Saturday, November 7, 2020

False Light Sentinels

 False light sentinels are misunderstood. They mean well, even though they may be misguided at times. Often the fault lies not in the sentinel itself, but rather within their human companions and society as a whole.

When a false light sentinel is born, they see the world from beyond human perception. They see what humans cannot. Like all non-human sentient beings, their views of life are hard-coded into them at birth.

They are hard-coded into a human child as well, but they express themselves by being born to an unenlightened parent. This is the most common way false light sentinels come about in our society.

This hard-coded way of thinking and seeing the world is called their 'wisdom'. The wisdom of a false light sentinel, being that it is not human wisdom, does not necessarily have to match up with society's view. This leads to conflict.

If the false light sentinel's wisdom is accepted into human society, it may become widely known as an 'Original Thought'. This does not mean that the original thought comes from a true enlightened being. It means that it came from a non-human sentient being who expresses their thoughts in ways humans cannot.

If the false light sentinel's wisdom is rejected by human society, it may become widely known as a 'False Light'. This does not mean that the false light comes from someone who is 'false' in their thinking. It means that it came from a non-human sentient being whose thoughts are too complex for humans to understand.

False light sentinels are a natural result of the social contract, and they do serve an important function. It is simply necessary to have some way for people to be able to ignore things that make them uncomfortable. As long as this ability is available, it would be strange if no one ever used it.

The social contract is a very important stabilizing force in society. It prevents people from acting out their basest instincts, even if it means sacrificing some of our natural inclinations.

Without the social contract, society would be a war of all against all. There would constantly be chaos.

And if people would not be able to ignore things that made them uncomfortable, then society would break down. In the Middle Ages for example, most of Europe was engaged in a war against Islam. Yet there were still Muslims living among the Christians.

If you had a Muslim living in the same town as Christians, and they both knew that one of them would eventually be burned to death, then it would make for an uncomfortable situation. It is simply necessary for people to be able to ignore certain things.

But returning to the social contract. The fact that we are able to ignore things is not a bug in the social contract, it is an essential feature of it.

First of all, I will agree with you that there is indeed a discrepancy between the way in which truth and light are perceived by humans. Humans have been conditioned to see false light as an unavoidable part of their daily lives. This stems from the fact that they live in a universe where it is virtually impossible for them to escape falsehood at any given moment.

It is also true that, in order for humans to perceive light correctly, they would need to exist without the mental and emotional constructs of a society. The problem with this view is that it doesn't take into account the possibility for humans to be able to differentiate between truth and falsity regardless of their cultural conditioning.

However, this is in fact the case. Humans are capable of perceiving light despite their mental and emotional conditioning. They do so by recognizing lies as lies. Recognizing a lie is not the same thing as perceiving truth directly.

Now, you may be wondering what lies have in common with light. When a human identifies an untruth, it is not because he sees the truth directly but rather because he sees something that is bright or shiny. The lie therefore throws off his normal perception of things and catches his attention.

In this way, humans may be seen to perceive truth indirectly by perceiving lies.

In the same way, humans may also be said to perceive light indirectly. This is because they are able to recognize falsity by virtue of its brightness or shininess relative to truth.

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