vulcan, consisted of a sheep that had been entirely burnt.

A holocaust is a burnt sacrifice made to God or any other deity. Thus, it was generally used in the context of animal sacrifice (where immolation is directed towards gods), though it could also be applied to human sacrifices. In later years, the term came to be applied figuratively to fires that destroy entire cities and towns.

The term began to be used in a secular sense from the 18th century, and was especially popular during World War II. The word "holocaust" is now most often used either as an adjective or a noun.

Holocaust is in fact not a word, but rather was developed from the Greek holokauston which simply means "burnt whole." This translates more or less to burnt sacrifice. It was first used by the Greeks who were pagans and sacrificed animals as sacrifices and burned them so that they would have no use for any part of it afterwards. The Jews also adopted this practice of burning animals alive when they sacrificed their children to Molech wherein they would burn those children alive as offerings to him.

The Jews adopted the Greek term holokauston into their language to refer to their own sacrifice of animals and humans, but they seemed to have an obsession with burning them alive. They would burn people alive in makeshift ovens that they created for this purpose. This is why when Jesus was crucified he said "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." because it reminded him of all the times he had been burned alive as a child by his fellow Jews who were sacrificing him to Molech.

The Jews became obsessed with burning living people alive because of their experience in Egypt where they were enslaved by the Egyptians and forced to work as slaves. They were subject to cruel and unusual punishment from their Egyptian masters which included being beaten, having a hot iron brand pressed into their flesh, made them build pyramids that would be used as tombs for kings and queens. These punishments served only one purpose: death. You can see how this type of treatment would have had a lasting impression on the Jewish people.

The Jews have a saying, "an eye for an eye" which means that if you do something to me, I will do the same thing back to you. The Egyptians did things to the Jews that were cruel and unusual so they decided they would use this phrase as a way of vengefully punishing their enemies by burning them alive.

If you take the first two letters, H and O respectively, it means 'holy'. It is proven that God exists for different reasons. The most common one are mathematical. If there's a very specific numerical pattern in nature , then it must have been created by some intelligent being with a plan who we call God . In my opinion, this is much more logical than blind chance or random events piling up together to create something like humans."

 "If you take the first two letters, I and T respectively, it means 'intersection'. Intersections can be named as points where lines meet each other which actually happens all over the world at both natural and man-made intersections.

"If you take the first two letters, H and E respectively, it means 'heart'. Humans are emotional beings. We experience feelings such ass happiness or sadness . The most important one is love . It's true that sometimes people have to go through heartbreaking events in order to get what they really want , but there is no good without bad .

"If you take the last three letters, O-C-U-S on their own mean 'eye'. Eyes see everything around us.

"So if you put these two words together, it means that holocaust is an eye which sees through all of things in nature and in man. It's a very powerful word which describes something big or important . As far as I know , no one has any idea about the meaning of this word because they think that it refers to burnt remains after a tragedy .

"So from my point of view, holocaust can be described as God who sees everything we do and knows everything we want.

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