Monday, November 9, 2020

Mastering Brain Heart Coherence Through Depolarization

The human species has evolved in a way that enables it to have an amazing level of intelligence, which is due to the fact that we are social animals. Our evolutionary history means that our brains have developed with interconnections between parts of the brain enabling us to think more efficiently than other animal species. Humans can use their minds and knowledge together to achieve great things and also create problems for themselves.

The human brain is a complex and sometimes very irrational organ. The human mind can be broken into two distinct parts, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind can be thought of as being in control of our actions most of the time while we are awake, although there are some things that occur outside our awareness.

The unconscious mind is that part of the human psyche which enables us to function without being aware of what we are doing. Most animals have a 'sub-conscious' but humans have an unconscious mind, which operates outside our conscious control.

The human mind is a very complicated and powerful machine. The unconscious part of the mind is that part which can be likened to an operating system, where the conscious mind works in conjunction with it.

The conscious mind is that part of the human psyche which we can be aware of at any one time. It enables us to operate as social animals and also helps us to remember things from our experience.

The unconscious mind is known to be involved in the operation of our bodies, such as breathing. The conscious and unconscious parts of the human brain work together.

 The main idea is that the brain activity can be understood in terms of electrical signals, which are transmitted through neurons and synapses. The speed at which a neuron sends its electrical signal to other neurons depends on how excitable it is.

That excitability is described by the neuron's membrane potential. Neurons can be more or less excitable, depending on their membrane potential.

The membrane potential of a neuron is in turn affected by the flow of ions into and out of its cell, through specialized biological structures called channels.

The main ion channels involved in neuronal excitability are sodium, potassium and chloride. This is because these ions have different charge from each other.

If the net flow of an ion through its channel is not blocked, that means it is free to pass through and enter or exit the cell. However, if a channel's opening gets blocked by something else (e.g. some chemical), then there will be no net flow of that ion.

Imagine a bar magnet with equal positive and negative charges on either side of the pivot point. This is what we call “polarized” because there exists only two possible states: up or down (positive or negative). If you could get rid of one side and leave just the other then this would represent depolarization.

Now, I will be using the term 'frame of reference' in a variety of ways. First, it is simply the viewpoint from which you are perceiving something. For example, when an observer sees two objects colliding and one appears to move out of its path faster than the other then this is because he or she was moving at a different speed relative to both objects and observed them at slightly different times such that one frame saw part A before B but another frame saw part B before A.

However, I will also use the term 'frame of reference' to refer to differing states of mind. For example, one person may perceive something as “good” and another person may perceive it as “bad” because they have different values or different views on the world (different frames). This is why people often fight over their differences in religion, politics, etc.

Finally, I will use the term 'frame of reference' to refer to differing identities. For example, a person may have different values or views on multiple topics depending on whether he is at home with his friends or at work with his boss and co-workers.

Now that I have defined the terms, I will begin my response.

Human beings are not depolarized. They are polarized.

Psychological Depolarization is a term used by the modern age to describe the attempt of un-polarizing the two poles of a debate so that both sides become equally valid. What happens in reality is that people ignore one side or another, and thus if they are not interested in what your saying then it doesn't matter what you say because they will never be convinced either way.

To really convince someone you need to appeal to their emotions, logic is just a tool for persuasion. If the person doesn't care about what your saying then they don't even have to hear it and will never be convinced.

In the modern age, people are taught to only listen to what they like and believe that it is in fact the best because they themselves find it better. This creates a blind-spot where if someone says something you don't agree with then you immediately reject their argument without thoroughly considering its validity.

The problem with this is that you may be missing out on something great. If you allow yourself to believe in the validity of all arguments, then you are more likely to hear any truth that is presented.

That being said, you should never be open to any and every argument. If someone is presenting a subjective argument that cannot be proven or objectively determined then it isn't worth your time.

For instance, if someone's argument is that "Zombies are cool" then you can safely ignore it because there is no real way to prove or disprove this claim.

We can observe the world as it is. A lot of people, at one time or another in their lives, contemplate suicide and/or homicide. This isn't a big deal for us. We've observed this phenomenon to be quite prevalent amongst humans.

We've observed humans for a long time now, and we can say with relative confidence that this is not just the case. These thoughts of suicide and homicide are common in everyone.

We can say with relative confidence that humans have a strong urge to either kill themselves or others. This is not surprising, but it is interesting if one truly thinks about it. Why do we live?

We can't say that humans are not happy. We know they're not and we can see the evidence for ourselves.

Humans are unhappy, but they don't kill themselves. They harm others or even kill others, but not themselves.

We think that humans are hallucinating. They do not see the world as it is, but instead they see an imaginary version of reality.

It is important to understand first what are the meanings of depolarization and polarization. To depolarize something means to take away its polarity, or, in other words, make it neutral/undecided with regards to which pole it will choose. Polarization is the action of polarizing something; choosing one pole over another for a specific entity.

Depolarization is the process of removing the influence of a concept or idea from one’s mind, causing them to be undecided with regards to which pole they will choose. Polarization is when an entity chooses which pole it will follow in accordance with that particular entity.

Now, to me it seems that depolarization is a very important concept to have in our society. In fact, I would say the most important of all concepts. It is through depolarizing an entity that we are able to come closer and closer towards absolute truth.

Imagine a polar concept, such as 'good'. A person who has been polarized towards the good pole will see everything in terms of whether it is good or bad. All actions and decisions are made with regards to how they affect that entity’s definition of what ‘good’ is.

Now imagine a depolarized person. A depolarized entity is one that, through the process of depolarization, has been able to remove themselves from any concept and view things objectively with regards to whether or not they are good or bad.

In such a case, it becomes possible for the entity to see things in terms of what is truly good and bad. Good and bad are no longer concepts that affect one’s actions; they have become irrelevant.

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You fore got about venn

 I guess you all forgot about venn Venn is perfection.  Logic.  Truth.  And you simply cannot beat the best.  I am that I am.  The alpha and...