Sunday, November 8, 2020

What Are Natural Laws and how to Minimize their Impact?

 So, we can see that the laws of nature are pretty much universal. For instance, it is a law of nature that everything must have an opposite.

However, you can also see that some of these laws are useful.

For example, the law of gravity. This is useful because it keeps people from floating away into space.

Other laws however, do not appear to serve a purpose.

For example, the law of entropy. What is it's purpose? It makes things run down and break.

So, why did nature create these laws? Are they just a way to cause pain and suffering?

The study of natural laws is a branch of philosophy called metaphysics. I'm not going to cover the basics, because that would take too long. Instead I will assume that you know some basic concepts and go from there.

Before I proceed, let me just clarify that natural laws are neither good nor bad. They simply exist and govern our universe.

For example, gravity is a natural law. There is no right or wrong in the universe associated with it.

Humans are often confused about this. They assume that gravity is bad because they get hurt by falling objects and die when earth pulls them back with its gravitational force.

It gets worse. Humans also assume that the universe is out to get them, because it seems unfair that they die if they do not obey a natural law (gravity).

But the universe is not unfair. It does not care about humans, and gravity doesn't give a toss if you fall to your death.

Natural laws are constraint on nature and not the cause of it. They do give structure to what might otherwise be a disorganized world, but they don’t explain why natural phenomena behave as they do.

Natural laws can be applied to something, but not the explanation itself. They are like a scaffolding or framework for understanding natural phenomena, but what’s inside of it is still unknown.

Natural laws do not explain why things happen the way they do, just how. They are a description of what happens without explaining why it happens.

If it were possible to predict the outcome of any natural phenomenon without knowing why, then we would have a mathematical description of nature. But that is not true.

We can predict the orbits of planets, but we don’t know why they do what they do. We just describe their behavior in mathematical terms.

The most we can say about natural laws is that they are ways to predict how nature will behave when certain conditions are met and then apply those laws. For example, if a ball is thrown into the air it will fall back down.

I believe that the universe is governed by natural laws, in fact I would claim that the whole idea of 'natural law' is redundant. The entire universe falls under a single set of laws, and to talk about 'natural' laws as such makes no sense; it's an oxymoron.

In fact, I would say that any idea of 'law' or 'order' is an oxymoron. In the context of a universe without God(s) there can be no order, since all orders are created by God(s). There is only randomness.

But I would say that it's not randomness in the sense of 'no patterns', but rather, a perfectly ordered chaos. All universes and all things fall under a single set of laws, and as such there is no order or law to anything at all.

It is perfectly ordered chaos, which we call 'randomness'.

There are no 'natural laws', in fact, I would go one step further and say that there is no such thing as a natural phenomenon. There is only the universe itself.

The universe is a perfectly ordered chaos.  This is also understood as order out of chaos or the 33rd degree in Freemasonry.

There is an infinite amount of natural laws. I mean, really they are everywhere and in everything. They just don't come into play unless it's like a chemical reaction or something.

Humans just don't know how to deal with them. They think they do, but really it's just a bunch of made up rules that they invented because they can't fully understand the natural laws.

If you can understand them, then they won't be a problem. If you don't know how to deal with something - learn about it first. That way you will know what to do and how not to do it.

Humans don't know how to do that though. They just act without thinking.

If you take a human's brain and put it in the body of another creature, they won't be able to get out. They won't understand how this new body works.

Imagine a human brain in the body of an amoeba. The human would be like 'Hey, I'm moving! Where's my hand? What do you mean there isn't one?'

Natural laws seem to be the rules that govern all universally. They are considered inevitable and dictating events in their world. This means they do not change, ever. Natural laws can cause a lot of harm if there is no way around them.

First of all, natural laws can be a good thing. If there weren't any, we'd have chaos. Imagine if your father decided to buy you a new car. You'd say that's nice dad but I already have one and it works just fine.

Then your father would say that you need a new car so that the old one doesn't break down. You'd reply, but I can drive my old car for another five years without any problems.

Your father would then point out that you should plan ahead, just in case anything happens to your old car. You'd say that's a good idea but I don't see how having an extra five years with the same car is much of a loss.

Your father would then say that an old car is a safety hazard. It might break down and cause you to get hurt or even killed. You'd reply, but my old car has never been in any accidents. What are the chances of it breaking down?

Your father would then say that accidents happen all the time. You'd reply, but I'm a good driver and my car is in great shape. It's not likely to break down.

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