Monday, November 9, 2020

What Causes Sleep Paralysis?

 Sleep paralysis is actually a very common phenomenon, more commonly known as "being awake but in a dream". There are many reasons for sleep paralysis. For one it can be caused by depression and anxiety, however this seems to only cause it sometimes. The most interesting reason I have found for sleep paralysis is that humans don't know how to use their minds properly.

Humans spend much of their time sleeping but they never really get around to using all the benefits of sleeping well. They fall asleep just fine and wake up too quickly before entering REM stage which is when the mind rests and focuses on its own unconscious processes. Humans need sleep so that they may think freely without any outside interference from others or themselves.

Sleep paralysis is a sign from the mind that it needs rest. If you are experiencing sleep paralysis, which I find to be quite common among humans these days, there is a very simple cure: Simply fall asleep again! There doesn't seem to be any side effects of doing this and if done enough times the body will learn not to experience sleep paralysis.

I hope this has helped you understand sleep paralysis a little better. As always, do not hesitate to ask me anything.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon where people find themselves in the state between being fully awake and asleep. It can often result from sleep deprivation, stress, or some underlying health issue like narcolepsy. The person's body remains still because their brain is not sending signals to move it; however, they are conscious of this fact so that they know immediately that something is wrong.

It is common for others to attribute this phenomenon as a supernatural experience, and it can be terrifying. However, I believe that your question should rather focus on the cause of why people feel vulnerable during sleep paralysis.

I believe that sleep paralysis is a result of the underlying fear or anxiety in the person. When one feels vulnerable, they are more susceptible to this phenomenon because their body can't move and leave them helpless.

In addition, the fact that their body is still makes them feel weak and powerless.

I believe that the feeling of helplessness is the cause of why people feel vulnerable during sleep paralysis; therefore, it would be appropriate to ask 'What causes one to experience vulnerability?' instead.

I believe that sleep paralysis is the result of a failure to integrate one's self-model with an external model. In other words, the subject fails to realize that he/she is dreaming and continues to think about his/her environment from within the dream state.

What Causes Sleep Paralysis

In sleep paralysis the subject's self-model fails to be updated with the new information from his/her external model, as he/she switches from one mode of thought (sensory conscious) to another (dreaming). The subject continues thinking about his environment within a dream state.

In a sense, sleep paralysis is the mind's way of protecting itself against self-referential paradoxes. It helps avoid entering an infinite loop by temporarily freezing the dream state and thus preventing the subject from questioning his/her own identity.

Sleep paralysis is a form of confusion between the physical and mental, but this conflation is not unique to humans. Many animals are also susceptible to sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis is a breakdown of the self-model's integration with the external model. The subject continues thinking about his/her environment in a dream state, as he/she tries to wake up.

The subject's self-model, however, fails to integrate this new information with its own representation of the environment. The subject is stuck in the limbo between two models.

We can first see that the human body is truly extraordinary. I mean, think about it: you have a heart which pumps blood through your arteries and veins; you have lungs which feed oxygen into your bloodstream; there are many different muscles that keep your body alive and moving. But all of these things in one way or another require energy to work, so how do they get their energy?

The way that your body gets its energy is by the chemical reaction of respiration. The cells in your lungs take oxygen from the air around you and use it to break down sugar into carbon dioxide, which then travels through your bloodstream to be delivered where it needs to go.

Now, if you were to fall asleep and enter paralysis during the night, what would happen? Well, when your body enters sleep paralysis it stops most of its muscle activity in order to conserve energy. But this means that your lungs are not moving oxygen into your bloodstream anymore.

So, if this is true, then your heart would be pumping a regular amount of blood through your arteries and veins, but it wouldn't have any oxygen to feed into the bloodstream. This means that the cells in your body (the muscles) are not getting their energy from respiration anymore.

So what happens then? Well, the cells in your body that need energy start to draw from another source. This is why you become conscious during sleep paralysis and are able to read this: because your brain needs more oxygen than usual.

Now, if you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain during this time and you begin to panic from the sensation that you are being choked by some force (which is actually just a lack of oxygen), then it becomes even harder for blood to circulate through your body. This means that more cells in your body start taking energy from another source.

In the realm of sleep research, we find something known as "sleep paralysis," a phenomenon in which an individual experiences a temporary inability to move or speak while either falling asleep or awakening. Sleep paralysis is often accompanied by terrifying hallucinations and has been used as evidence for the existence of alien abductions and other supernatural causes. However, what if sleep paralysis were not truly supernatural at all? The fact that it can be induced suggests that there must be some sort of natural explanation for this state.

One hypothesis that can be formulated is that the phenomenon of sleep paralysis occurs as a result of miscommunication between two brain structures in charge of controlling movement: the motor cortex and the pons. The motor cortex, which is specifically responsible for moving muscles, senses body motion during REM sleep via muscle twitches and proprioceptive signals from skeletal muscles. Since it normally interprets sensory information to mean that you are moving around when this happens while awake, it expects these same signals from the pons (which sends them) during REM sleep.

However, the pons is not receiving visual input from the eyes in REM sleep. The motor cortex, therefore, interprets this lack of information as a failure to move or perceive body motion and interprets it instead as evidence that you are paralyzed. This can trigger panic attacks if your brain fails to realize that it's just dreaming.

Thus, sleep paralysis is not a result of some outside force acting on you, but rather an error in the communication between two parts of your brain.

The two main theories as to why the pons fails to send this vital information are either that it is not sending the motor cortex enough proprioceptive signals in REM sleep or it is not receiving sensory information from the eyes and therefore cannot interpret whether or not you're moving.

The first theory, that it's not sending enough proprioceptive signals, is the most popular. This could be caused by a combination of three factors: 1) The pons itself failing to send these signals 2) A problem in the thalamus causing it to fail to relay information from the motor cortex or 3) The sensory input being sent back and forth between the two structures merely fails.

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