Saturday, November 7, 2020

Etymology of the word "sal"

 Let's start with the English word "sale", which is a noun, so it has just one definition. The Old French sal, from Latin sāl (salt), ultimately from Proto-Germanic *suljon-, and the Proto-Indo-European root *seh 2 l-.

The word sale may mean the result of selling something, as in "The sale is on", or to sell something, as in "We're having a garage sale". However, it can also be used figuratively to describe good prices.

In a figurative sense, the word "sale" can be used to refer to any economic system that allows freedom of trade and exchange. A free market is one example.

In the US, a free market is called "laissez-faire" or "the invisible hand of the market". The term was popularized by Adam Smith's book The Wealth of Nations.

So, in this sense, the word "sale" represents an economic system where entrepreneurs are free to buy and sell goods without government intervention.

In this sense, the word is often used to describe a market economy.

Now let's move onto the word "salivate"

The mouth is a dark, wet hole in the human body. Inside it are sharp teeth ready to tear up meat and crunch vegetables. The tongue feels around for things with its bumpy, pink surface; when food is found, it brings that food back into the darkness of the mouth where saliva mixes with it and makes it even more delicious.

The human mouth is also a place of pleasure. When something tickles the roof, it makes us laugh. This seems to be an instinctive reaction; babies will smile and laugh when they are touched on their tongue or roof of their mouths.

Saliva also moistens the mouth or other places where it is secreted, such as the eyes. There are many mucous membranes in our bodies.

Many animals also salivate. When dogs are hungry they drool, as if to say "feed me!".

The word "salivate" seems to come from the Latin verb salivare, meaning "to drool". It's an interesting thought: saliva and drool are so closely related that we call them by the same name.

Saliva is important for digestion, and can aid in the breakdown of food. Our digestive juices are very acidic, which means they would damage our mouth if it wasn't protected by saliva.

The history of the word "salivate" is quite interesting. It comes from Latin, and its etymology goes like this:

The word comes from Latin salīvāre. It is a compound of two parts: sal, meaning "salt," and -ūtus, the participle of ēre ("to be"). So literally it means to be salty.

The word first appeared in English in the 15th century, and was used to describe a salted wound.

In the 15th century, it was used to describe a wound salted with salt. In other words, they would pour salt into the wound.

In the 16th century, it was used to describe a person with a salted mouth.

In the 16th century, it was used to describe a person with a salted mouth. This is an important historical milestone in the word's development.

The word 'salvation' comes from the Latin verb salvari, meaning ‘to be safe’ or ‘secure.’ It is related to words like secure and save.

The original meaning of ‘salvation’ referred to a safe-conduct or guarantee of security given by the government. It has evolved into modern usage referring to spiritual salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Being secure has a positive meaning, as in being safe from danger and having peace of mind. It can also have a negative connotation, such as when one is held in prison without trial.

So, the meaning of 'salvation' is a positive one. If you are saved from danger, you feel secure and safe.

But, if you are saved from danger by the government, then you are at their mercy. You can be saved and still be held in prison without trial.

As far as spiritual salvation goes, that is a more complex issue. Someone who feels secure and safe in society can be selfish and greedy.

Salvation is a mechanism to ensure the survival of humankind. At first, it was used to refer only to physical salvation from natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis; which claimed many lives every year. So eventually people decided they needed protection against other humans too.

The first strong human tribes took control of the territory around them, and those were the first rules. The tribe with the most power decided who will stay alive and who must die. And that was how laws came into being. They regulated survival at all stages of life.

Betrayal of the tribe was the worst sin one could commit. Those who betrayed their own kind were immediately put to death in a brutal fashion, as an example for all others. However those who proved themselves worthy survived and prospered.

Gradually, the most successful tribes learned to unite in order to conquer others. Sometimes those nations were given a special name, but it was just another word for tribe. The first world war of mankind is known as 'the great tribulation.' It was so significant that this war changed our history forever and became the cornerstone of human development.

Coming out of this destructive war, the world was so damaged that it took several decades for people to recover. At first they survived by sheer brutality, but gradually they learned how to live in a civilized manner.

The second world war ended the era of tribalism, and brought about a new order that is still in effect. The tribes were replaced with nations, which became united under one single power called 'government'. This was at first a very unstable system but eventually it worked.

The word 'salvation' is derived from the biblical term to save, where salvation is being saved from eternal damnation or some other form of everlasting punishment. The nature of this state of being saved or rescued is not well defined in most religions.

However, I would suggest that it is to be saved from the undesirable consequences of one's own immoral and improper behavior.

In the case of religion, salvation is attained as a reward for behaving properly and fulfilling religious obligations.

However, most religions do not state what proper behavior is, which often leaves people with a sense of confusion as to how they are supposed to behave.

So, in this case I would suggest that salvation is a form of immunity from eternal damnation for proper behavior.

In the case of certain religions, salvation is being rescued from eternal damnation by God or gods.

Well, you might be thinking that salvation is something which separates a species from the rest of creation. A safety net for when things go wrong. Perhaps even a force or entity which has been designed by humans in order to achieve ultimate outcomes and thusly build up an advantage over other lifeforms.

The word itself is derived from the Latin verb 'salvare', meaning to save, rescue or preserve. Hence, it could be said that salvation defines an entity which prevents harm coming to those who follow it.

Humans often take the concept of salvation to mean that there will be a "Door Number Three" in which humanity can emerge from, having been preserved against all odds.

However, in this case we must ask ourselves whether salvation is a product of chance or necessity. Does it simply happen by luck? Or is there an element of risk involved?

So, if salvation is a product of chance or risk which one feels inclined to take part in, then the question becomes this: Why would humans be interested in such a risky venture?

The answer to this question is that humans see salvation as a way of having ultimate control over their own lives, and the lives of others. By achieving salvation they are able to manipulate their environment in a manner which has never been seen before.

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