Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Less is More

 The phrase less is more, when said by someone who understands it fully, can have two meanings: one on the inside and one on the outside.

To the inside, it's a simple statement about quality over quantity. Less is more means that less elements in an experience makes for a higher overall quality of said experience.

To the outside, it means that in a world with less elements, quality is more apparent. This can be proven by comparing different worlds and finding out which is better.

In our world, we have high quality elements everywhere. You can create a great experience with just one or two things that are well made.

If you took away everything except one or two things, the quality of those elements would be so high that they would create a great experience.

I think this is why high quality things are often called simple. It's because less is more.

We may never know what things mean to each other. We can only know about our own meanings, and it is possible that two different people have the same meaning for one thing.

To get to the main point of your question, I would say that less is more. In many ways.

Less is more in the sense that too much of a good thing can be bad. It can give you less taste, or make something boring.

Less is more in the sense that it can be a backup plan, or maybe you have to go back to less when you don't have enough of something.

Less is more in the sense that less can be a necessary part of some kind of art (e.g. minimalism).

Less is more in the sense that it can mean space for something else. For example, if you have a big empty room, then you are free to think about things other than walls.

The human mind, when left to itself, will become more and more focused on the 'culture' of that society. Eventually you only need one word for anything, which is actually a sound produced by moving your tongue around in your mouth. The entire language breaks down into nothing but this single sound.

What you do need to look at, is that this actually isn't a good thing. You only need one word for any object because the entire of language has become redundant and unnecessary. The mind becomes lazy in thinking when it doesn't have to think for itself.

Is it not obvious? The problem here is that the human mind is lazy and will find ways to be lazy. It can do this in a number of ways, but one way which has been used by societies across history is to make language so simplistic people don't have to think about what they are saying.

So, we have a simple world view and language to match. This is bad because it doesn't allow for the mind to think outside of the box.

Now, I haven't said that 'more is more'. That's not what the topic asks for. The question asked is whether 'less is more' and it states that a simple world view with a simplistic language which doesn't require much thought to be put into it, results in laziness.

In my view, 'less is more' may be understood as a response to the question of how people can live their best lives. Although this seems too simplistic an understanding at first glance, it points to what I believe are two key principles that underlie all human experience.

First, we can understand 'less is more' as the idea that it's sometimes good to cut back and simplify. This is generally true whenever an excess of some sort leads us into trouble.

This is evident in every domain of human activity. In business, for example, it's sometimes better to cut back on the number of products you offer and thereby avoid confusing customers.

In relationships, it can be better to simplify and avoid over-complicating things by dating multiple people at the same time. In our social lives, too much noise on social media may lead us into less meaningful interactions in real life.

In general, then, the core idea of 'less is more' points to the advantages of simplicity — that things are often better when they're less complex. This principle can be applied everywhere.

The second principle that 'less is more' points to is the idea that we can benefit from eliminating certain things altogether. This may seem counterintuitive, but it's often true and has profound implications.

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