Sunday, November 8, 2020

What is the DMT Experience

 What is the DMT experience? In order to answer this question, there are a few things that need to be said first.

People have this seemingly innate desire to transcend their current situation, and to do so by almost any means necessary. I believe that DMT is the key to such transcendence.

Some people choose to transcend their current state through the use of psychedelics, and DMT is one such substance. Many would argue that this gives them a glimpse into another dimension, but I believe you must go further than that.

DMT, in my opinion, is not a substance that allows you to get a taste of another dimension. It's much more than that; it allows humans to break down the barriers between dimensions and merge with alternate realities.

In other words, DMT causes a breakdown in the human brain that allows it to access alternate realities and merge with them. This is why you can sometimes see through walls, or converse with entities. It's your brain talking to another reality.

This is why the entities that you encounter are so diverse. They're actually all realities, and your brain is talking to them.

When I first came across the concept of DMT, I was immediately intrigued. Here was a chemical that could have profound effects on what is called "consciousness" and yet it is naturally produced by our bodies! The implications were staggering.

I immediately began researching the topic and I quickly came across some very interesting facts. For example, DMT is actually produced endogenously by our bodies! In addition to being a neurotransmitter, it occurs in trace amounts within certain regions of our brain, such as the pineal gland.

Another fact I learned is that DMT contains a chiral center, which means it can occur in two forms: either as an enantiomer or the other form called "levorotary". Interestingly enough, while we know of many plants that contain DMT (and thus only one stereoisomer), humans contain both. This indicates to me that our bodies have evolved over millions of years to require both forms.

Another interesting fact is that the pineal gland has been found to exist in many organisms, including invertebrates. This indicates that its function is fundamental and important enough to warrant a natural existence within multiple species.

One of the most interesting facts I came across is that DMT cannot be stored in our body. It must immediately be broken down by a specific enzyme before it can have any impact on brain function.

This led me to the conclusion that DMT is a "key" - it unlocks something fundamental in our brain. It's almost as if we have evolved to require this chemical to experience reality.

The DMT experience is a journey into the heart of chaos itself. It could be seen as an initiation into the mysteries of existence. The short version (it's not really short but I'll try to keep it brief) goes like this:

We are born into a world of apparent order, but upon closer inspection it is actually quite chaotic. There is no way to predict the future with 100% certainty, and there is always some randomness involved in events. We can't even begin to understand most things about the universe we live in.

We are also born into a world of apparent meaning. The stars, the sun, our moon and planets all have their own stories to tell. They seem to mean something to us.

Ancient cultures had a much closer relationship with nature, and they were better able to intuit meaning from the natural world. It was easier for them to see patterns in the chaos of existence.

But the further we get from nature, and the more our lives become artificial, the harder it is to understand what these patterns mean. We can look up at the stars, but their meaning has been forgotten.

It is this longing for meaning in a chaotic world that creates the appeal of drug use.

This is the DMT experience: A person can be in a room with all four walls, a ceiling and floor. There are 3D objects inside that room such as bookshelves, chairs or desks. The whole setting looks realistic but there is nothing except for the other people who are also using DMT.

If you use DMT, then the world transforms into a different setting. There is only one other person in this new setting and it is YOU.

There is no real setting, only the 2D scenery with a few other 3D objects that you can interact with. It feels like an alternate reality game.

There is no 'you' in this setting. There is only a consciousness that interacts with the scenery and the other person.

The other person is a consciousness just like you, but they appear as a 'you' from their perspective. You can talk to them and interact with the setting.

You might think this place is a dream, but it feels very real and the other person does not feel like they are in a dream.

The DMT experience is a glimpse of the mind's true nature. It is an overwhelming, often traumatic but ultimately enlightening and even entheogenic experience.

The DMT experience points to the fundamental divide between our minds and reality. It is a revelation of something that we innately know but have forgotten – that this world is not real, or at least not all there is.

I started with the usual question: how do I know what is real? It's a philosophical question that goes back millennia.

Some theories suggest perception is not trustworthy. For example, it might seem that the objects you see are real, but they could be illusions created by a demon or god.

I think such theories are interesting, but likely false. I have no reason to believe in gods or demons. More importantly, the hypothesis of a demon deceiving me is not simpler than the simplest alternative: that my senses and reasoning are indeed trustworthy.

So the simplest hypothesis is that my senses and reasoning are trustworthy. You could call this 'empiricism'. I cannot prove empiricism with 100% certainty, but it seems to be more reasonable than alternatives.

I then asked myself what is the simplest explanation of my sensory inputs, and came up with a hypothesis: that there exists a world outside my own mind.

I then asked myself if this hypothesis is plausible. I concluded that it is quite reasonable, because the world outside my mind seems to behave in a regular fashion.

Humans are unique in that we have a highly developed neocortex, which allows us to experience the world through sight, hearing, taste and touch. This is not true of other animals. In particular I am thinking about how this affects our perception of reality- specifically psychedelics like DMT.

Humans experience reality through a number of senses, primarily sight and sound- we touch and smell things too but not as much. We see the world around us because photons are absorbed by the photoreceptors in our eyes.

However, the photons which we see are not physical. They are mere epiphenomena of light emitted by objects in reality. When I view a tree, what I am seeing is how that object absorbs and emits light- it is merely an illusion of my brain.

This is important because it tells us that the senses we use to experience reality are frequently misleading. When I look at a tree, what I see in my mind's eye is not actually how the world really looks- rather, it looks something like this:

The photons which I see are not real, and the tree as it truly exists does not look like that. So when we experience reality through our senses, we're actually experiencing something separate from what really exists.

The question is whether we can experience reality directly, or if the only thing that exists is what our minds make up. One theory suggests that humans actually live in a simulation created by an advanced civilisation- and this would provide evidence of how simulations work.

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