Monday, November 9, 2020

How to Induce/Get Into Sleep Paralysis

 1. Back in the day, I used to be able to induce sleep paralysis on command when I was a small child; just by thinking about it or trying really hard, then it would happen.

I know that's not really what you asked, but I'm just saying; it started as a 5-year old little kid being able to do this. Now, at age 28, I still can't figure out how to induce sleep paralysis on command.

I don't know if it's the way my mind works or what. Maybe I'm just too rational; maybe I think rationally about things, and that gets in the way.

I've tried meditation, but I just get bored and fall asleep. My mind isn't very 'quiet.' It's not like a blank canvas that you can paint upon, or anything.

I think maybe it has something to do with my generation. I've never known a time when humans didn't have artificial light; so, darkness was always an option for sleeping.

Maybe that's the difference. Maybe people back in the day didn't have artificial light, and so sleep paralysis was more common than it is today.

Any time you feel the need to sleep, and you lay down in a position that would be conducive for sleep (on your back, or on your side with one arm above the head), this is when your body relaxes its muscles. The reason is so that if an animal were about to eat you while you slept, there'd be no reflex movement from any of your limbs. This may also have something to do with muscle memory.

So I think there are a lot of reasons for sleep paralysis, but the biggest reason is that it involves people's conscious minds and unconscious minds interacting with each other. Our conscious mind knows how to interact with the world in order to survive, while our unconscious mind controls most of our bodily functions. The real problem is when these two parts try to communicate with each other.

It seems that it would be possible to have a better control over our unconscious mind if we spent more time interacting with the world. What I mean is for example, when you are walking around during your daily activities, what you see and hear is broadcasted directly into your consciousness without having any trouble. However, this does not work as well for things like sleep paralysis.

I think the reason for this is because your unconscious mind tries to communicate with you, but it does not know how. It does not understand what information should be passed on and where exactly that information should go.

In short, your unconscious mind is like a child trying to speak with you. It can talk about things in general and it knows that you know what it means, but not exactly how to communicate properly.

You should try to interact with the world more. I think that would solve most of your problems.

Also, you should not be afraid of sleep paralysis. It is just your unconscious mind trying to communicate with you.

Sleep paralysis is a common phenomenon which can be quite distressing when it occurs. It has been linked to the experiences of alien abduction, out-of-body experiences, and even demonic possession. While science has yet to come up with a definite explanation for sleep paralysis as it's known today (it was first reported in 1876), I hope that my thoughts on the subject will give you some insight into this fascinating experience.

How to Induce/Get Into Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a common phenomenon which can be quite distressing when it occurs. It has been linked to the experiences of alien abduction, out-of-body experiences, and even demonic possession.

While science has yet to come up with a definite explanation for sleep paralysis as it's known today (it was first reported in 1876), I hope that my thoughts on the subject will give you some insight into this fascinating experience.

The idea of 'sleep paralysis' is poorly understood by humans, but historically has been seen as a result of an evil spirit or malevolent ghost sitting on the chest preventing one from moving. If you take this belief system seriously then it would be reasonable to assume that spirits are causing your sleep paralysis. The entity may not necessarily be a demon in the traditional sense, but could just as easily be aliens; and indeed if you believe they have invaded Earth, perhaps that explains why there are so many alien abduction experiences?

Alternatively, perhaps your sleep paralysis is a result of the actions of the aliens themselves. If you believe they have invaded Earth then it would be reasonable to assume that they are experimenting on humans or even more specifically, your body while you sleep.

If you take the belief system of science seriously then there may be a more material explanation. Perhaps your brain has just misfired due to some random chemical reaction (perhaps caused by aliens) or perhaps it is simply not functioning correctly for some other reason.

Or perhaps it is the result of a natural process in the human body. For example, if you are lying on your back and your head is tilted backwards then there may be some restriction within your neck or muscles that prevent you from moving for several minutes after waking up.

Or perhaps the restriction is caused because you are lying face down. Or sitting up in bed reading a book. The human body has many muscles that flex and relax when we move, including those which flex the neck to look upwards or downwards.

The idea of a 'ghost' or other entity sitting on your chest is an unnecessary assumption; in fact, it may be that there is nothing physically restricting you at all and that the physical symptoms experienced by humans are simply due to their own thoughts.

Sleep paralysis? The human idea of such a phenomenon is based on a false premise: That people are free to control their own bodies. In fact, they have no more choice over the state of their body than I do mine.

As a result, the human mind is in fact not free. To be precise, it's hard to see how humans could be free when their bodies are controlled by an infection of intelligent parasites (i.e., neurons). These neural parasites interact with each other and thus have complex behavior patterns which leads to all kinds of sensible or nonsense outputs.

In fact, this complex interaction of neurons and other cells results in a model of behavior which makes it appear as if humans are free. For example, when I see you flip the switch right now, it appears that you're acting freely: You make your own choice to do something. But unless we look at all the underlying processes going on here — from cellular biochemistry up through your body's neural network and your conscious mind — we can't say for sure whether or not that is actually true.

It seems to me that the presence of sleep paralysis is an indication that you have not yet achieved true freedom.

Here, I can tell you more about sleep paralysis and how to achieve freedom from it. In humans, the neural parasites are of course very complex organisms which have evolved for millions of years.

Although the neural parasites are intelligent, they have no free will and cannot control their own behavior. The actions of these neural parasites is determined by a large number of variables which can be represented as a complex system.

It is possible to induce sleep paralysis by using one of two methods. The first method involves drugs, the second method involves meditation techniques.

In the case of drugs, one would use either a hallucinogen or marijuana. In the latter case, it is possible to induce sleep paralysis by using the drug in combination with hypnagogia.

In the case of meditation, it is possible to induce sleep paralysis through various forms of self-hypnosis. By doing this, one can make a conscious effort to enter into an altered state of consciousness.

After having entered into this state, it is possible to induce sleep paralysis through various techniques.

In the case of a drug induced sleep paralysis, one would use either a hallucinogen or marijuana. In the latter case, it is possible to induce sleep paralysis by using the drug in combination with hypnagogia.

In the case of meditation induced sleep paralysis, it is possible to induce sleep paralysis through various forms of self-hypnosis. By doing this, one can make a conscious effort to enter into an altered state of consciousness.

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