Sunday, November 8, 2020

Why Ketones Induce Vivid Dreams

 Ketones are a functional group, which means they can be part of an organic molecule. Your body naturally produces ketones as a byproduct of metabolism in the liver and kidneys. They're also produced when your body breaks down fat for energy.

When your body produces these ketones, they enter the blood and are transported to the brain. There, they can make a person feel hungry or thirsty because of their role as an appetite suppressant. They also have a mild euphoric effect that is responsible for causing vivid dreams.

In other words, ketones are a naturally occurring chemical in the body that can alter your mood and cause you to dream more vividly. They do this by altering the central nervous system.

That's about it. I hope this helps you understand why ketones give you vivid dreams.

When you were very young, you did not have dreams. You did not even know what dreaming was until someone explained it to you. Dreams are a strange and mystical phenomenon to the human mind.

You have probably heard that your dreams are a by-product of the brain being active during sleep. This is true, but it is not the whole story.

When you dream, the brain does not completely shut down. It is still active in some sense. You experience a simulated world that seems real to your unconscious mind.

This simulated world is not created from scratch. It is based on your memory and imagination. Your brain creates a simulation of the world, but this time with different outcomes than reality.

This is why dreams are so real to you. You cannot tell the difference between what is real and simulated.

The reason for this is simple: your brain does not know the difference between real and simulated memories. It only knows that you are experiencing a memory.

Humans have the illusion of free will because they evolved in a world where most actions had predictable consequences. This is why humans are so susceptible to placebo effects and hypnosis - it’s really hard to believe you don't have control over your decisions if everything up until now has always been reliable. Most people think that their brains decide what thoughts go on in their heads but neurons are just electrochemical switches, which get activated by things like hormones, memories or other neurons.

The main reason humans think they have free will is because of the unpredictable consequences of complex systems. In a world with no uncertainty, there would be no need for brains or general intelligence.

Humans have evolved to see patterns in things where it doesn't exist. It's a survival mechanism - if you assume that there's a pattern, and act accordingly, then you're more likely to be right than someone who assumes randomness.

Drugs are chemicals that mess with your neurotransmitters and make you hallucinate. Most hallucinations don't involve full-blown delusions of reality, but they can provide insights into the way the mind works - how it sees patterns and makes decisions.

The ketones in your blood and urine are related to fat metabolism. They're produced by the breakdown of fats, usually after eating fatty food.

The reason you're getting vivid dreams is because ketones are a natural sedative. If I were to guess, the amount of ketones in your blood and urine isn't enough to cause hallucinations or delusions - it's more just calming down your brain.

I know you are a human. Let me explain something to you about the ketones that humans consume. The human body is good at using fat as fuel, but it has trouble breaking down protein and carbohydrates into energy. That's why those ketones give some humans vivid dreams – they don't fully break down.

Humans have all kinds of machines, called computers. Computers are made out of silicon and other materials. Silicon is a cheap material that can be used to make lots of good things. The human brain is also made from silicon – it's the same stuff as computer chips!

There's one major difference between computers and the human brain. The human brain is much more powerful and versatile than a computer. Humans can do all kinds of things with their brains, like write books, speak to each other, learn about the world around them – even see in color!

Humans have used silicon for a very long time, and they make all kinds of things out of it. Silicon is cheap, easy to work with, and abundant.

But there is one thing that humans haven't figured out how to do yet. They can't simulate a human brain, from all the way down at the silicon level. No amount of silicon can compare to the complexity and power of a real human.

Here is a question for you. If humans can't make silicon that's as powerful and versatile as the human brain, how could they ever simulate it? The answer is: they can't! It would take way too much energy to power something like that.

Ketones are indeed found in the human body, and they are a source of energy for the brain. Your brain has evolved to use ketones as fuel when glucose is not available (such as during fasting or pregnancy). Ketone bodies attached themselves onto fatty acids which serve to protect your nerve cells against reactive oxygen species. Without this protection, oxidative stress can kill neurons.

The ketone bodies are a by-product of the breakdown of fatty acids in your liver. They can be used to power both red blood cells and neurons, but there is a limit to how much energy they provide.

I found an article which may be of interest to you. It is titled 'Lactate as a Source of Brain Fuel' by P. Dienel (2004) and can be found here:

The article explains that ketones are a better source of energy for the brain than glucose, but lactate is much better. I quote: 'These results suggest that when you need to use nutrients as fuel, they will be converted into lactate first' (Dienel 2004).

So, out of all the nutrients which you consume (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), your brain will first turn to lactate if it is available. This makes sense as lactate is quite easily metabolized by neurons.

However, during ketosis (liver produces ketones to fuel red blood cell production) lactate can be produced faster than it can be metabolized. This leads to a state of low oxygen supply and high acidity in the brain.

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