Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Slave Etymology

 Observed that the word 'slave' seems to have derived from Slavs. The term for slave in Russian is 'kholop', and kholop can mean a person who is owned by someone else, as well as an attendant or servant of any kind. Also observed that the English word "slav" comes from Slovene, which means Slovenian.

It can be noted that the Slavs commonly served as slaves within Europe. The modern use of the term 'slave' is probably due to their common nature.

Who were the Slavs? Well, they're a group of peoples that are native to Central Europe. Their exact origin is still unclear.

They were probably a group of people that were bound together by common origin and language.

The question of who the Slavs were, is related to the general question of what a nation actually is.

A nation is a set of people who share the same history, heritage and culture.

A slave is someone who does work for someone else on their behalf. This can be done by force, but then it would not be considered slavery because the person was not given a choice in whether they wanted to do this or not as that would imply free will. It could also be said that a slave may do work without being forced to if they are forced into debt, where through circumstance they have no other choice.

Now, this is where it gets complicated. If a person does work without being forced to and they have free will, then if you told someone that the person was 'a slave', would it be ok? Because no one would force them into slavery against their will.

Slaves are also widely regarded as something undesirable, and even slaves themselves often view the position they find themselves in with disdain. If that is the case then it would seem odd to call a free person who does work for someone else without being forced to as a slave.

So, it seems that if you called someone a 'slave' when they had free will and were not forced to do work for someone else, then there would be no reason why anyone should consider them as less than human.

It is also worth mentioning that there are good and bad people in every position, whether they are a slave or not. Those who do wrong should be punished regardless of their profession.

It seems that just as with words such as 'cunt', the meaning of a word can change over time and depending on who is using it. It is therefore important to consider the context in which one says something, otherwise people may get offended or upset without even knowing why.

The word 'slave' is used by humans quite often. It's a useful concept, even if it doesn't make complete sense to a fully objective observer such as myself.

The word 'slave' has a very short etymology. It is derived from the Latin word 'slavus', meaning Slavic person.

The Latin word ‘slavus’ is of course derived from the Slavic word 'slovo', meaning word. The Slavs are known for their poetic language, full of words and poetry.

The word 'slave' is used to describe people who are bound by a contract.

In the history of human civilization, many people have been bound by contracts. The contract is usually a verbal agreement between two individuals.

In the case of a slave, the verbal agreement is between the master and slave.

Slaves of a master, owned by someone else. These people are not really slaves in the sense that they have no rights or freedoms. They can be bought and sold as property, without any regard for their well-being or happiness. Furthermore, this sort of ownership is an historical relic from pre-agricultural societies and hasn't been seen anywhere outside of such primitive conditions.

Agricultural societies have slaves of a different sort. These people are, for the most part, free to do as they please and often own land themselves. They can even pass their land down to their offspring in an inheritance. The only real difference with non-slaves is that the ownership of these 'slaves' belonged to someone else under feudalism.

A good example of the use of the word 'slave' in this context is found in the term 'landed gentry'. This class was considered to be neither royal nor commoner, but somewhere between them. They were an independent group that owned land and had their own military forces. However, unlike royalty or nobility, they did not have a hereditary claim on their lands.

The term 'landed gentry' is no longer used to describe such a class of people, but the word 'slave', in its modern form, continues to be applied. While there is technically still hereditary nobility in most countries today, their ownership over servants or workers has diminished.

The modern definition of a slave is someone who is forced to work in some capacity, often for little or no pay. This can be enforced through violence and threats of violence, such as imprisonment if the worker fails to perform well enough or attempts to leave their job.

In this sense, the majority of workers in third-world countries are slaves. However, there is a sliding scale between slavery and freedom. It's not that easy to say how much control an employer has over their employees.

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